I can help explain this.
If I install the latest cumulative updates, would it cover all the missing security updates or CVEs on my laptop? Yes, Microsoft’s cumulative updates are designed to include all the security updates and non-security updates. This means that if you install the latest cumulative update, it should cover all the missing security updates or CVEs on your laptop.
How do I know if the CVEs and missing security updates on my laptop are not shown anymore? You can use Windows PowerShell to run the Get-HotFix command. This will show you a list of all installed updates. You can then check the corresponding KB in the Microsoft website to see what CVEs are covered. Additionally, Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management now shows security update availability information for each CVE.
How to generate missing security updates and CVEs from Windows? You can use the Windows Update Troubleshooter to identify any missing updates. To run this tool, go to Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Additional Troubleshooters > Windows Update and click "Run the Troubleshooter". This should help identify any missing security updates and CVEs.