How to retrieve more than 5k records from a SharePoint list using javascript and camlquery? Need the js code

Varghese, Ajith (Cognizant) 0 Reputation points

How to retrieve more than 5k records from a SharePoint list using javascript and camlquery? Need the js code

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  1. Anuska Rathod 0 Reputation points

    To retrieve more than 5,000 records from a SharePoint list using JavaScript and CAML query, you'll need to implement pagination, as SharePoint imposes a threshold limit of 5,000 items per request. Here is a sample approach to achieve this:

    1. Initialize Variables:
      • Set up the necessary variables and configurations.
      • Define the CAML query.
    2. Create a Function to Fetch Items:
      • Use the REST API to fetch items.
      • Implement pagination by using the ListItemCollectionPositionNext property.
    3. Combine Results:
      • Aggregate results from each paginated request.

    Here’s a JavaScript code snippet to help you get started:

    const siteUrl = "https://your-sharepoint-site-url";
    const listName = "YourListName";
    const camlQuery = `
            <!-- Your CAML query conditions go here -->
    let allItems = [];
    let listItemCollectionPosition = null;
    function getListItems() {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const queryUrl = `${siteUrl}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('${listName}')/getitems`;
        const requestBody = {
          query: {
            __metadata: { type: "SP.CamlQuery" },
            ViewXml: camlQuery,
            ListItemCollectionPosition: listItemCollectionPosition
          url: queryUrl,
          type: "POST",
          headers: {
            "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
            "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
            "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
          data: JSON.stringify(requestBody),
          success: function (data) {
            const results = data.d.results;
            allItems = allItems.concat(results);
            listItemCollectionPosition = data.d.ListItemCollectionPositionNext;
            if (listItemCollectionPosition) {
            } else {
          error: function (error) {
      .then((items) => {
        console.log("All items retrieved:", items);
      .catch((error) => {
        console.error("Error retrieving items:", error);


    1. Variables Initialization:
      • siteUrl: URL of your SharePoint site.
      • listName: Name of the SharePoint list you want to retrieve items from.
      • camlQuery: The CAML query to filter items.
    2. Function getListItems:
      • Makes an AJAX POST request to fetch list items using the REST API.
      • Uses ListItemCollectionPositionNext to handle pagination.
      • Aggregates all items into the allItems array.
    3. Recursion and Promise Handling:
      • The function calls itself recursively until all pages of items are fetched.
      • Uses Promises to handle asynchronous operations.

    This script should be run in the context of a SharePoint page or a custom application page where jQuery is available. Adjust the CAML query to fit your specific filtering needs.

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  2. Maycon Batista 171 Reputation points

    Use pagination, like this:

    function getListItems() {
        var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
        var list = context.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('NomeDaLista');
        var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
        camlQuery.set_viewXml('<View Scope="RecursiveAll"><RowLimit>5000</RowLimit></View>');
        var items = [];
        var position = null;
        function getNextBatch() {
            if (position) {
            var listItemCollection = list.getItems(camlQuery);
                function() {
                    var listItemEnumerator = listItemCollection.getEnumerator();
                    while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {
                        var listItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();
                    position = listItemCollection.get_listItemCollectionPosition();
                    if (position) {
                    } else {
                        // Todos os itens foram recuperados
                        console.log('Total de itens recuperados: ' + items.length);
                function(sender, args) {
                    console.log('Erro: ' + args.get_message());

    If there are any misunderstandings, please let me know

    Best regards,

    Maycon Novaes

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