I'm trying to use Data Explorer for my Cosmos db but it is not loading. My browser console is throwing the below error messages. Any idea what's going on?
[Microsoft_Azure_DocumentDB] 9:05:46 AM CollectionDataUtilities CollectionDataUtilities: Offer not found
main.9d0d0d.js:2 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
[Microsoft_Azure_Support] 9:06:13 AM Parts 1 Parts: Sanitization error found in following extension(Microsoft_Azure_Support) styleSheets:
[0]Microsoft_Azure_Support-[1]HelpAndSupportOverviewBlade-[2]TemplateBladeVirtualLens-[5]HelpAndSupportOverviewBlade - Blades/ExtCustomStyles.css - Invalid CSS property - Disallowed style property. Property name: user-select
CSS rule: .ext-simplebutton { display: inline-block; user-select: none; min-width: 80px; text-align: center; line-height: 22px; position: relative; },
[0]Microsoft_Azure_Support-[1]HelpAndSupportOverviewBlade-[2]TemplateBladeVirtualLens-[5]HelpAndSupportOverviewBlade - Blades/ExtCustomStyles.css - Invalid CSS property - Selectors can only refer to extension-specific class names (those starting with .ext- or .fxt-)
CSS rule: .fxt-infoBox-container .fxc-infoBox-image-container { margin: auto; },
[0]Microsoft_Azure_Support-[1]HelpAndSupportOverviewBlade-[2]TemplateBladeVirtualLens-[5]HelpAndSupportOverviewBlade - Blades/HSOverview.css - Invalid CSS property - Selectors can only refer to extension-specific class names (those starting with .ext- or .fxt-)
CSS rule: .ext-hso.col1 .ext-hso-docking { width: 280px; }