Dialogs object (Excel)

A collection of all the Dialog objects in Microsoft Excel.


Each Dialog object represents a built-in dialog box. You cannot create a new built-in dialog box or add one to the collection. The only useful thing that you can do with a Dialog object is to use it with the Show method to display the corresponding dialog box.

The Microsoft Excel Visual Basic object library includes built-in constants for many of the built-in dialog boxes. Each constant is formed from the prefix "xlDialog" followed by the name of the dialog box. For example, the Apply Names dialog box constant is xlDialogApplyNames, and the Find File dialog box constant is xlDialogFindFile. These constants are members of the XlBuiltinDialog enumerated type.


Use the Dialogs property of the Application object to return the Dialogs collection. The following code example displays the number of available built-in Microsoft Excel dialog boxes.

MsgBox Application.Dialogs.Count

Use Dialogs (index), where index is a built-in constant identifying the dialog box, to return a single Dialog object. The following example runs the built-in File Open dialog box.

dlgAnswer = Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show


See also

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