Background Checks

Q: Is background check optional?

A: Yes, the background check is optional for India Classifieds provider.

Q: What is a background check/verification?

A: The background check/verification covers the following (should they go through Microsoft Global Security):

  1. ID Check - Passport, PAN or Aadhaar ID

  2. Criminal Record

  3. Global Sanctions and Enforcement Check

If a tutor goes through another vendor, we cannot know that the above information was checked. We encourage users (students and tutors) to ask to verify background information on users they interact with, and that if lessons are going to be conducted in person, we encourage users to be in a public location.

Q: What is the background check process?

A: If you would like to get a Background Check, please email your request to You will receive a follow up email from our third-party vendor to complete a form that will start the Background Check screening. It can take several weeks to receive this email so please check your SPAM/Junk folders often. Once you submit the screening form, please be sure to look for any additional items needed to complete the Background Check. Once it has passed, your TakeLessons account will be updated to reflect this.

Q: I requested a background check; how long does it take to process?

A: It can take several weeks for the Background Check results to be processed. A badge will be visible to students on your profile once it has passed.

Q: Who pays for background check?

A: Tutors using Microsoft Global Security, Microsoft will pay for the cost of the background check. If you are using another vendor, you will be responsible for the cost of the background check.

Q: What does it mean to have a badge?

A: The badge means that a tutor has provided us with background check documentation, or Microsoft has processed a background check. However, TakeLessons does not perform mandatory independent background checks on tutors.

Q: Who conducts background check?

A: Currently a tutor can upload background documentation that they have obtained on their own or they can obtain a background check through Microsoft Global Security. We do not verify the background checks that are uploaded by tutors, other than to review what was submitted by the tutor through our website.

Q: Who should complete background check?

A: We encourage all tutors to have a background check.

Q: Why should you complete background check?

A: Having a background check will instill confidence in the student/parent that you are safe to have lessons with.