# Enter details of your subscription
subscription_id = "<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>"
resource_group = "<RESOURCE_GROUP>"
Get a handle to the subscription. All the Python code in this article uses ml_client:
# get a handle to the subscription
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
ml_client = MLClient(DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id, resource_group)
(Optional) If you have multiple accounts, add the tenant ID of the Microsoft Entra ID you wish to use into the DefaultAzureCredential. Find your tenant ID from the Azure portal under Microsoft Entra ID, External Identities.
(Optional) If you're working in the Azure Government - US or Azure China 21Vianet regions, you need to specify the cloud into which you want to authenticate. You can specify these regions in DefaultAzureCredential.
from azure.identity import AzureAuthorityHosts
When you create a new workspace, you can either automatically create services needed by the workspace or use existing services. If you want to use existing services from a different Azure subscription than the workspace, you must register the Azure Machine Learning namespace in the subscription that contains those services. For example, if you create a workspace in subscription A that uses a storage account in subscription B, the Azure Machine Learning namespace must be registered in subscription B before the workspace can use the storage account.
The resource provider for Azure Machine Learning is Microsoft.MachineLearningServices. For information on seeing whether it's registered or registering it, see Azure resource providers and types.
This information applies only to resources provided during workspace creation: Azure Storage Accounts, Azure Container Registry, Azure Key Vault, and Application Insights.
For network isolation with online endpoints, you can use workspace-associated resources (Azure Container Registry (ACR), Storage account, Key Vault, and Application Insights) from a resource group different from your workspace. However, these resources must belong to the same subscription and tenant as your workspace. For information about the limitations that apply to securing managed online endpoints, using a workspace's managed virtual network, see Network isolation with managed online endpoints.
Workspace creation also creates an Azure Container Registry (ACR) by default. Since ACR doesn't currently support unicode characters in resource group names, use a resource group that avoids these characters.
Azure Machine Learning doesn't support hierarchical namespace (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 feature) for the default storage account of the workspace.
An Azure Application Insights instance is created when you create the workspace. You can delete the Application Insights instance after cluster creation if you want. Deleting it limits the information gathered from the workspace, and might make it more difficult to troubleshoot problems. If you delete the Application Insights instance created by the workspace, the only way to recreate it is to delete and recreate the workspace.
You can create a workspace directly in Azure Machine Learning studio, with limited options available. You can also use one of these methods for more control of options:
Basic configuration for getting started Without specification, associated resources and the Azure resource group are created automatically. This code creates a workspace named myworkspace, dependent Azure resources (Storage account, Key Vault, Container Registry, Application Insights), and a resource group named myresourcegroup in eastus2.
# Creating a unique workspace name with current datetime to avoid conflicts
from azure.ai.ml.entities import Workspace
import datetime
basic_workspace_name = "mlw-basic-prod-" + datetime.datetime.now().strftime(
ws_basic = Workspace(
display_name="Basic workspace-example",
description="This example shows how to create a basic workspace",
ws_basic = ml_client.workspaces.begin_create(ws_basic).result()
Use existing Azure resources. To bring existing Azure resources, reference them using the Azure resource ID format. Find the specific Azure resource IDs in the Azure portal, or with the SDK. This example assumes that the resource group, Storage account, Key Vault, Application Insights, and Container Registry already exist.
# Creating a unique workspace name with current datetime to avoid conflicts
import datetime
from azure.ai.ml.entities import Workspace
basic_ex_workspace_name = "mlw-basicex-prod-" + datetime.datetime.now().strftime(
# Change the following variables to resource ids of your existing storage account, key vault, application insights
# and container registry. Here we reuse the ones we just created for the basic workspace
existing_storage_account = (
# e.g. "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<STORAGE_ACCOUNT>"
existing_container_registry = (
# e.g. "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/<CONTAINER_REGISTRY>"
existing_key_vault = (
# e.g. "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/<KEY_VAULT>"
existing_application_insights = (
# e.g. "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.insights/components/<APP_INSIGHTS>"
ws_with_existing_resources = Workspace(
display_name="Bring your own dependent resources-example",
description="This sample specifies a workspace configuration with existing dependent resources",
ws_with_existing_resources = ml_client.begin_create_or_update(
(Preview) Use existing hub workspace. Instead of creating a default workspace with its own security settings and associated resources, you can reuse a hub workspace's shared environment. Your new 'project' workspace will obtain security settings and shared configurations from the hub including compute and connections. This example assumes that the hub workspace already exists.
