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User profile templates in Azure API Management

Azure API Management provides you the ability to customize the content of developer portal pages using a set of templates that configure their content. Using DotLiquid syntax and the editor of your choice, such as DotLiquid for Designers, and a provided set of localized String resources, Glyph resources, and Page controls, you have great flexibility to configure the content of the pages as you see fit using these templates.

The templates in this section allow you to customize the content of the User profile pages in the developer portal.


Sample default templates are included in the following documentation, but are subject to change due to continuous improvements. You can view the live default templates in the developer portal by navigating to the desired individual templates. For more information about working with templates, see How to customize the API Management developer portal using templates.


The following documentation content is about the deprecated developer portal. You can continue to use it, as per usual, until its retirement in October 2023, when it will be removed from all API Management services. The deprecated portal will only receive critical security updates. Refer to the following articles for more details:



This feature is available in the Premium, Standard, Basic, and Developer tiers of API Management.

For feature availability in the v2 tiers (preview), see the v2 tiers overview.


The profile template allows you to customize the user profile section of the user profile page in the developer portal.

User Profile Page

Default template

<div class="pull-right">  
  {% if canChangePassword == true %}  
  <a class="btn btn-default" id="ChangePassword" role="button" href="{{changePasswordUrl}}">{% localized "UserProfile|ButtonLabelChangePassword" %}</a>  
  {% endif %}  
  <a id="changeAccountInfo" href="{{changeNameOrEmailUrl}}" class="btn btn-default">  
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>  
    <span>{% localized "UserProfile|ButtonLabelChangeAccountInfo" %}</span>  
<h2>{% localized "SubscriptionStrings|PageTitleDeveloperProfile" %}</h2>  
<div class="container-fluid">  
  <div class="row">  
    <div class="col-sm-3">  
      <label for="Email">{% localized "UserProfile|TextboxLabelEmail" %}</label>  
    <div class="col-sm-9" id="Email">{{email}}</div>  
  {% if isSystemUser != true %}  
  <div class="row">  
    <div class="col-sm-3">  
      <label for="FirstName">{% localized "UserProfile|TextboxLabelEmailFirstName" %}</label>  
    <div class="col-sm-9" id="FirstName">{{FirstName}}</div>  
  <div class="row">  
    <div class="col-sm-3">  
      <label for="LastName">{% localized "UserProfile|TextboxLabelEmailLastName" %}</label>  
    <div class="col-sm-9" id="LastName">{{LastName}}</div>  
  {% else %}  
  <div class="row">  
    <div class="col-sm-3">  
      <label for="CompanyName">{% localized "UserProfile|TextboxLabelOrganizationName" %}</label>  
    <div class="col-sm-9" id="CompanyName">{{CompanyName}}</div>  
  <div class="row">  
    <div class="col-sm-3">  
      <label for="AddresserEmail">{% localized "UserProfile|TextboxLabelNotificationsSenderEmail" %}</label>  
    <div class="col-sm-9" id="AddresserEmail">{{AddresserEmail}}</div>  
  {% endif %}  


This template may not use any page controls.

Data model


The Profile, Applications, and Subscriptions templates share the same data model and receive the same template data.

Property Type Description
firstName string First name of the current user.
lastName string Last name of the current user.
companyName string The company name of the current user.
addresserEmail string Email address of the current user.
developersUsageStatisticsLink string Relative URL to view analytics for the current user.
subscriptions Collection of Subscription entities. The subscriptions for the current user.
applications Collection of Application entities. The applications of the current user.
changePasswordUrl string The relative URL to change the current user's password.
changeNameOrEmailUrl string The relative URL to change the name and email for the current user.
canChangePassword boolean Whether the current user can change their password.
isSystemUser boolean Whether the current user is a member of one of the built-in groups.

