I am using the Azure AI text-to-speech web interface.
When I generate an audio from the following text, both Strong-breaks are generated.
[Guy] This is a text. [Strong] This is a text after a break. [Strong]
[Guy] And this is a text in a new line, after a break at the end of the previous line.
When I generate the audio from the same text, but with another voice, only the first Strong-break is generated, the second Strong-break is ignored.
[Florian Multilingual] This is a text. [Strong] This is a text after a break. [Strong]
[Florian Multilingual] And this is a text in a new line, after a break at the end of the previous line.
All Multiligual voices seem to ignore breaks at the end of a line/paragraph.
With all standard voices the breaks work.
How can I insert a break at the end of a line/paragraph when using a multilingual voice?
Thanks in advance