Quantinuum provider


When you create an Azure Quantum workspace you automatically get USD500 free Azure Quantum Credits for each quantum hardware provider. You can use the Azure Quantum Credits to submit your first quantum programs to real quantum hardware.

Quantinuum provides access to trapped-ion systems with high-fidelity, fully connected qubits, and the ability to perform mid-circuit measurement.


The following targets are available from this provider:

Target name Target ID Number of qubits Description
H1-1 Syntax Checker quantinuum.sim.h1-1sc 20 qubits Use this to validate quantum programs against the H1-1 compiler before submitting to hardware or emulators on Quantinuum's platform. Free of cost.
H2-1 Syntax Checker quantinuum.sim.h2-1sc 56 qubits Use this to validate quantum programs against the H2-1 compiler before submitting to hardware or emulators on Quantinuum's platform. Free of cost.
H1-1 Emulator quantinuum.sim.h1-1e 20 qubits Uses a realistic physical model and noise model of H1-1.
H2-1 Emulator quantinuum.sim.h2-1e 56/32 qubits Uses a realistic physical model and noise model of H2-1. 56 qubit simulation is only available as a stabalizer simulation
H1-1 quantinuum.qpu.h1-1 20 qubits Quantinuum's H1-1 trapped ion device.
H2-1 quantinuum.qpu.h2-1 56 qubits Quantinuum's H2-1 trapped ion device.

Quantinuum's targets correspond to a QIR Adaptive RI profile. For more information about this target profile and its limitations, see Understanding target profile types in Azure Quantum.

All of Quantinuum's targets now support Integrated hybrid circuits. For more information about submitting integrated hybrid jobs, see Integrated hybrid computing.

To get started using the Quantinuum provider on Azure Quantum, see Get started with Q# and an Azure Quantum notebook.


Quantum jobs submitted under a session have exclusive access to Quantinuum hardware as long as you queue jobs within one minute from each other. After that, any job is accepted and handled with the standard queueing and prioritization logic. For more information, see sessions in Azure Quantum.

Syntax Checkers

We recommend that users first validate their code using a Syntax Checker. This is a tool to verify proper syntax, compilation completion, and machine compatibility. Syntax Checkers use the same compiler as the quantum computer they target. For example, the H1-1 syntax checker uses the same compiler as H1-1. The full compilation stack is executed with the exception of the actual quantum operations. If the code compiles, the syntax checker returns a success status and a result of all 0s. If the code does not compile, the syntax checker returns a failed status and give the error returned to help users debug their circuit syntax. Syntax Checkers allow developers to validate their code at any time, even when machines are offline.

  • Job type: Simulation
  • Data Formats: honeywell.openqasm.v1, honeywell.qir.v1
  • Target ID:
    • H1-1 Syntax Checker: quantinuum.sim.h1-1sc
    • H2-1 Syntax Checker: quantinuum.sim.h2-1sc
  • Target Execution Profile: QIR Adaptive RI

Syntax Checkers usage is offered free-of-charge.

System Model H1 Emulators

After validating the syntax of their code with a Syntax Checker, users can take advantage of Quantinuum's System Model H1 Emulators, emulation tools that contain a detailed physical model and realistic noise model of the actual System Model H1 hardware. The noise models are derived from a detailed characterization of the hardware. The System Model H1 Emulators use an identical API for job submission as the System Model H1 hardware, enabling seamless transition from emulation to hardware. To help maximize productivity and shorten development time, the System Model H1 Emulators are available even while the hardware is offline.

More information can be found in the System Model H1 Emulator Product Data Sheet found on the System Model H1 page.

  • Job type: Simulation
  • Data Format: quantinuum.openqasm.v1
  • Target ID:
    • H1-1 Emulator: quantinuum.sim.h1-1e
  • Target Execution Profile: QIR Adaptive RI

System Model H1 Emulator usage is offered free-of-charge with a hardware subscription. For details, see Azure Quantum pricing.

H-Series Emulator (cloud based)

The H-Series Emulator is available free-of-charge on the Code with Azure Quantum page on the Azure Quantum website, where you can write Q# code and submit your jobs to the Quantinuum H-Series Emulator without an Azure account. The H-Series Emulator is a statevector based quantum emulator that uses a realistic physical noise model and generalized error parameters based on the typical performance of a System Model H1 quantum computer. The quantum simulation performed is the same as the System Model H1 Emulator but the classical circuit optimization routine is reduced to increase throughput. Support for Integrated Hybrid computing is planned for a future date.

System Model H1

The System Model H1 generation of quantum computers, Powered by Honeywell, are comprised of a Quantum charge-coupled device (QCCD) with one linear section and currently includes one machine targets: the H1-1. Users are encouraged to test compatibility of their code with the H1-1 by submitting jobs to a syntax checker and System Model H1 Emulator prior to submitting them to the target machines.

