Use late-bound Entity class with a LINQ query
In Microsoft Dataverse, you can use late binding with .NET Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) queries. Late binding uses the attribute logical name, and is resolved at runtime.
Using late binding in a JOIN clause
The following examples show how to use late binding in the join
clause of a LINQ query.
Retrieve the full name of the contact that represents the primary contact for an account and the account name.
using (OrganizationServiceContext orgSvcContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(_serviceProxy))
var query_join2 = from c in orgSvcContext.CreateQuery("contact")
join a in orgSvcContext.CreateQuery("account")
on c["contactid"] equals a["primarycontactid"]
select new
contact_name = c["fullname"],
account_name = a["name"]
foreach (var c in query_join2)
System.Console.WriteLine(c.contact_name + " " + c.account_name);
Retrieve Contact, Account and Lead data where the Lead was the originating Lead and the Contact’s last name is not “Parker”
using (OrganizationServiceContext orgSvcContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(_serviceProxy))
var query_dejoin = from c in orgSvcContext.CreateQuery("contact")
join a in orgSvcContext.CreateQuery("account")
on c["contactid"] equals a["primarycontactid"]
join l in orgSvcContext.CreateQuery("lead")
on a["originatingleadid"] equals l["leadid"]
where (string)c["lastname"] != "Parker"
select new { Contact = c, Account = a, Lead = l };
foreach (var c in query_dejoin)
System.Console.WriteLine(c.Account.Attributes["name"] + " " +
c.Contact.Attributes["fullname"] + " " + c.Lead.Attributes["leadid"]);
Using late binding in a left JOIN
The following example shows how to retrieve a list of Contact and Account information using a left join. A left join is designed to return parents with and without children from two sources. There is a correlation between parent and child, but no child may actually exist.
using (OrganizationServiceContext orgSvcContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(_serviceProxy))
var query_join9 = from a in orgSvcContext.CreateQuery("account")
join c in orgSvcContext.CreateQuery("contact")
on a["primarycontactid"] equals c["contactid"] into gr
from c_joined in gr.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
account_name = a.Attributes["name"]
foreach (var c in query_join9)
Using late binding and the Contains method
The following example shows how to use late binding with the Contains
method in a LINQ query.
using (OrganizationServiceContext orgSvcContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(_serviceProxy))
var query_contains3 = from c in orgSvcContext.CreateQuery("contact")
where ((string)c["description"]).Contains("Coho")
select new
firstname = c.Attributes["firstname"],
lastname = c.Attributes["lastname"]
foreach (var c in query_contains3)
System.Console.WriteLine(c.firstname + " " + c.lastname);
Using late binding and NOT Equals operator
The following example shows use of the not equals operator.
using (OrganizationServiceContext orgSvcContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(_serviceProxy))
var query_ne3 = from c in orgSvcContext.CreateQuery("contact")
where !c["address1_city"].Equals(null)
select new
FirstName = c["firstname"],
LastName = c["lastname"],
Address1_City = c["address1_city"]
foreach (var c in query_ne3)
System.Console.WriteLine(c.FirstName + " " +
c.LastName + " " + c.Address1_City);
Using the GetAttributeValue method
The following example shows how to retrieve Contact information using the GetAttributeValue
using (OrganizationServiceContext orgSvcContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(_serviceProxy))
var list_getattrib1 = (from c in orgSvcContext.CreateQuery("contact")
where c.GetAttributeValue<Guid?>("contactid") != _contactId1
select new {
FirstName = c.GetAttributeValue<string>("firstname"),
LastName = c.GetAttributeValue<string>("lastname")
foreach (var c in list_getattrib1)
System.Console.WriteLine(c.FirstName + " " + c.LastName);
See also
Build Queries with LINQ (.NET Language-Integrated Query) Order results using table columns with LINQ CreateQuery<TEntity>()