Sample template data

    "firstName": "Administrator",  
    "lastName": "",  
    "companyName": "Contoso",  
    "addresserEmail": "",  
    "email": "",  
    "developersUsageStatisticsLink": "/Developer/Analytics",  
    "subscriptions": [  
            "Id": "57026e30de15d80041070001",  
            "ProductId": "57026e30de15d80041060001",  
            "ProductTitle": "Starter",  
            "ProductDescription": "Subscribers will be able to run 5 calls/minute up to a maximum of 100 calls/week.",  
            "ProductDetailsUrl": "/Products/57026e30de15d80041060001",  
            "State": "Active",  
            "DisplayName": "Starter  (default)",  
            "CreatedDate": "2016-04-04T13:37:52.847",  
            "CanBeCancelled": true,  
            "IsAwaitingApproval": false,  
            "StartDate": null,  
            "ExpirationDate": null,  
            "NotificationDate": null,  
            "PrimaryKey": "b6b2870953d04420a4e02c58f2c08e74",  
            "SecondaryKey": "cfe28d5a1cd04d8abc93f48352076ea5",  
            "UserId": 1,  
            "CanBeRenewed": false,  
            "HasExpired": false,  
            "IsRejected": false,  
            "CancelUrl": "/Subscriptions/57026e30de15d80041070001/Cancel",  
            "RenewUrl": "/Subscriptions/57026e30de15d80041070001/Renew"  
            "Id": "57026e30de15d80041070002",  
            "ProductId": "57026e30de15d80041060002",  
            "ProductTitle": "Unlimited",  
            "ProductDescription": "Subscribers have completely unlimited access to the API. Administrator approval is required.",  
            "ProductDetailsUrl": "/Products/57026e30de15d80041060002",  
            "State": "Active",  
            "DisplayName": "Unlimited  (default)",  
            "CreatedDate": "2016-04-04T13:37:52.923",  
            "CanBeCancelled": true,  
            "IsAwaitingApproval": false,  
            "StartDate": null,  
            "ExpirationDate": null,  
            "NotificationDate": null,  
            "PrimaryKey": "8fe7843c36de4cceb4728e6cae297336",  
            "SecondaryKey": "96c850d217e74acf9b514ff8a5b38551",  
            "UserId": 1,  
            "CanBeRenewed": false,  
            "HasExpired": false,  
            "IsRejected": false,  
            "CancelUrl": "/Subscriptions/57026e30de15d80041070002/Cancel",  
            "RenewUrl": "/Subscriptions/57026e30de15d80041070002/Renew"  
    "applications": [],  
    "changePasswordUrl": "/account/password/change",  
    "changeNameOrEmailUrl": "/account/update",  
    "canChangePassword": false,  
    "isSystemUser": true  


The Subscriptions template allows you to customize the subscriptions section of the user profile page in the developer portal.