from azure.ai.ml.entities import Project
my_project_name = "myexampleproject"
my_location = "East US"
my_display_name = "My Example Project"
my_hub = Project(name=my_hub_name,
created_project_workspace = ml_client.workspaces.begin_create(workspace=my_hub).result()
Sign in to the Azure portal by using the credentials for your Azure subscription.
In the upper-left corner of Azure portal, select + Create a resource.
Use the search bar to find Machine Learning.
Select Machine Learning.
In the Machine Learning pane, select Create to begin.
Provide the following information to configure your new workspace:
Workspace name
Enter a unique name that identifies your workspace. This example uses docs-ws. Names must be unique across the resource group. Use a name that's easy to recall and that differentiates from workspaces created by others. The workspace name is case-insensitive.
Select the Azure subscription that you want to use.
Resource group
Use an existing resource group in your subscription. To create a new resource group, enter a name. A resource group holds related resources for an Azure solution. You need contributor or owner role to use an existing resource group. For more information about access, see Manage access to an Azure Machine Learning workspace.
Select the Azure region closest both to your users and the data resources.
Storage account
The default storage account for the workspace. By default, a new one is created.
Key Vault
The Azure Key Vault used by the workspace. By default, a new one is created.
Application Insights
The application insights instance for the workspace. By default, a new one is created.
Container Registry
The Azure Container Registry for the workspace. By default, a new one isn't initially created for the workspace. Instead, creation of a Docker image during training or deployment additionally creates that Azure Container Registry for the workspace once you need it.
When you finish the workspace configuration, select Review + Create. Optionally, use the Networking, Encryption, Identity, and Tags sections to configure more workspace settings.
Review the settings and make any other changes or corrections. When you're satisfied with the settings, select Create.
It can take several minutes to create your workspace in the cloud.
When the process completes, a deployment success message appears.
To view the new workspace, select Go to resource.
To start using the workspace, select the Studio web URL link on the top right. You can also select the workspace from the Azure Machine Learning studio home page.
Provide a name for the Azure Machine Learning workspace resource.
Provide a friendly name for displaying your workspace in Studio.
(Preview) Optionally, select a hub workspace, to host your workspace in a shared environment for your team, with preconfigured security, access to company resources, and shared compute.
For more information about use of a private endpoint and virtual network with your workspace, see Network isolation and privacy.
# Creating a unique workspace name with current datetime to avoid conflicts
import datetime
from azure.ai.ml.entities import Workspace
basic_private_link_workspace_name = (
"mlw-privatelink-prod-" + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")
ws_private = Workspace(
display_name="Private Link endpoint workspace-example",
description="When using private link, you must set the image_build_compute property to a cluster name to use for Docker image environment building. You can also specify whether the workspace should be accessible over the internet.",
This class requires an existing virtual network.
The default network configuration uses a Public endpoint, which is accessible on the public internet. However, you can select Private with Internet Outbound or Private with Approved Outbound to limit access to your workspace to an Azure Virtual Network you created. Then scroll down to configure the settings.
Under Workspace Inbound access select Add to open the Create private endpoint form.
On the Create private endpoint form, set the location, name, and virtual network to use. To use the endpoint with a Private DNS Zone, select Integrate with private DNS zone and select the zone using the Private DNS Zone field. Select OK to create the endpoint.
If you selected Private with Internet Outbound, use the Workspace Outbound access section to configure the network and outbound rules.
If you selected Private with Approved Outbound, use the Workspace Outbound access section to add more rules to the required set.
When you finish the network configuration, you can select Review + Create, or advance to the optional Encryption configuration.
To create a workspace with disabled internet connectivity via Studio, you should specify a hub workspace that has public network access disabled. Workspaces created without a hub in Azure AI Foundry portal, have public internet access enabled. A private hub has a 'lock' icon.
