SccOpenProject Function

This function opens an existing source control project or creates a new one.


SCCRTN SccOpenProject (
   LPVOID        pvContext,
   HWND          hWnd,
   LPSTR         lpUser,
   LPCSTR        lpProjName,
   LPCSTR        lpLocalProjPath,
   LPSTR         lpAuxProjPath,
   LPCSTR        lpComment,
   LONG          dwFlags



[in] The source control plug-in context structure.


[in] A handle to the IDE window that the source control plug-in can use as a parent for any dialog boxes that it provides.


[in, out] The name of the user (not to exceed SCC_USER_SIZE, including the NULL terminator).


[in] The string identifying the name of the project.


[in] The path to the working folder for the project.


[in, out]An optional auxiliary string identifying the project (not to exceed SCC_AUXPATH_SIZE, including the NULL terminator).


[in] Comment to a new project that is being created.


[in] An optional callback function to display text output from the source control plug-in.


[in] Signals whether a new project needs to be created if the project is unknown to the source control plug-in. Value can be a combination of SCC_OP_CREATEIFNEW and SCC_OP_SILENTOPEN.

Return Value

The source control plug-in implementation of this function is expected to return one of the following values:

Value Description
SCC_OK Success in opening the project.
SCC_E_INITIALIZEFAILED Project could not be initialized.
SCC_E_INVALIDUSER The user could not log in to the source control system.
SCC_E_COULDNOTCREATEPROJECT The project did not exist prior to the call; the SCC_OPT_CREATEIFNEW flag was set, but the project could not be created.
SCC_E_PROJSYNTAXERR Invalid project syntax.
SCC_E_UNKNOWNPROJECT The project is unknown to the source control plug-in, and the SCC_OPT_CREATEIFNEW flag was not set.
SCC_E_INVALIDFILEPATH Invalid or unusable file path.
SCC_E_NOTAUTHORIZED The user is not allowed to perform this operation.
SCC_E_ACCESSFAILURE There was a problem accessing the source control system, probably due to network or contention issues. A retry is recommended.
SCC_E_NONSPECFICERROR A nonspecific failure; the source control system was not initialized.


The IDE may pass in a user name (lpUser), or it may simply pass in a pointer to an empty string. If there is a user name, the source control plug-in should use it as a default. However, if no name was passed, or if the login failed with the given name, the plug-in should prompt the user to log in and will return the valid name in lpUser when it receives a valid login. Because the plug-in may change the user name string, the IDE will always allocate a buffer of size (SCC_USER_LEN+1 or SCC_USER_SIZE, which includes space for the null terminator).


The first action the IDE may be required to perform may be a call to the SccOpenProject function or the SccGetProjPath. For this reason, both of them have an identical lpUser parameter.

lpAuxProjPath and lpProjName are read from the solution file, or they are returned from a call to the SccGetProjPath function. These parameters contain the strings that the source control plug-in associates with the project and are meaningful only to the plug-in. If no such strings are in the solution file and the user has not been prompted to browse (which would return a string through the SccGetProjPath function), the IDE passes empty strings for both lpAuxProjPath and lpProjName, and expects these values to be updated by the plug-in when this function returns.

lpTextOutProc is a pointer to a callback function provided by the IDE to the source control plug-in for the purpose of displaying command result output. This callback function is described in detail in LPTEXTOUTPROC.


If the source control plug-in intends to take advantage of this, it must have set the SCC_CAP_TEXTOUT flag in the SccInitialize. If that flag was not set, or if the IDE does not support this feature, lpTextOutProc will be NULL.

The dwFlags parameter controls the outcome in the event that the project being opened does not currently exist. It consists of two bitflags, SCC_OP_CREATEIFNEW and SCC_OP_SILENTOPEN. If the project being opened already exists, the function simply opens the project and returns SCC_OK. If the project does not exist and if the SCC_OP_CREATEIFNEW flag is on, the source control plug-in can create the project in the source control system, open it, and return SCC_OK. If the project does not exist, and if the SCC_OP_CREATEIFNEW flag is off, the plug-in should then check for the SCC_OP_SILENTOPEN flag. If that flag is not on, the plug-in may prompt the user for a project name. If that flag is on, the plug-in should simply return SCC_E_UNKNOWNPROJECT.

Calling Order

In the normal course of events, the SccInitialize would be called first to open a source control session. A session may consist of a call to SccOpenProject, followed by other Source Control Plug-in API function calls, and will terminate with a call to the SccCloseProject. Such sessions may be repeated several times before the SccUninitialize is called.

If the source control plug-in sets the SCC_CAP_REENTRANT bit in SccInitialize, then the above session sequence may be repeated many times in parallel. Different pvContext structures track the different sessions, in which each pvContext is associated with one open project at a time. Based on the pvContext parameter, the plug-in can determine which project is referenced in any particular call. If the capability bit SCC_CAP_REENTRANT is not set, nonreentrant source control plug-ins are limited in their ability to work with multiple projects.


The SCC_CAP_REENTRANT bit was introduced in version 1.1 of the Source Control Plug-in API. It is not set or is ignored in version 1.0, and all version 1.0 source control plug-ins are assumed to be nonreentrant.

See also