Complete the challenge


In this challenge, you'll write code that will combine literal and variable values into a single message.

Challenge: Display literal and variable values

  1. Select all of the code in the .NET Editor then select the Delete or Backspace key to delete it.

  2. Store the following values in variables:

    • Bob
    • 3
    • 34.4

    These variables should be given names that reflect their purpose.

    Make sure you select the correct data type for each of the variables based on the type of data it will hold.

    Finally, you'll combine the variables with literal strings passed into a series of Console.Write() commands to form a complete message.

  3. Write code in the .NET Editor to display the following message:

    Hello, Bob! You have 3 messages in your inbox. The temperature is 34.4 celsius.

    No matter how you do it, your code should produce the specified output.

Whether you get stuck and need to peek at the solution or you finish successfully, continue to view a solution to this challenge.