User Subscription Page

Default template

<div class="ap-account-subscriptions">  
  <a href="{{developersUsageStatisticsLink}}" id="UsageStatistics" class="btn btn-default pull-right">  
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stats"></span>  
    <span>{% localized "SubscriptionListStrings|WebDevelopersUsageStatisticsLink" %}</span>  
  <h2>{% localized "SubscriptionListStrings|WebDevelopersYourSubscriptions" %}</h2>  
  <table class="table">  
        <th>Subscription details</th>  
        <th>{% localized "SubscriptionListStrings|WebDevelopersSubscriptionTableStateHeader" %}</th>  
      {% if subscriptions.size == 0 %}  
        <td class="text-center" colspan="4">  
          {% localized "CommonResources|NoItemsToDisplay" %}  
      {% else %}  
      {% for subscription in subscriptions %}  
      <tr id="{{}}" {% if subscription.hasExpired %} class="expired" {% endif %}>  
          <div class="row">  
            <label class="col-lg-3">{% localized "SubscriptionListStrings|SubscriptionPropertyLabelName" %}</label>  
            <div class="col-lg-6">  
              {{ subscription.displayName }}  
            <div class="col-lg-2">  
              <a class="btn-link" href="/Subscriptions/{{}}/Rename">Rename</a>  
            <div class="clearfix"></div>  
          {% if subscription.isAwaitingApproval %}  
          <div class="row">  
            <label class="col-lg-3">{% localized "SubscriptionListStrings|SubscriptionPropertyLabelRequestedDate" %}</label>  
            <div class="col-lg-6">  
              {{ subscription.createdDate | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }}  
          {% else %}  
          {% if subscription.isRejected == false %}  
          {% if subscription.startDate %}  
          <div class="row">  
            <label class="col-lg-3">{% localized "SubscriptionListStrings|SubscriptionPropertyLabelStartedDate" %}</label>  
            <div class="col-lg-6">  
              {{ subscription.startDate | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }}  
          {% endif %}  
          <!-- ko with: Developers.Account.Root.account.key('{{subscription.primaryKey}}', '{{}}', true) -->  
          <div class="row">  
            <label class="col-lg-3">{% localized "SubscriptionListStrings|WebDevelopersPrimaryKey" %}</label>  
            <div class="col-lg-6">  
              <code data-bind="text: $data.displayKey()" id="primary_{{}}"></code>  
            <div class="col-lg-2">  
              <!-- ko if: !requestInProgress() -->  
              <div class="nowrap">  
                <a href="#" class="btn-link" id="togglePrimary_{{}}" data-bind="click: toggleKeyDisplay, text: toggleKeyLabel"></a>  
                <a href="#" class="btn-link" id="regeneratePrimary_{{}}" data-bind="click: regenerateKey, text: regenerateKeyLabel"></a>  
              <!-- /ko -->  
              <!-- ko if: requestInProgress() -->  
              <div class="progress progress-striped active">  
                <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="100" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: 100%">  
                  <span class="sr-only"></span>  
              <!-- /ko -->  
            <div class="clearfix"></div>  
          <!-- /ko -->  
          <!-- ko with: Developers.Account.Root.account.key('{{subscription.secondaryKey}}', '{{}}', false) -->  
          <div class="row">  
            <label class="col-lg-3">{% localized "SubscriptionListStrings|WebDevelopersSecondaryKey" %}</label>  
            <div class="col-lg-6">  
              <code data-bind="text: $data.displayKey()" id="secondary_{{}}"></code>  
            <div class="col-lg-2">  
              <div class="nowrap">  
                <a href="#" class="btn-link" id="toggleSecondary_{{}}" data-bind="click: toggleKeyDisplay, text: toggleKeyLabel">{% localized "SubscriptionListStrings|ButtonLabelShowKey" %}</a>  
                <a href="#" class="btn-link" id="regenerateSecondary_{{}}" data-bind="click: regenerateKey, text: regenerateKeyLabel">{% localized "SubscriptionListStrings|WebDevelopersRegenerateLink" %}</a>  
            <div class="clearfix"> </div>  
          <!-- /ko -->  
          {% endif %}  
          {% endif %}  
          <a href="{{subscription.productDetailsUrl}}">{{subscription.productTitle}}</a>  
          <div class="nowrap">  
            {% if subscription.canBeCancelled %}  
            <subscription-cancel params="{ subscriptionId: '{{}}', cancelUrl: '{{subscription.cancelUrl}}' }"></subscription-cancel>  
            {% endif %}  
      {% endfor %}  
      {% endif %}  


This template may use the following page controls.

Data model


The Profile, Applications, and Subscriptions templates share the same data model and receive the same template data.

Property Type Description
firstName string First name of the current user.
lastName string Last name of the current user.
companyName string The company name of the current user.
addresserEmail string Email address of the current user.
developersUsageStatisticsLink string Relative URL to view analytics for the current user.
subscriptions Collection of Subscription entities. The subscriptions for the current user.
applications Collection of Application entities. The applications of the current user.
changePasswordUrl string The relative URL to change the current user's password.
changeNameOrEmailUrl string The relative URL to change the name and email for the current user.
canChangePassword boolean Whether the current user can change their password.
isSystemUser boolean Whether the current user is a member of one of the built-in groups.