The System Model H1 machine is continuously upgraded throughout its product lifecycle. Users are given access to the most up-to-date, advanced, and capable hardware available.

More information can be found in the System Model H1 Product Data Sheet found on the System Model H1 page.

  • Job type: Quantum Program
  • Data Format: honeywell.openqasm.v1, honeywell.qir.v1
  • Target ID:
    • H1-1: quantinuum.qpu.h1-1
  • Target Execution Profile: QIR Adaptive RI

System Model H2 Emulator

After validating the syntax of their code with the H2-1 Syntax Checker, users can take advantage of Quantinuum's System Model H2 Emulator, an emulation tool which contains a detailed physical model and realistic noise model of the actual System Model H2 hardware. More information about the noise model can be found in the System Model H2 Emulator Product Data Sheet found on the System Model H2 page. The System Model H2 Emulator uses an identical API for job submission as the System Model H2 hardware, enabling seamless transition from emulation to hardware. To help maximize productivity and shorten development time, the H2 Emulator is available even while the hardware is offline.

  • Job type: Simulation
  • Data Format: quantinuum.openqasm.v1
  • Target ID:
    • H2-1 Emulator: quantinuum.sim.h2-1e
  • Target Execution Profile: QIR Adaptive RI

System Model H2 Emulator usage is offered free-of-charge with a hardware subscription. For details, see Azure Quantum pricing.

System Model H2

The Quantinuum System Model H2 generation of quantum computers, Powered by Honeywell, is comprised of a Quantum charge-coupled device (QCCD) with two connected linear sections and currently has 1 machine, the H2-1. More information can be found in the System Model H2 Product Data Sheet found on the System Model H2 page. Users are encouraged to test compatibility of their code by submitting jobs to a syntax checker and System Model H2 Emulator prior to submitting them to the target machines.

If a user submits a job to the H2-1 machine and the H2-1 machine is not available, the job remains in that machine's queue until the machine becomes available.

System Model H2 hardware is continuously upgraded throughout it's product lifecycle. Users are given access to the most up-to-date, advanced, and capable hardware available.

  • Job type: Quantum Program
  • Data Format: quantinuum.openqasm.v1
  • Target ID:
    • H2-1: quantinuum.qpu.h2-1
  • Target Execution Profile: QIR Adaptive RI

System Model H1 and H2 Technical Specifications

Technical details for System Model H1 and System Model H2 can be found in Quantinuum's product data sheets on the System Model H1 and System Model H2 pages alongside links to Quantinuum specification and quantum volume data repositories and how to cite usage of Quantinuum systems.

Additional Capabilities

Additional capabilities available via the Quantinuum API are listed here.

Capability Description
Mid-Circuit Measurement and Reset (MCMR) Measure qubits in the middle of a circuit and reuse them
Arbitrary Angle ZZ Gates Directly perform 2-qubit arbitrary angle gate rotations
Emulator Noise Parameters Experiment with the noise parameters used in the Quantinuum H-Series emulators
TKET Optimizations in H-Series Stack Experiment with turning on different levels of TKET optimizations in the H-Series stack

Users can take advantage of these additional capabilities via circuit functions or pass-through parameters in the Azure Quantum Q# and Qiskit providers.

Mid-circuit Measurement and Reset

Mid-circuit Measurement and Reset (MCMR) enables users to measure qubits in the middle of a circuit and reset them. This enables functionality for quantum error correction as well as the ability to reuse qubits within the circuit.

Due to the internal level structure of trapped-ion qubits, a mid-circuit measurement may leave the qubit in a non-computational state. All mid-circuit measurements should be followed by a reset if the qubit is to be used again in that circuit. The following code examples demonstrate this.

When a subset of qubits is measured in the middle of the circuit, the classical information from these measurements can be used to condition future elements of the circuit. The examples also highlight this usage.

For information on MCMR in Quantinuum systems, see the H-series product data sheets on the System Model H1 and System Model H2 pages.

In Q#, the MResetZ function can be used both to measure a qubit and reset it. For more information on this function, see MResetZ in the Q# documentation.

open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement;

operation ContinueComputationAfterReset() : Result[] {
    // Set up circuit with 2 qubits
    use qubits = Qubit[2];

    // Perform Bell Test
    CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[1]);

    // Measure Qubit 1 and reset it
    let res1 = MResetZ(qubits[1]);

    // Continue additional computation, conditioned on qubits[1] measurement outcome
    if res1 == One {
    CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[1]);

    // Measure qubits and return results
    let res2 = Measure([PauliZ, PauliZ], qubits);
    return [res1, res2];

Arbitrary Angle ZZ Gates

Quantinuum's native gate set includes arbitrary angle ZZ gates. This is beneficial for reducing the 2-qubit gate count for many quantum algorithms and gate sequences. For information on Arbitrary Angle ZZ gates in Quantinuum systems, see the H-series product data sheets on the System Model H1 and System Model H2 pages.

