SingalR Resource started replying with 500.
Without any actions from my side, the SignalR resource of my AppService started responding with 500.
After 2 restarts of the resource, it started responding with this:
Service returned handshake error: Maximum message count limit reached: 20000. Id: 9f1802e1-65cd-47fd-b7d2-a90ad17cb0e6
The high number of messages are due to the automatic reconnects that the appservice tried to do. It's an extremely low traffic app service, with 100 messages max per day.
The same error continues even after I switched off the Azure Signal R resource and tried to serve the SignalR requests from the AppService itself.
Subscription ID: 89ef4cc1-31c7-4009-aa26-cc3bd5c1086a
Signalr resource: SignalRSimpleChatservice
AppService: SignalRSimpleChat20200822030641