Sample template data

    "firstName": "Administrator",  
    "lastName": "",  
    "companyName": "Contoso",  
    "addresserEmail": "",  
    "email": "",  
    "developersUsageStatisticsLink": "/Developer/Analytics",  
    "subscriptions": [  
            "Id": "57026e30de15d80041070001",  
            "ProductId": "57026e30de15d80041060001",  
            "ProductTitle": "Starter",  
            "ProductDescription": "Subscribers will be able to run 5 calls/minute up to a maximum of 100 calls/week.",  
            "ProductDetailsUrl": "/Products/57026e30de15d80041060001",  
            "State": "Active",  
            "DisplayName": "Starter  (default)",  
            "CreatedDate": "2016-04-04T13:37:52.847",  
            "CanBeCancelled": true,  
            "IsAwaitingApproval": false,  
            "StartDate": null,  
            "ExpirationDate": null,  
            "NotificationDate": null,  
            "PrimaryKey": "b6b2870953d04420a4e02c58f2c08e74",  
            "SecondaryKey": "cfe28d5a1cd04d8abc93f48352076ea5",  
            "UserId": 1,  
            "CanBeRenewed": false,  
            "HasExpired": false,  
            "IsRejected": false,  
            "CancelUrl": "/Subscriptions/57026e30de15d80041070001/Cancel",  
            "RenewUrl": "/Subscriptions/57026e30de15d80041070001/Renew"  
            "Id": "57026e30de15d80041070002",  
            "ProductId": "57026e30de15d80041060002",  
            "ProductTitle": "Unlimited",  
            "ProductDescription": "Subscribers have completely unlimited access to the API. Administrator approval is required.",  
            "ProductDetailsUrl": "/Products/57026e30de15d80041060002",  
            "State": "Active",  
            "DisplayName": "Unlimited  (default)",  
            "CreatedDate": "2016-04-04T13:37:52.923",  
            "CanBeCancelled": true,  
            "IsAwaitingApproval": false,  
            "StartDate": null,  
            "ExpirationDate": null,  
            "NotificationDate": null,  
            "PrimaryKey": "8fe7843c36de4cceb4728e6cae297336",  
            "SecondaryKey": "96c850d217e74acf9b514ff8a5b38551",  
            "UserId": 1,  
            "CanBeRenewed": false,  
            "HasExpired": false,  
            "IsRejected": false,  
            "CancelUrl": "/Subscriptions/57026e30de15d80041070002/Cancel",  
            "RenewUrl": "/Subscriptions/57026e30de15d80041070002/Renew"  
    "applications": [],  
    "changePasswordUrl": "/account/password/change",  
    "changeNameOrEmailUrl": "/account/update",  
    "canChangePassword": false,  
    "isSystemUser": true  


The Applications template allows you to customize the subscriptions section of the user profile page in the developer portal.

User Account Applications Page

Default template

<div class="ap-account-applications">  
  <a id="RegisterApplication" href="/Developer/Applications/Register" class="btn btn-success pull-right">  
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span>  
    <span>{% localized "ApplicationListStrings|WebDevelopersRegisterAppLink" %}</span>  
  <h2>{% localized "ApplicationListStrings|WebDevelopersYourApplicationsHeader" %}</h2>  
  <table class="table">  
        <th class="col-md-8">{% localized "ApplicationListStrings|WebDevelopersAppTableNameHeader" %}</th>  
        <th class="col-md-2">{% localized "ApplicationListStrings|WebDevelopersAppTableCategoryHeader" %}</th>  
        <th class="col-md-2" colspan="2">{% localized "ApplicationListStrings|WebDevelopersAppTableStateHeader" %}</th>  
      {% if applications.size == 0 %}  
        <td class="col-md-12 text-center" colspan="4">  
          {% localized "CommonResources|NoItemsToDisplay" %}  
      {% else %}  
      {% for app in applications %}  
        <td class="col-md-8">  
        <td class="col-md-2">  
        <td class="col-md-2">  
            {% case app.state %}  
            {% when ApplicationStateModel.Registered %}  
            {% localized "ApplicationListStrings|WebDevelopersAppNotSubmitted" %}  
            {% when ApplicationStateModel.Unpublished %}  
            {% localized "ApplicationListStrings|WebDevelopersAppNotPublished" %}  
            {% else %}  
            {{ app.state }}  
            {% endcase %}  
        <td class="col-md-1">  
          <div class="nowrap">  
            {% if app.state != ApplicationStateModel.Submitted and app.state != ApplicationStateModel.Published %}  
            <app-actions params="{ appId: '{{}}' }"></app-actions>  
            {% endif %}  
      {% endfor %}  
      {% endif %}  


This template may use the following page controls.

Data model


The Profile, Applications, and Subscriptions templates share the same data model and receive the same template data.

Property Type Description
firstName string First name of the current user.
lastName string Last name of the current user.
companyName string The company name of the current user.
addresserEmail string Email address of the current user.
developersUsageStatisticsLink string Relative URL to view analytics for the current user.
subscriptions Collection of Subscription entities. The subscriptions for the current user.
applications Collection of Application entities. The applications of the current user.
changePasswordUrl string The relative URL to change the current user's password.
changeNameOrEmailUrl string The relative URL to change the name and email for the current user.
canChangePassword boolean Whether the current user can change their password.
isSystemUser boolean Whether the current user is a member of one of the built-in groups.

