Windows 10 Perfmon / resource Meter vs Taskmanager

Buc Repus 1 Reputation point

(Windows 10) I am using Perfmon to look at the total bytes/sec on a machine. However, the value returned from perfmon is nowhere close to what task manager displays as the traffic rate. Taskmanager may display 20 Mbps received while permon displays 1.5 Mbps. I can easily reproduce this across pretty much any Windows box. Even if I open resource meter from taskmanager the values are nowhere near the same. Any ideas? I am trying to troubleshoot network utilization issues. Perfmon seems useless in this situation, or either taskmanager is incorrect.

Windows 10 Network
Windows 10 Network
Windows 10: A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.Network: A group of devices that communicate either wirelessly or via a physical connection.
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  1. Gary Nebbett 5,721 Reputation points

    Hello BucRepus,

    It is easy to be confused whether the numbers refer to bits or bytes.

    Task Manager uses abbreviations like Mbps and Kbps - these are "bits per second" values.

    Perform typically uses text like "Bytes Total/sec" - these are obviously "bytes per second" values.

    1.5 megabytes per second is about 12 megabits per second - in the same ballpark as 20 megabits per second.

    The values that you are seeing are almost certainly both "correct", but may be reporting on network traffic from subtly different perspectives.


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