Microsoft Media Foundation
Overview of the Microsoft Media Foundation technology.
To develop Microsoft Media Foundation, you need these headers:
- codecapi.h
- dxva2api.h
- dxva9typ.h
- dxvahd.h
- icodecapi.h
- ksopmapi.h
- mfapi.h
- mfcaptureengine.h
- mfcontentdecryptionmodule.h
- mfd3d12.h
- mfidl.h
- mfmediacapture.h
- mfmediaengine.h
- mfmp2dlna.h
- mfobjects.h
- mfreadwrite.h
- mfsharingengine.h
- mfspatialaudio.h
- mftransform.h
- mfvirtualcamera.h
- opmapi.h
- wmcodecdsp.h
- wmcontainer.h
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
_MFT_DRAIN_TYPE Not supported. (_MFT_DRAIN_TYPE) |
_MFT_ENUM_FLAG Contains flags for registering and enumeration Media Foundation transforms (MFTs). |
_MFT_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS Defines flags for the IMFTransform::ProcessInput method. Currently no flags are defined. |
_MFT_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS Indicates the status of an input stream on a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
_MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS Describes an input stream on a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
_MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS Defines flags for the IMFTransform::ProcessOutput method. |
_MFT_OUTPUT_STATUS_FLAGS Indicates whether a Media Foundation transform (MFT) can produce output data. |
_MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS Describes an output stream on a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
_MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS Defines flags for processing output samples in a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
_MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_STATUS Indicates the status of a call to IMFTransform::ProcessOutput. |
_MFT_SET_TYPE_FLAGS Defines flags for the setting or testing the media type on a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
AEC_SYSTEM_MODE Specifies the processing mode for the voice capture DSP. This enumeration is used with the MFPKEY_WMAAECMA_SYSTEM_MODE property. |
AEC_VAD_MODE Specifies the type of voice activity detection (VAD) for the voice capture DSP. This enumeration is used with the MFPKEY_WMAAECMA_FEATR_VAD property. |
ASF_SELECTION_STATUS Defines the selection options for an ASF stream. |
ASF_STATUSFLAGS Defines status conditions for the IMFASFSplitter::GetNextSample method. |
D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_CHANNEL_TYPE Specifies the type of Microsoft Direct3D authenticated channel. |
D3D11_BUS_TYPE Specifies the type of I/O bus that is used by the graphics adapter. |
D3D11_CONTENT_PROTECTION_CAPS Contains flags that describe content-protection capabilities. |
D3D11_CRYPTO_SESSION_STATUS Represents the status of an ID3D11CryptoSession interface. |
D3D11_FEATURE_VIDEO Specifies a Direct3D 11 video feature or feature set to query about. |
D3D11_VDOV_DIMENSION Specifies how to access a resource that is used in a video decoding output view. |
D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_TYPE Specifies a type of compressed buffer for decoding. |
D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_CAPS Specifies capabilities of the video decoder. |
D3D11_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT Describes how a video stream is interlaced. (D3D11_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT) |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALPHA_FILL_MODE Specifies the alpha fill mode for video processing. (D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALPHA_FILL_MODE) |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_AUTO_STREAM_CAPS Specifies the automatic image processing capabilities of the video processor. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_BEHAVIOR_HINTS Specifies flags that indicate the most efficient methods for performing video processing operations. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_DEVICE_CAPS Defines video processing capabilities for a Microsoft Direct3D 11 video processor. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FEATURE_CAPS Defines features that a Microsoft Direct3D 11 video processor can support. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER Identifies a video processor filter. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER_CAPS Defines image filter capabilities for a Microsoft Direct3D 11 video processor. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_CAPS Defines capabilities related to input formats for a Microsoft Direct3D 11 video processor. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_SUPPORT Specifies how a video format can be used for video processing. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ITELECINE_CAPS Specifies the inverse telecine (IVTC) capabilities of a video processor. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_NOMINAL_RANGE Specifies values for the luminance range of YUV data. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_OUTPUT_RATE Specifies the rate at which the video processor produces output frames from an input stream. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_PROCESSOR_CAPS Specifies video processing capabilities that relate to deinterlacing, inverse telecine (IVTC), and frame-rate conversion. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION Specifies the video rotation states. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_CAPS Defines stereo 3D capabilities for a Microsoft Direct3D 11 video processor. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FLIP_MODE For stereo 3D video, specifies whether the data in frame 0 or frame 1 is flipped, either horizontally or vertically. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FORMAT Specifies the layout in memory of a stereo 3D video frame. |
D3D11_VIDEO_USAGE Specifies the intended use for a video processor. |
D3D11_VPIV_DIMENSION Specifies how to access a resource that is used in a video processor input view. |
D3D11_VPOV_DIMENSION Specifies how to access a resource that is used in a video processor output view. |
D3D12_BITSTREAM_ENCRYPTION_TYPE Specifies a bitstream encryption type. |