Sample template data

    "firstName": "Administrator",  
    "lastName": "",  
    "companyName": "Contoso",  
    "addresserEmail": "",  
    "email": "",  
    "developersUsageStatisticsLink": "/Developer/Analytics",  
    "subscriptions": [  
            "Id": "57026e30de15d80041070001",  
            "ProductId": "57026e30de15d80041060001",  
            "ProductTitle": "Starter",  
            "ProductDescription": "Subscribers will be able to run 5 calls/minute up to a maximum of 100 calls/week.",  
            "ProductDetailsUrl": "/Products/57026e30de15d80041060001",  
            "State": "Active",  
            "DisplayName": "Starter  (default)",  
            "CreatedDate": "2016-04-04T13:37:52.847",  
            "CanBeCancelled": true,  
            "IsAwaitingApproval": false,  
            "StartDate": null,  
            "ExpirationDate": null,  
            "NotificationDate": null,  
            "PrimaryKey": "b6b2870953d04420a4e02c58f2c08e74",  
            "SecondaryKey": "cfe28d5a1cd04d8abc93f48352076ea5",  
            "UserId": 1,  
            "CanBeRenewed": false,  
            "HasExpired": false,  
            "IsRejected": false,  
            "CancelUrl": "/Subscriptions/57026e30de15d80041070001/Cancel",  
            "RenewUrl": "/Subscriptions/57026e30de15d80041070001/Renew"  
            "Id": "57026e30de15d80041070002",  
            "ProductId": "57026e30de15d80041060002",  
            "ProductTitle": "Unlimited",  
            "ProductDescription": "Subscribers have completely unlimited access to the API. Administrator approval is required.",  
            "ProductDetailsUrl": "/Products/57026e30de15d80041060002",  
            "State": "Active",  
            "DisplayName": "Unlimited  (default)",  
            "CreatedDate": "2016-04-04T13:37:52.923",  
            "CanBeCancelled": true,  
            "IsAwaitingApproval": false,  
            "StartDate": null,  
            "ExpirationDate": null,  
            "NotificationDate": null,  
            "PrimaryKey": "8fe7843c36de4cceb4728e6cae297336",  
            "SecondaryKey": "96c850d217e74acf9b514ff8a5b38551",  
            "UserId": 1,  
            "CanBeRenewed": false,  
            "HasExpired": false,  
            "IsRejected": false,  
            "CancelUrl": "/Subscriptions/57026e30de15d80041070002/Cancel",  
            "RenewUrl": "/Subscriptions/57026e30de15d80041070002/Renew"  
    "applications": [],  
    "changePasswordUrl": "/account/password/change",  
    "changeNameOrEmailUrl": "/account/update",  
    "canChangePassword": false,  
    "isSystemUser": true  

Update account info

The Update account info template allows you to customize the Update account information page in the developer portal.

User Account Info Page Developer Portal Templates

Default template

<div class="row">  
  <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-6">  
    <div class="form-group">  
      <label for="Email">{% localized "SigninResources|TextboxLabelEmail" %}</label>  
      <input autofocus="autofocus" class="form-control" id="Email" name="Email" type="text" value="{{email}}">  
    <div class="form-group">  
      <label for="FirstName">{% localized "SigninResources|TextboxLabelEmailFirstName" %}</label>  
      <input class="form-control" id="FirstName" name="FirstName" type="text" value="{{firstName}}">  
    <div class="form-group">  
      <label for="LastName">{% localized "SigninResources|TextboxLabelEmailLastName" %}</label>  
      <input class="form-control" id="LastName" name="LastName" type="text" value="{{lastName}}">  
    <div class="form-group">  
      <label for="Password">{% localized "SigninResources|WebAuthenticationSigninPasswordLabel" %}</label>  
      <input class="form-control" id="Password" name="Password" type="password">  
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="UpdateProfile">  
  {% localized "UpdateProfileStrings|ButtonLabelUpdateProfile" %}  
<a class="btn btn-default" href="/developer" role="button">  
  {% localized "CommonStrings|ButtonLabelCancel" %}  


This template may not use any page controls.

Data model

User account info entity.

Sample template data

    "FirstName": "Administrator",  
    "LastName": "",  
    "Email": "",  
    "Password": null,  
    "NameIdentifier": null,  
    "ProviderName": null,  
    "IsBasicAccount": false  

Next steps

For more information about working with templates, see How to customize the API Management developer portal using templates.