Come caricare un documento vettorizzato su ai search usando REST API?
Ciao a tutti, sto cercando di creare un Rag ed ho un dubbio: ho un documento e l'ho suddiviso in chunks, embeddato i singoli chunks con ada openai e adesso ho quindi i vettori dei singoli chunks. Creato l'indice etc.., devo caricare i documenti e sto usando come body:
"value": [
"@search.action": "upload",
"file_id": "d*********3",
"file_name": "D*****************************e.pdf",
"file_description": "*******************",
"group_ids": ["********************"],
"Tags": ["2023"],
"DescriptionVector": ....... ,
"ContentVector": ............
Il description vector non mi dà problemi, il dubbio è sul content vector in quanto non sto capendo come passare tutti i chunks.-
Edited: Translated into English
How to upload a vectorized document to ai search using REST API?
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a Rag and I have a doubt: I have a document and I divided it into chunks, embedded the individual chunks with ada openai and now I have the vectors of the individual chunks. Once the index etc. has been created, I need to load the documents and I'm using as body:
"value": [
"@search.action": "upload",
"file_id": "d*********3",
"file_name": "D*****************************e.pdf",
"file_description": "********************",
"group_ids": ["********************"],
"Tags": ["2023"],
"DescriptionVector": ....... ,
"ContentVector": ............
The description vector doesn't give me any problems, the doubt is about the content vector as I'm not understanding how to pass all the chunks.