@Florian Bartsch Thanks for reaching out to Microsoft Q&A, apologize for any inconvenience caused on this.
Based on your requirement, I have written the below PowerShell script to create the App service with container as publish mode & disabling the required settings.
Set-AzContext -subscription "<subscriptionId>"
$subscriptionId= '' #SubscriptionId
$rg='' #ResourceGroupName
$location= '' #location
$Name= '' #commonName for App Service & plan
$AppServicePlan = $Name+"-"+'plan' #AppServicePlanName
$WebAppName= $Name+"-"+'app' #WebAppName
$vNetName='' #VirtualNetworkName
$integrationSubnetName='' #SubnetName
$registryName= '' #Azure Container registry Name
$containeregistryUrl ='**.azurecr.io' # Azure Container registry URL
$registryuserName ='' #ACR userName
$ImageName ='hello-world:latest' #ACR Image Name that App Service has to run
$subnetResourceId = "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$rg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/$vNetName/subnets/$integrationSubnetName"
#pulling container registry Password & converting to secure String
$registryPassword = Get-AzContainerRegistryCredential -RegistryName $
registryName -ResourceGroupName $rg
$rgPasswordAsSecureString= ConvertTo-SecureString -String $registryPassword.Password -AsPlainText -Force
#creating App service & plan
$appPlan= New-AzAppServicePlan -Name $AppServicePlan -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $rg -Tier Basic -NumberofWorkers 1
$webapp= New-AzWebApp -Name $WebAppName -AppServicePlan $AppServicePlan -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $rg -ContainerImageName $ImageName -ContainerRegistryUrl $containeregistryUrl -ContainerRegistryUser $registryuserName -ContainerRegistryPassword $rgPasswordAsSecureString
#To Set Ftp state to disabled
Set-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName $rg -Name $WebAppName -FtpsState "Disabled"
#Fetch & update publicNetwork Access & VnetIntegration
$getWebapp = Get-AzResource -Name $WebAppName -ResourceGroupName $rg -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites
$getWebapp.Properties.publicNetworkAccess = "Disabled"
$getWebapp.Properties.virtualNetworkSubnetId = $subnetResourceId
$getWebapp.Properties.vnetRouteAllEnabled = 'true'
$getWebapp|Set-AzResource -Force
If your subnet isn't delegated to "Microsoft.Web/serverFarms", add delegation. Refer to this documentation on how to delegate and attach Vnet to App service using PowerShell cmdlets.
Note: I have tested the above script which is working fine in our local environment, and I would suggest you validate from your end as well and also make the changes based on your requirement.
Hope this helps let me know if you have any further questions on this.
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