D3D12_FEATURE_VIDEO Specifies a Direct3D 12 video feature or feature set to query about. |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS Specifies the configuration for video decoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS Specifies whether a video decode conversion operation is supported. |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT Specifies indices for arrays of per component histogram information. (D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT) |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS Flags for indicating a subset of components used with video decode histogram. (D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS) |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_STATUS Specifies the status of a video decode operation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_SUPPORT_FLAGS Specifies whether a video decoding operation is supported. |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_TIER Specifies the decoding tier of a hardware video decoder, which determines the required format of application-defined textures and buffers. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC Specifies codecs for Direct3D 12 video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_DIRECT_MODES Specifies direct modes for H.264 video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_FLAGS Specifies configuration flags for H.264 video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_SLICES_DEBLOCKING_MODES Specifies the slice deblocking mode as defined by the disable_deblocking_filter_idc syntax in the H.264 specification. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_CUSIZE Specifies possible values for luma coding block sizes for HEVC. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_FLAGS Specifies configuration flags for HEVC video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_TUSIZE Specifies possible values for luma transform block sizes for HEVC. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_H264_FLAGS Specifies configuration support flags for H.264 video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_HEVC_FLAGS Specifies configuration support flags for HEVC video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_ENCODE_ERROR_FLAGS Specifies errors encountered during the ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList2::EncodeFrame operation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FLAGS Specifies flags for video encoder creation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_MODE Specifies video encoder frame subregion layout modes. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_H264 Specifies the type of an H.264 video frame. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_HEVC Specifies the type of an HEVC video frame. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_HEAP_FLAGS Specifies heap options for video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_INTRA_REFRESH_MODE Specifies video encoder intra refresh modes. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_H264 Specifies the encoder levels for H.264 encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_HEVC Specifies the encoder levels for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_MOTION_ESTIMATION_PRECISION_MODE Specifies motion estimation precision modes for video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_H264_FLAGS Specifies flags for the H.264-specific picture control properties. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_HEVC_FLAGS Specifies flags for the HEVC-specific picture control properties. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_FLAGS Specifies video encoder picture control flags. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_H264 Specifies the encoder profiles for H.264 encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_HEVC Specifies the encoder profiles for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_MODE Specifies video encoder rate control modes. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SEQUENCE_CONTROL_FLAGS Specifies flags for video encoder sequence control properties. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SUPPORT_FLAGS Specifies flags for video encoder features. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_TIER_HEVC Specifies the encoder tiers for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_VALIDATION_FLAGS Flags specifying unsupported encoder features. |
D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS Specifies the usage of the associated video extension command parameter. |
D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE Specifies the parameter stages for video extension commands. |
D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE Specifies the types of parameters for video extension commands. |
D3D12_VIDEO_FIELD_TYPE Specifies how a video frame is interlaced. |
D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_CODED_INTERLACE_TYPE Specifies the interlace type of coded video frames. |
D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_STEREO_FORMAT Defines the layout in memory of a stereo 3D video frame. |
D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE Defines supported search block sizes for video motion estimation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE_FLAGS Specifies the motion estimation search block sizes that a video encoder can support. |
