Feature usage and adoption report (preview)

The Feature usage and adoption report provides an in-depth analysis of how different features are utilized and adopted across your Microsoft Fabric tenant.

You can access the report from the Admin monitoring workspace. To access the workspace, you must be a Fabric administrator or Microsoft 365 global administator. Conversely, you can have one of these roles share the report or semantic model directly with you. With build permissions to the semantic model, users can also design a custom report that relies on the same underlying data.

The report is designed for admins to analyze a variety of Fabric usage scenarios. Use the date range slicer to filter activity data across all pages for a specific range of time over the last 30 days.

Screenshot of the date range slicer.

Additionally, use the filter pane to filter activity data based on the desired analysis. Filters are available across different characteristics of usage, including capacity, user, and item-related info.

Screenshot of the filter pane.

Report pages

The report is comprised of five pages:

  • Activity Overview - Provides a high-level overview of Fabric usage across the organization

  • Analysis - Visualizes usage across different activity dimensions in a highly flexible format

  • Activity Details - Shows detailed information on specific activity scenarios

  • Inventory - Lists all Fabric items in your tenant

  • Item Details page - Shows detailed information on specific inventory usage scenarios

Activity Overview page

The Activity Overview page helps you identify:

  • Daily activities and user trends

  • The most active capacities and workspaces

  • Activities in your organization by your most or least active users


In a large retail organization, you might use the Activity Overview page to check which capacities were most utilized in a given month. Using the date range slicer to filter to the month of December, you notice the Sales and Marketing capacity had nearly 1,000 activities while other capacities had under 200. To understand why this is happening, you then go to the Analysis page.

Analysis page

On the Analysis page, you can view:

  • A daily count of activity and users by date

  • A decomposition tree to drill down into activity using dimensions such as operation, capacity, user, and more


Continuing the example from the Activity Overview page, you use the Analysis page to investigate why the Sales and Marketing capacity had significantly more activity in December than all other capacities. The decomposition tree reveals the most popular activity on the Sales and Marketing capacity was ViewReport, which signifies the viewing of a Power BI report. You then drill through to the Activity Details page to identify which reports were most frequently viewed that month on the Sales and Marketing capacity.

To drill through to the Activity Details page:

  1. Right-click the visual element (such as Operation name) you want to drill through from.

  2. Select Drill through.

  3. Select Activity Details.

Animation that shows how to drill through from the Analysis page to the Activity Details page.

Activity Details page

The Activity Details page shows detailed information on specific usage scenarios. Users can access this page by drilling through from the Activity Overview or Analysis pages to display the following activity details:

  • Creation time - The time the activity was registered

  • Capacity name - The name of the capacity that the activity took place on

  • Capacity ID - The ID of the capacity that the activity took place on

  • Workspace name - The name of the workspace that the activity took place in

  • Workspace ID - The ID of the workspace that the activity took place in

  • User (UPN) - The user principal name (UPN) of the user who conducted the activity

  • Operation - The formal name of the operation

  • Total of activities - The number of times the activity took place


From the Analysis page, you drill through on frequently conducted ViewReport actions on the Sales and Marketing capacity in December. Using info from the Activity Details page, you discover that a new report titled "Unclosed Deals" was heavily viewed, prompting further investigation to understand the report's impact on your organization's sales strategy.

Inventory page

The Inventory page displays all items in your Fabric tenant and how they are utilized. You can filter the Inventory page by:

  • Item type - Including reports, dashboards, lakehouses, notebooks, and more

  • Workspace name - The name of the workspace where the items are located

  • Activity status - Indicates whether the item has been recently utilized

    • Active - At least one audit log activity was generated related to the item over the last 30 days
    • Inactive - No audit log activity was generated related to the item over the last 30 days


The Inventory page also includes a decomposition tree visual to breakdown inventory by different factors such as capacity, user, workspace, and more. You can use the decomposition tree to decompose items by activity status; for example, displaying all inactive items by item name so that you can decide whether any of these items can be deleted.

Item Details page

The Item Details page shows information related to specific inventory usage scenarios.

Users can navigate to the Item Details page by drilling through from the Inventory page. To drill through, right-click a visual element (such as Item type) and then select the Item Details page from the Drill through menu.

After drilling through, you see the following information for the selected item types:

  • Capacity ID - The ID of the capacity that the item is hosted on

  • Workspace ID - The ID of the workspace that the item is located in

  • Workspace name - The name of the workspace that the item is located in

  • Item ID - The unique ID of the item

  • Item name - The display name of the item

  • Item type - The type of item such as report, dataset, app, and so on

  • Modified by - The ID of the user that last modified the item

  • Activity status - The status of an item whether it is active or inactive based on recent activity

  • Items - The total number of items


Measure name Description
Active capacities The number of capacities with audit activity over the last 30 days, or based on the filters you apply.
Active users The number of users who have generated audit activity over the last 30 days, or based on the filters you apply.
Active workspaces The number of workspaces with audit activity over the last 30 days, or based on the filters you apply.
Activities The number of audit activities generated over the last 30 days, or based on the filters you apply.
Items The count of items displayed.
Total activities The number of audit activities generated over the last 30 days, or based on the filters you apply. Reflected as 0 when no audit data is returned; used exclusively in card visuals.
Total items The count of items displayed. Reflected as 0 when no items are returned; used exclusively in card visuals.

Considerations and limitations

This section lists the report's considerations and limitations.


  • Condensing the zoom slider on a date trend visual to a single day displays a misleading time range, as activities are aggregated by day and not by time.

  • Using the next level in the hierarchy option on the Most active Capacities visual doesn't update the dynamic visual title.

  • Items with the same name, or those deleted and recreated with the same name, may reflect as one item in certain visuals. To count the total number of unique items, use item IDs or the Total items measure.

  • NA represents data that isn't available on an audit event. This can happen when an audit event doesn't have complete information, or when that information isn't applicable for the event.

  • The report retains information for 30 days, including the activities and metadata of deleted capacities, workspaces, and other items.

Pro and PPU capacities

Semantic models in Pro and Premium Per User (PPU) workspaces are hosted on internal logical capacities. The usage of these capacities can be seen in this report and as operations in the audit logs.

  • Pro logical capacities - Appear as Reserved Capacity for Pro Workspaces with the capacity SKU value Pro or SharedOnPremium.

  • Premium Per User logical capacities - Appear as Reserved Capacity for Premium Per User Workspaces with the capacity SKU value PPU.

Counting logic

  • All My workspaces are counted as separate records as part of the Active workspaces total.