High cost of my Azure subscription for a small SQL server and couple of web services

Sameer 0 Reputation points

Setting this first time in my life

Have registered for Azure subscription and deployed my web services. Also setup a sql server.

Herein the cost is going too high for a extra small company owner like me.

Tried to setup SQL Sever VM. But all options I tried were having errors.

Please provide me economical setup options.

SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines
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2 answers

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  1. Bruce (SqlWork.com) 58,206 Reputation points

    azure sql database serverless is the cheapest option. SQL Server VM is one of the more expensive options.


    note: if you use asp.net core, you can save by deploying to linux.

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  2. Oury Ba-MSFT 16,901 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    @Sameer Thank you for reaching out.

    If you’re developing, testing, or building a proof of concept, consider using the freely licensed SQL Server Developer edition. It has all the features of SQL Server Enterprise edition, allowing you to build and test any type of application. However, note that you cannot run the Developer edition in production.

    For lightweight production workloads (e.g., <4 cores, <1 GB memory, <10 GB/database), use the freely licensed SQL Server Express edition. It incurs charges only for the VM cost.

    This doc provides pricing guidance for SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines. There are several options that affect cost, and it is important to pick the right image that balances costs with business requirements.