If you don't select a hub workspace at time of creation, the default network configuration uses a Public endpoint, which is accessible on the public internet.
By default, an Azure Cosmos DB instance stores the workspace metadata. Microsoft maintains this Cosmos DB instance. Microsoft-managed keys encrypt this data.
Use your own data encryption key
You can provide your own key for data encryption. Providing your own key creates the Azure Cosmos DB instance that stores metadata in your Azure subscription. For more information, see Customer-managed keys.
Use these steps to provide your own key:
Before you follow these steps, you must first perform these actions:
from azure.ai.ml.entities import Workspace, CustomerManagedKey
# specify the workspace details
ws = Workspace(
display_name="My workspace",
description="This example shows how to create a workspace",
Select Customer-managed keys, and then select Click to select key.
On the Select key from Azure Key Vault form, select an existing Azure Key Vault, a key that it contains, and the key version. This key encrypts the data stored in Azure Cosmos DB. Finally, use the Select button to use this key.
To create a workspace with customer-managed key encryption via Studio, you should specify a hub workspace that is customer-managed key encryption enabled. To verify the hub workspace configuration, view it in the Azure portal.
If you don't select a hub workspace at time of creation, your workspace uses Microsoft-managed keys by default.
In the portal, use the Identity page to configure managed identity, storage account access, and data impact. For the Python SDK, see the links in the following sections.
Choose between Credential-based access or Identity-based access when connecting to the default storage account. For identity-based authentication, the Storage Blob Data Contributor role must be granted to the workspace managed identity on the storage account.
Data impact
To limit the data that Microsoft collects on your workspace, select High business impact workspace in the portal, or set hbi_workspace=true in Python. For more information on this setting, see Encryption at rest.
Selecting high business impact can only happen when creating a workspace. You can't change this setting after workspace creation.
Tags are name/value pairs that enable you to categorize resources and view consolidated billing by applying the same tag to multiple resources and resource groups.
At the top right, select the workspace name, then select Download config.json
Place the file in the directory structure that holds your Python scripts or Jupyter Notebooks. The same directory, a subdirectory named .azureml, or a parent directory can hold this file. When you create a compute instance, this file is added to the correct directory on the VM for you.
Enforce policies
You can turn on/off these features of a workspace:
Feedback opportunities in the workspace. Opportunities include occasional in-product surveys and the smile-frown feedback tool in the banner of the workspace.
Turn off feedback by adding the pair "ADMIN_HIDE_SURVEY: TRUE"
Turn off previews by adding the pair "AZML_DISABLE_PREVIEW_FEATURE: TRUE"
Select Apply.
You can turn off previews at a subscription level, ensuring that it's off for all workspace in the subscription. In this case, users in the subscription also can't access the preview tool before selecting a workspace. This setting is useful for administrators who want to ensure that preview features aren't used in their organization.
If the preview setting is disabled at the subscription level, setting it on individual workspaces is ignored.
To disable preview features at the subscription level:
Turn off previews for all workspaces in the subscription by adding the pair "AZML_DISABLE_PREVIEW_FEATURE": "TRUE"
Select Apply.
Connect to a workspace
When running machine learning tasks with the SDK, you require a MLClient object that specifies the connection to your workspace. You can create an MLClient object from parameters, or with a configuration file.
With a configuration file: This code reads the contents of the configuration file to find your workspace. It opens a prompt to sign in if you didn't already authenticate.
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient
# read the config from the current directory
ws_from_config = MLClient.from_config(credential=DefaultAzureCredential())
From parameters: There's no need to have a config.json file available if you use this approach.
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient
from azure.ai.ml.entities import Workspace
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
ws = MLClient(
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient
from azure.ai.ml.entities import Workspace
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
# Enter details of your subscription
subscription_id = "<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>"
resource_group = "<RESOURCE_GROUP>"
my_ml_client = MLClient(DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id, resource_group)
for ws in my_ml_client.workspaces.list():
print(ws.name, ":", ws.location, ":", ws.description)
To obtain specific workspace details:
ws = my_ml_client.workspaces.get("<AML_WORKSPACE_NAME>")
# uncomment this line after providing a workspace name above
# print(ws.location,":", ws.resource_group)
Look through the list of the workspaces. You can filter based on subscription, resource groups, and locations.
