Hi Everyone,
We've created an Event Grid Topic that uses CloudEventSchemaV1_0 as an inputSchema. Then we've been able to create an Event Grid Subscription with 'AzureFunction' endpointType and 'CloudEventSchemaV1_0' as eventDeliverySchema via Azure CLI below:
az eventgrid event-subscription create --name test-subscription \--source-resource-id {event grid topic id}
--endpoint '{function app id}/functions/{function name}' \--endpoint-type azurefunction
--enable-advanced-filtering-on-arrays true
Then when we've tried to update it using the following Azure CLI command:
az eventgrid event-subscription update --name test-subscription \--source-resource-id {event grid topic id}
--endpoint '{function app id}/functions/{function name}' \--endpoint-type azurefunction
--enable-advanced-filtering-on-arrays true `
--max-delivery-attempts 30
We're getting the following error:
(InvalidRequest) Operation on the event subscription test-subscription failed as Azure Function destination type supports EventGridSchema only.
Code: InvalidRequest
Message: Operation on the event subscription test-subscription failed as Azure Function destination type supports EventGridSchema only.
The same behavior is when we're running the same Bicep template two times, getting the same error.
Can you please advise why it's complaining about schema as we're not trying to change it? Also please let us know if this is a known issue and if there is any workaround.
Thanks in advance.