dotnet-core-uninstall dry-run

This article applies to: ✔️ .NET Uninstall Tool 1.7.521001 and later versions


dotnet-core-uninstall dry-run - Display .NET SDKs and Runtimes that will be removed.


The dotnet-core-uninstall whatif command is the same command as dry-run.


dotnet-core-uninstall dry-run <TARGET> [--x64|--x86] <VERSION>...
    [-v|--verbosity <LEVEL>] [--force]

dotnet-core-uninstall dry-run <TARGET> [--x64|--x86] <FILTER>
    [-v|--verbosity <LEVEL>]

dotnet-core-uninstall dry-run -h|--help|-?
dotnet-core-uninstall dry-run <TARGET> <VERSION>...
    [-v|--verbosity <LEVEL>] [--force] [-y|--yes]

dotnet-core-uninstall dry-run <TARGET> <FILTER>
    [-v|--verbosity <LEVEL>] [--force] [-y|--yes]

dotnet-core-uninstall dry-run -h|--help|-?


The dotnet-core-uninstall list command simulates .NET SDK and runtime removal. A status output is provided for each .NET SDK and runtime that would have been removed by the tool.



The type you want to uninstall. Valid options are listed in the Options - TARGET section.


The version to uninstall. You can list several versions separated by a space. Response files are also supported.


Response files are an alternative to placing all the versions on the command line. They're text files, typically with a *.rsp extension, and each version is listed on a separate line. To specify a response file for the VERSION argument, use the @ character immediately followed by the response file name.


Specifies a value used to filter the TARGET. Valid options are listed in the Options - FILTER section.

Options - TARGET

  • --aspnet-runtime

    Discovers all the ASP.NET Core runtimes that can be uninstalled with this tool.

  • --hosting-bundle

    Lists all the .NET hosting bundles that can be uninstalled with this tool.

  • --runtime

    Lists all the .NET runtimes that can be uninstalled with this tool.

  • --sdk

    Lists all the .NET SDKs that can be uninstalled with this tool.

  • --x64

    Lists all the x64 .NET SDKs and runtimes that can be uninstalled with this tool.


    If --x64 or --x86 isn't specified, then both x64 and x86 will be removed.

  • --x86

    Lists all the x86 .NET SDKs and runtimes that can be uninstalled with this tool.


    If --x64 or --x86 isn't specified, then both x64 and x86 will be removed.

Options - FILTER

These options are exclusive.

  • --all

    Removes all the .NET SDKs and runtimes.

  • --all-below <VERSION>[ <VERSION>...]

    Removes only the .NET SDKs and runtimes with a version smaller than the specified version. The specified version remains installed.

  • --all-but <VERSION>[ <VERSION>...]

    Removes all the .NET SDKs and runtimes, except those versions specified.

  • --all-but-latest

    Removes the .NET SDKs and runtimes, except the highest version.

  • --all-lower-patches

    Removes the .NET SDKs and runtimes superseded by higher patches. This option protects global.json file.

  • --all-previews

    Removes the .NET SDKs and runtimes marked as previews.

  • --all-previews-but-latest

    Removes the .NET SDKs and runtimes marked as previews except the highest preview.

  • --major-minor <MAJOR_MINOR>

    Removes the .NET SDKs and runtimes that match the specified major.minor version.


  • --force

    Forces removal of versions that might be used by Visual Studio.

  • -v, --verbosity <LEVEL>

    Sets the verbosity level. The default value is normal. Allowed values are:

    • q[uiet]
    • m[inimal]
    • n[ormal]
    • d[etailed]
    • diag[nostic].
  • -?|-h|--help

    Shows help and usage information


By default, .NET SDKs and runtimes that might be required by Visual Studio or other SDKs aren't included in the dotnet-core-uninstall dry-run output. Also, depending on the state of the machine, some of the specified SDKs and runtimes might not be included in the output. To include all the SDKs and runtimes, list them explicitly as arguments or use the --force option.

  • Dry run of removing all the .NET runtimes that have been superseded by higher patches:

    dotnet-core-uninstall dry-run --all-lower-patches --runtime
  • Dry run of removing all the .NET SDKs below the version 6.0.301:

    dotnet-core-uninstall whatif --all-below 6.0.301 --sdk


    The dotnet-core-uninstall whatif command is the same command as dry-run.

See also