You need to enable DNS Analytic Event logging to get the lookup queries as it's not enabled by default, refer dn800669(v=ws.11) . Be aware of the performance impact on the DNS server to have both Audit and Analytic event logging enabled
Azure Setinel Lookup queries logs
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I configuret Azure Sentinel Workspace.
Installed MMA agent on DNS server and enabled DNS logging. And added DNS log event to workspace configuratian.
I am receiving logs about DNS dynamic updates but don't get Lookup Query logs.
DNS debug logging is enabled.
What could be the couse?
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Eduards 791 Reputation points
2021-01-05T09:47:31.377+00:00 After enablign analytic DNs loggin i see records in DNS event viewer but this data is not trasnferred to Azure Setninel.. @Russell Graham