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Getting 404 when using /sites/{site-id}/drive/items/{item-id}/children
Michael Chen
Reputation points
I'm trying to use /sites/{site-id}/drive/items/{item-id}/children (mentioned here) to retrieve items from a folder in a Sharepoint site. However, I keep on running into a 404. I am getting the site and item ids by doing the following:
-* to retrieve all the sites. I'm then picking the one I want
-{site_id}/drives using the site_id I get from 1.
-{site_drive_id}/root/children using the site_drive id from 2 to list all the folders in the root of the correct site drive. I then find the folder I want from this API call.
However, when I use the folder id from 3, in combo with the site id i get from 1, I hit the 404. Any ideas?