Novice - MIM help with IIF Statement on legacy MIM environment
Hi, we currently have a process to disable inactive or leaver accounts in an old MIM system and a conditional expression mapped to UAC on the MIM portal sync job
So basically if MIM form employee Status is Inactif or Actif it will disable or enable the AD accounts
We updated some steps so that if AD account is inactive it marks a attribute with "Inactive" and was hoping to update the above expression but I cant work out how and also dont really understand the "IsPresent(uac)" bits.
I did try;
Basically now I still want it to disable or enable the AD account based on the employee status but also to disable the AD account if the attribute is "Inactive"
So what is happening now is it does disable the AD accounts but now if the MIM form employee status is disabled it no longers also disables the AD account where as it did before?