In Q#, the arbitrary angle ZZ gate is implemented with the Rzz operation.

open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Arrays;

operation ArbitraryAngleZZExample(theta : Double) : Result[] {
    // Set up circuit with 2 qubits
    use qubits = Qubit[2];

    // Create array for measurement results
    mutable resultArray = [Zero, size = 2];

    Rz(theta, qubits[0]);
    Rz(theta, qubits[1]);

    // Add Arbitrary Angle ZZ gate
    Rzz(theta, qubits[0], qubits[1]);  

    // Measure qubits and return results
    for i in IndexRange(qubits) {
        set resultArray w/= i <- M(qubits[i]);  
    return resultArray;

General SU(4) Entangling Gate

Quantinuum's native gate set includes a general SU(4) entangling gate. Note that quantum circuits submitted to the hardware are rebased to the fully entangling ZZ gate and the arbitrary angle RZZ gate. Circuits are only rebased to the General SU(4) Entangling gate if users opt into it. For information on the General SU(4) Entangler in Quantinuum systems, see the H-series product data sheets on the System Model H1 and System Model H2 pages.

In Q#, the General SU(4) Entangling gate is implemented via Quantinuum's QIR profile. To use it, define a function with a custom intrinsic matching the QIR profile signature, and use this function within the SU4Example operation.

To ensure the circuit runs with the General SU(4) Entangling gate, pass the following options in the H-Series stack:

  • nativetq: Rxxyyzz to prevent rebasing to other native gates.
  • noreduce: True to avoid additional compiler optimizations (optional).
open Microsoft.Math;

operation __quantum__qis__rxxyyzz__body(a1 : Double, a2 : Double, a3 : Double, q1 : Qubit, q2 : Qubit) : Unit {
    body intrinsic;

operation SU4Example() : Result[] {
    use qs = Qubit[2];
    // Add SU(4) gate
    __quantum__qis__rxxyyzz__body(PI(), PI(), PI(), qs[0], qs[1]);

Now compile the operation:

MyProgram = qsharp.compile("GenerateRandomBit()")

Connect to Azure Quantum, select the target machine, and configure the noise parameters for the emulator:

MyWorkspace = azure.quantum.Workspace(
    resource_id = "",
    location = ""

MyTarget = MyWorkspace.get_targets("quantinuum.sim.h1-1e")

# Update TKET optimization level desired
option_params = {
    "nativetq": `Rxxyyzz`,
    "noreduce": True

Pass in the noreduce option when submitting the job:

job = MyTarget.submit(MyProgram, "Submit a program with SU(4) gate", shots = 10, input_params = option_params)

Emulator Noise Parameters

Users have the option of experimenting with the noise parameters of the Quantinuum emulators. Only a few of the available noise parameters are highlighted here demonstrating how to pass through the parameters in the Azure Quantum providers.

For more information on the full set of noise parameters available, see the H-series emulator product data sheets on the System Model H1 and System Model H2 pages.

First, import the required packages and initiate the base profile:

import qsharp
import azure.quantum

Next, define the function.

open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Arrays;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert;

operation GenerateRandomBit() : Result {
    use target = Qubit();

    // Apply an H-gate and measure.
    return M(target);

and compile the operation:

MyProgram = qsharp.compile("GenerateRandomBit()")

Connect to Azure Quantum, select the target machine, and configure the noise parameters for the emulator:

MyWorkspace = azure.quantum.Workspace(
    resource_id = "",
    location = ""

MyTarget = MyWorkspace.get_targets("quantinuum.sim.h1-1e")

# Update the parameter names desired
# Note: This is not the full set of options available. 
# For the full set, see the System Model H1 Emulator Product Data Sheet
option_params = {
    "error-params": {
        "p1": 4e-5,
        "p2": 3e-3,
        "p_meas": [3e-3, 3e-3],
        "p_init": 4e-5,
        "p_crosstalk_meas": 1e-5,
        "p_crosstalk_init": 3e-5,
        "p1_emission_ratio": 6e-6,
        "p2_emission_ratio": 2e-4

Pass in the emulator noise options when submitting the job:

job = MyTarget.submit(MyProgram, "Experiment with Emulator Noise Parameters", 
                      shots = 10, 
                      input_params = option_params)

To turn off the emulator noise model, set the error-model option to False. By default this is set to True.

option_params = {
    "error-model": False 

To use the stabilizer emulator, set the simulator option to stabilizer. By default this is set to state-vector.

option_params = {
    "simulator": "stabilizer" 

TKET Compilation in H-Series Stack

Circuits submitted to Quantinuum H-Series systems, except for integrated hybrid submissions, are automatically run through TKET compilation passes for H-Series hardware. This enables circuits to be automatically optimized for H-Series systems and run more efficiently.

