MCRCustPaymTable::continuityPaymProcessing Method
Handles continuity order payments.
For Continuity orders that are in a bill up front situation, the conitnuity cust header records that tie to this payment need to be created since the coninutiy cust header form does not.
If the payment is a bill up front with no schedule it will fall in the pay all at sales order category and needs to be paid right away, for this create a continuity cust header payment record that equal the payment amount + the taxes.
If the bill up front has a payment schedule then create the payment record tied to the continuity cust header at the end order.
client server public static void continuityPaymProcessing(
boolean _isPaymSuccessful,
SalesTable _salesTable,
MCRContinuityCustHeader _continuityCustHeader)
Run On
- _isPaymSuccessful
Type: boolean
A boolean determining if the payment was successful.
- _salesTable
Type: SalesTable Table
The SalesTable record used in connection with the continuity order and this payment.
- _continuityCustHeader
Type: MCRContinuityCustHeader Table
The continuity order tied to the SalesTable record and this payment.