To to display properties, select a workspace.
In Azure Machine Learning studio, select All workspaces from the left side navigation. A list of recently used workspaces appears.
To view all workspaces that you have access to, select Workspaces from the left side navigation.
Delete a workspace
When you no longer need a workspace, delete it.
If soft-delete is enabled for the workspace, it can be recovered after deletion. If soft-delete isn't enabled, or you select the option to permanently delete the workspace, it can't be recovered. For more information, see Recover a deleted workspace.
The default behavior for Azure Machine Learning is to soft delete the workspace. This means that the workspace is not immediately deleted, but instead is marked for deletion. For more information, see Soft delete.
The default action doesn't automatically delete resources associated with the workspace. Set delete_dependent_resources to True to delete these resources as well.
container registry
storage account
key vault
application insights
In the Azure portal, select Delete at the top of the workspace you want to delete.
You can't delete a workspace from studio. Instead, use the Azure portal or the Python SDK.
Clean up resources
The resources that you created can be used as prerequisites to other Azure Machine Learning tutorials and how-to articles.
If you don't plan to use any of the resources that you created, delete them so you don't incur any charges:
In the Azure portal, in the search box, enter Resource groups and select it from the results.
From the list, select the resource group that you created.
In the Overview page, select Delete resource group.
Enter the resource group name. Then select Delete.
Supported browsers in Azure Machine Learning studio: We suggest that you use the most up-to-date browser that's compatible with your operating system. These browsers are supported:
Microsoft Edge (The new Microsoft Edge, latest version. Note: Microsoft Edge legacy isn't supported)
Safari (latest version, Mac only)
Chrome (latest version)
Firefox (latest version)
Azure portal:
If you go directly to your workspace from a share link from the SDK or the Azure portal, you can't view the standard Overview page that has subscription information in the extension. Additionally, in this scenario, you can't switch to another workspace. To view another workspace, go directly to Azure Machine Learning studio and search for the workspace name.
All assets (Data, Experiments, Computes, and so on) are only available in Azure Machine Learning studio. The Azure portal doesn't* offer them.
You can run diagnostics on your workspace from Azure Machine Learning studio or the Python SDK. After diagnostics run, a list of any detected problems is returned. This list includes links to possible solutions. For more information, see How to use workspace diagnostics.
Resource provider errors
When creating an Azure Machine Learning workspace, or a resource used by the workspace, you may receive an error similar to the following messages:
No registered resource provider found for location {location}
The subscription is not registered to use namespace {resource-provider-namespace}
Most resource providers are automatically registered, but not all. If you receive this message, you need to register the provider mentioned.
The following table contains a list of the resource providers required by Azure Machine Learning:
Resource provider
Why it's needed
Creating the Azure Machine Learning workspace.
Azure Storage Account is used as the default storage for the workspace.
Azure Container Registry is used by the workspace to build Docker images.
Azure Key Vault is used by the workspace to store secrets.
Integrated notebooks on Azure Machine Learning compute instance.
If you plan on deploying trained models to Azure Kubernetes Services.
If you plan on using a customer-managed key with Azure Machine Learning, then the following service providers must be registered:
Resource provider
Why it's needed
Azure CosmosDB instance that logs metadata for the workspace.
Azure Search provides indexing capabilities for the workspace.
If you plan on using a managed virtual network with Azure Machine Learning, then the Microsoft.Network resource provider must be registered. This resource provider is used by the workspace when creating private endpoints for the managed virtual network.
The Azure Machine Learning workspace uses the Azure Container Registry (ACR) for some operations. It automatically creates an ACR instance when it first needs one.
Once an Azure Container Registry is created for a workspace, don't delete it. Doing so breaks your Azure Machine Learning workspace.
Explore and configure the Azure Machine Learning workspace, its resources and its assets. Explore which developer tools you can use to interact with the workspace, focusing on the CLI and Python SDK v2.
Manage data ingestion and preparation, model training and deployment, and machine learning solution monitoring with Python, Azure Machine Learning and MLflow.