If you are looking at the best route through a set of points, Distance Matrix (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/maps/distance-matrix) might be a good option. Please note that it is 1 transaction for every 4 cells (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/bingmaps/getting-started/bing-maps-dev-center-help/understanding-bing-maps-transactions).
Is there a way to make a multiple start/end point api request?
Sreyas Voruganti
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I have an application in which I have an array of objects each with start/end coordinates. I have to annotate each object in the array with the time/distance via walking between the start/end coordinates. This involves making an API call for every single object to this URL: http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Routes/Walking?wayPoint.1={coordA}&wayPoint.2={coordB}&distanceUnit=mi&key=...
. This is quite an expensive operation which has to be done quite a few times in my application. Is there a way I could make one API call with all the pairs of coordinates?