Hello Roy_Jaze,
Greetings! Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Platform.Recently, Azure Storage introduced a public preview feature that allows customers to create an additional 5,000 storage accounts per subscription per region, which is a significant increase from the previous limit refer - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-storage-blog/public-preview-create-additional-5000-azure-storage-accounts/bc-p/3840010.
1.Is it possible to have unlimited storage accounts in a single subscription?
While this is not unlimited, it provides substantial flexibility for managing your storage needs within a single subscription. By default, you can create up to 250 storage accounts per region with standard endpoints in a given subscription. However, with a quota increase, you can create up to 500 storage accounts with standard endpoints per region.
As per the official documentation you can create at most 250 storage account in a region(like EAST US), but you can still create at most 250 storage account in another region(like CENTRAL US) in the same subscription.
2.Can the storage account capacity be increased if the maximum capacity is reached?
Yes, you can also find the limits in azure portal -> your subscription -> Usage + quotas and request the support for additional capacity. They can assess your specific needs and adjust the limits accordingly.
refer - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/quotas/storage-account-quota-requests
Hope this answer helps! Please let us know if you have any further queries. I’m happy to assist you further.
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