Troubleshoot cluster configuration


We will retire Azure HDInsight on AKS on January 31, 2025. Before January 31, 2025, you will need to migrate your workloads to Microsoft Fabric or an equivalent Azure product to avoid abrupt termination of your workloads. The remaining clusters on your subscription will be stopped and removed from the host.


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Incorrect cluster configuration may lead to deployment errors. Typically those errors occur when incorrect configuration provided in ARM template or input in Azure portal, for example, on Configuration management page.


Those errors will have reason starting with "User." prefix.

Example configuration error:

Screenshot of user configuration error.

The following table provides error codes and their description to help diagnose and fix common errors.

Configuration errors

Error code Description
User.TrinoError Trino process startup fails with generic error. Verify trino specific configuration files in Service configuration profile.
User.Configuration.TrinoError Trino process startup fails with application configuration error. Verify trino specific configuration files in Service configuration profile.
User.Configuration.FileForbidden Changes to some trino configuration files aren't allowed.
User.Configuration.ParameterForbidden Changes to some trino configuration parameters aren't allowed.
User.Configuration.InvalidComponent Invalid service component specified. For more information, see Service configuration profile.
User.Configuration.MiscFile.InvalidName Invalid miscellaneous fileName. For more information, see Miscellaneous files.
User.Configuration.MiscFile.InvalidPath Miscellaneous file path is too long.
User.Configuration.MiscFile.NotFound Found MISC tag without corresponding file in miscellaneous files configuration. For more information, see Miscellaneous files.
User.Configuration.MiscFile.DuplicateName Duplicate fileName value found in Miscellaneous files configuration section.
User.Configuration.MiscFile.DuplicatePath Duplicate path value found in Miscellaneous files configuration section.
User.Configuration.FormatError Malformed service configuration, content/values properties used in wrong sections. For more information, see Service configuration profile.
User.Configuration.HiveMetastore.MultiplePasswords Multiple passwords specified in catalogOptions.hive catalog. Specify one of two properties either metastoreDbConnectionPasswordSecret or metastoreDbConnectionPassword.
User.Configuration.HiveMetastore.PasswordRequired Password required for catalogOptions.hive catalog. Specify one of two properties either metastoreDbConnectionPasswordSecret or metastoreDbConnectionPassword.
User.Secrets.Error Misconfigured secrets or permissions in Azure KeyVault.
User.Secrets.InvalidKeyVaultUri Missing Azure Key Vault URI in secretsProfile.
User.Secrets.KeyVaultUriRequired Missing Azure Key Vault URI in secretsProfile.
User.Secrets.DuplicateReferenceName Duplicate referenceName found in secretsProfile.
User.Secrets.KeyVaultObjectUsedMultipleTimes Same key vault object/version used multiple times as different references in secrets list in secretsProfile.
User.Secrets.NotSpecified Found SECRET_REF tag without corresponding secret object in secretsProfile.
User.Secrets.NotFound Specified Key Vault object in secretsProfile not found in KeyVault. Verify name, type and version of the object.
User.Plugins.Error Misconfigured plugins or permissions in storage account.
User.Plugins.DuplicateName Duplicate plugin name used in cluster configuration userPluginsSpec.
User.Plugins.DuplicatePath Duplicate plugin path used in cluster configuration userPluginsSpec.
User.Plugins.InvalidPath Malformed storage URI for a plugin.
User.Plugins.PathNotFound Specified path for a plugin not found in storage account.
User.Telemetry.InvalidStoragePath Malformed storage URI in userTelemetrySpec.
User.Telemetry.HiveCatalogNotFound Nonexistent Hive catalog specified as target for telemetry tables in userTelemetrySpec.
User.CatalogOptions.HiveCatalogNotFound Hive catalog not found in trino catalogs Service configuration profile for a given catalogOptions.hive configuration. For more information, see Hive metastore.

System errors

Some of the errors may occur due to environment conditions and be transient. These errors have reason starting with "System." as prefix. In such cases, try the following steps:

  1. Collect the following information:
    1. Azure request CorrelationId. It can be found either in Notifications area; or under Resource Group where cluster is located, on Deployments page; or in az command output.
    2. DeploymentId. It can be found in the Cluster Overview page.
    3. Detailed error message.
  2. Contact support team with this information.
Error code Description
System.DependencyFailure Failure in one of cluster components.