I am recycling a Toshiba laptop from my Granddaughter who is a member of family safety. I want to give the system to an adult daughter to replace her aging laptop.
Current State:
I added the adult daughter's account to the system and successfully logged in
I removed the Granddaughter's account from the Toshiba; she is over 18 so I removed her from the family safety membership
Every time I boot the laptop to the Adult Daughter's account, I get a pop up message: Ask for permission from an adult .. Widows Shell experience
So, how do I clear this message and de-couple the PC form family Safety?
Referring to question source: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/807181a5-7c38-4b6d-9010-cbdd5d1c662e/how-to-remove-a-computer-from-family-safety?forum=win10itprogeneral