More information on the specific compilation passes applied can be found in the pytket-quantinuum documentation, specifically the pytket-quantinuum Compilation Passes section.

In the H-Series software stack, the optimization level applied is set with the tket-opt-level parameter. The default compilation setting for all circuits submitted to H-Series systems is optimization level 2.

Users who would like to experiment with the TKET compilation passes and see what optimizations would apply to their circuits before submitting any jobs can see the Quantinuum_compile_without_api.ipynb notebook in the pytket-quantinuum Examples folder.

To turn TKET compilation in the stack off, a different option, no-opt, can be set to True inside option_params. For example, "no-opt": True.

For more information on pytket, see the following links:

First, import the required packages and initiate the base profile:

import qsharp
import azure.quantum

Next, define the function.

open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Arrays;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert;

operation GenerateRandomBit() : Result {
    use target = Qubit();

    // Apply an H-gate and measure.
    return M(target);

and compile the operation:

MyProgram = qsharp.compile("GenerateRandomBit()")

Connect to Azure Quantum, select the target machine, and configure the noise parameters for the emulator:

MyWorkspace = azure.quantum.Workspace(
    resource_id = "",
    location = ""

MyTarget = MyWorkspace.get_targets("quantinuum.sim.h1-1e")

# Update TKET optimization level desired
option_params = {
    "tket-opt-level": 1

Pass in the optimization option when submitting the job:

job = MyTarget.submit(MyProgram, "Experiment with TKET Compilation", shots = 10, input_params = option_params)

Technical Specifications

Technical details for the System Model H1 and H2 and System Model H1 and H2 Emulators can be found in Quantinuum's product data sheets on the System Model H1 and System Model H2 page alongside links to Quantinuum specification and quantum volume data repositories and how to cite usage of Quantinuum systems.

Target Availability

The Quantinuum H-Series quantum computers are designed to be continuously upgraded, which allows customers to have access to the latest hardware capabilities as Quantinuum continually improves gate fidelities, memory errors, and system speed.

Quantinuum hardware cycles through commercial periods and development periods. During commercial periods, the hardware is available to process jobs via a queue system. During development periods, the hardware is offline as upgrades are applied.

Every month, a calendar is sent to Quantinuum users with information on the commercial and development periods. If you have not received this calendar, please email QCsupport@quantinuum.com.

A target's status indicates its current ability to process jobs. The possible states of a target include:

  • Available: The target is online, processing submitted jobs and accepting new ones.
  • Degraded: The target is accepting jobs, but not currently processing them.
  • Unavailable: The target is offline, not accepting new job submissions.

For the Quantinuum quantum computer targets, Available and Degraded correspond to commercial periods, while Unavailable corresponds to development periods where the machine is offline for upgrades.

Current status information may be retrieved from the Providers tab of a workspace on the Azure portal.


To see Quantinuum's billing plans, visit Azure Quantum pricing.

Limits and quotas

Quantinuum's quotas are tracked based on the QPU usage credit unit, H-System Quantum Credit (HQC), for jobs submitted to Quantinuum quantum computers, and emulator HQCs (eHQCs) for jobs submitted to emulators.

HQCs and eHQCs are used to calculate the cost of running a job, and they are calculated based on the following formula:

$$ HQC = 5 + C(N_{1q} + 10 N_{2q} + 5 N_m)/5000 $$


  • $N_{1q}$ is the number of one-qubit operations in a circuit.
  • $N_{2q}$ is the number of native two-qubit operations in a circuit. Native gate is equivalent to CNOT up to several one-qubit gates.
  • $N_{m}$ is the number of state preparation and measurement (SPAM) operations in a circuit including initial implicit state preparation and any intermediate and final measurements and state resets.
  • $C$ is the shot count.


The total cost in HQCs includes all gates and measurements across any conditional branches or control flows. This may have a higher impact on integrated hybrid jobs.

Quotas are based on plan selection and can be increased with a support ticket. To see your current limits and quotas, go to the Credits and quotas blade and select the Quotas tab of your workspace on the Azure portal. For more information, see Azure Quantum quotas.


If you are using an Azure Quantum Credits plan, and not a billing plan, the quotas information maps to your allocated credits. In that case, the quota lists the total number of credits you have received.