Azure Policy for enabling diagnostic settings for WebApp/Function App - No resources remediated

Senthil Ramadoss 0 Reputation points

I am working in an existing Azure environment where there is no governance and I am in the process of creating Azure Policies. Currently I am working on creating Azure Policy to enable Diagnostic settings for Azure Web App, Azure Function App and Web API. Initially I had one Azure Policy for all type of Web Apps. Later I split into two.

  1. Web App & Web API
  2. Function App

I thought to address the Function App with the below Policy Rule. But no resources where remediated.

We have about 60+ web apps without any governance and now when I want to implement Diagnostic settings to most of the azure services I find it difficult to debug why the azure policies are not remediated. Because when you remediate a policy it tries to perform the DeployIfNotExists action for azure web apps which is not an efficient way. How do we validate the policy rule conditions from a Cloud engineer point of view? Use Kusto Queries or Powershell/Azure CLI on the policyrule.

I tried with the built-in policy for function app (Enable logging by category group for Function App (microsoft.web/sites) to Log Analytics) but it didnt work as well.

  "if": {
                "allOf": [
                        "field": "type",
                        "equals": "Microsoft.Web/sites"
                        "not": {
                            "anyof": [
                                    "field": "kind",
                                    "like": "app"
                                    "field": "kind",
                                    "like": "api"
                                    "field": "kind",
                                    "like": "app,linux"
                                    "field": "kind",
                                    "like": "app,windows"
                        "field": "kind",
                        "like": "functionapp"
                        "field": "kind",
                        "like": "functionapp,linux"
            "then": {
                "effect": "[parameters('effect')]",
                "details": {
                    "type": "Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings",
                    "name": "[parameters('profileName')]",
                    "existenceCondition": {
                        "allOf": [
                                "field": "Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/workspaceId",
                                "equals": "[parameters('logAnalytics')]"
                    "roleDefinitionIds": [

                    "deployment": {
                        "properties": {
                            "mode": "incremental",
                            "template": {
                                "$schema": "",
                                "contentVersion": "",
                                "parameters": {
                                    "resourceName": {
                                        "type": "string"
                                    "logAnalytics": {
                                        "type": "string"
                                    "location": {
                                        "type": "string"
                                    "profileName": {
                                        "type": "string"
                                    "functionAppLogs": {
                                        "type": "string"
                                    "appServiceAuthenticationLogs": {
                                        "type": "string"
                                "variables": {},
                                "resources": [
                                        "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites/providers/diagnosticSettings",
                                        "apiVersion": "2017-05-01-preview",
                                        "name": "[concat(parameters('resourceName'), '/', 'Microsoft.Insights/', parameters('profileName'))]",
                                        "location": "[parameters('location')]",
                                        "dependsOn": [],
                                        "properties": {
                                            "workspaceId": "[parameters('logAnalytics')]",
                                            "logs": [
                                                    "category": "FunctionAppLogs",
                                                    "enabled": "[parameters('functionAppLogs')]"
                                                    "category": "AppServiceAuthenticationLogs",
                                                    "enabled": "[parameters('appServiceAuthenticationLogs')]"
                                "outputs": {}
                            "parameters": {
                                "logAnalytics": {
                                    "value": "[parameters('logAnalytics')]"
                                "resourceName": {
                                    "value": "[field('name')]"
                                "location": {
                                    "value": "[field('location')]"
                                "profileName": {
                                    "value": "[parameters('profileName')]"
                                "functionAppLogs": {
                                    "value": "[parameters('functionAppLogs')]"
                                "appServiceAuthenticationLogs": {
                                    "value": "[parameters('appServiceAuthenticationLogs')]"
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