HcmApprovalStatus Enumeration
Help Text: The status of the action. This is the workflow status if a review process is used.
Style: ComboBox
Name | Value | Description |
Draft | 0 | Draft |
InReview | 1 | In review |
Approved | 2 | Approved waiting |
Waiting | 3 | Waiting |
Cancelled | 4 | Canceled |
Rejected | 5 | Rejected |
Processing | 6 | Processing action |
WorkFlowComplete | 7 | Workflow complete |
Failed | 8 | Failed |
Completed | 9 | Completed |
Error | 10 | Error |
Denied | 11 | Denied |
ChangeRequested | 12 | In review |
TaskInReview | 13 | In review |
TaskCompleted | 14 | In review |