D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION Defines vector precision values for video motion estimation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION_FLAGS Specifies the motion estimation vector precision that a video encoder supports. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ALPHA_FILL_MODE Specifies the alpha fill mode for video processing. (D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ALPHA_FILL_MODE) |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_AUTO_PROCESSING_FLAGS Specifies the automatic processing features that a video processor can support. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_DEINTERLACE_FLAGS Specifies the deinterlacing video processor capabilities. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FEATURE_FLAGS Specifies the features that a video processor can support. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER_FLAGS Specifies support for the image filters defined by the D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER enumeration. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_FLAGS Specifies flags for video processing input streams. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ORIENTATION Specifies an orientation operation to be performed by a video processor. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_SUPPORT_FLAGS Specifies whether a video format and colorspace conversion operation is supported. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SUPPORT_FLAGS Specifies support for protected resources in video operations. |
D3D12_VIDEO_SCALE_SUPPORT_FLAGS Specifies the scaling capabilities of the video scaler. |
DXVA2_NominalRange Describes how to map color data to a normalized [0...1] range. |
DXVA2_SampleFormat Describes the content of a video sample. These flags are used in the DXVA2_ExtendedFormat structure. |
DXVA2_SurfaceType Describes a DirectX surface type for DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA). |
DXVA2_VideoChromaSubSampling Describes how chroma values are positioned relative to the luma samples in a YUV video frame. |
DXVA2_VideoLighting Describes the intended lighting conditions for viewing video content. |
DXVA2_VideoPrimaries Specifies the color primaries of a video source. (DXVA2_VideoPrimaries) |
DXVA2_VideoTransferFunction Specifies the conversion function from linear RGB to non-linear RGB (R'G'B'). (DXVA2_VideoTransferFunction) |
DXVA2_VideoTransferMatrix Describes the conversion matrices between Y'PbPr (component video) and studio R'G'B'. (DXVA2_VideoTransferMatrix) |
DXVAHD_ALPHA_FILL_MODE Specifies how the output alpha values are calculated for Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) blit operations. |
DXVAHD_BLT_STATE Specifies state parameters for blit operations when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_DEVICE_CAPS Defines video processing capabilities for a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
DXVAHD_DEVICE_TYPE Specifies the type of Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
DXVAHD_DEVICE_USAGE Specifies the intended use for a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
DXVAHD_FEATURE_CAPS Defines features that a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device can support. |
DXVAHD_FILTER Specifies image filters for Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processing. |
DXVAHD_FILTER_CAPS Defines capabilities related to image adjustment and filtering for a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
DXVAHD_FRAME_FORMAT Describes how a video stream is interlaced. (DXVAHD_FRAME_FORMAT) |
DXVAHD_INPUT_FORMAT_CAPS Defines capabilities related to input formats for a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
DXVAHD_ITELECINE_CAPS Specifies the inverse telecine (IVTC) capabilities of a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor. |
DXVAHD_OUTPUT_RATE Specifies the output frame rates for an input stream, when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_PROCESSOR_CAPS Specifies the processing capabilities of a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE Specifies state parameters for an input stream to a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor. |
DXVAHD_SURFACE_TYPE Specifies the type of video surface created by a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
eAVDecDDStereoDownMixMode Specifies the stereo downmix mode for a Dolby Digital audio decoder. |
eAVEncAdaptiveMode Specifies the adaptive encoding mode for a video encoder. |
eAVEncH264PictureType Specifies the type of picture that is output by a video encoder. |
eAVEncH264VLevel Specifies an H.264 encoding level. |
eAVEncH264VProfile Specifies an H.264 video profile. |
eAVEncH265VLevel Specifies an H.265 encoding level. |
eAVEncH265VProfile Specifies an H.265 video profile. |
eAVEncVideoContentType Specifies the type of video content. |
MF_ATTRIBUTE_SERIALIZE_OPTIONS Defines flags for serializing and deserializing attribute stores. |
MF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE Defines the data type for a key/value pair. |
MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_TYPE Specifies how to compare the attributes on two objects. |
MF_CAMERA_CONTROL_CONFIGURATION_TYPE Specifies the configuration type of a camera control. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_DEVICE_TYPE Specifies a type of capture device. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SINK_TYPE Specifies a type of capture sink. |
MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_STREAM_CATEGORY Defines the values for the source stream category. |
MF_CONNECT_METHOD Specifies how the topology loader connects a topology node. |
MF_CROSS_ORIGIN_POLICY Maps to the W3C cross origin settings (CORS) attribute used by the HTML5 media element. |
MF_FILE_ACCESSMODE Specifies the requested access mode for opening a file. |
MF_FILE_FLAGS Specifies the behavior when opening a file. |
MF_FILE_OPENMODE Specifies how to open or create a file. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CANPLAY Specifies the likelihood that the Media Engine can play a specified type of media resource. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CREATEFLAGS Contains flags for the IMFMediaEngineClassFactory::CreateInstance method. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_ERR Defines error status codes for the Media Engine. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EVENT Defines event codes for the Media Engine. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EXTENSION_TYPE Specifies media engine extension types. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_FRAME_PROTECTION_FLAGS Specifies the content protection requirements for a video frame. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_KEYERR Defines media key error codes for the media engine. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_NETWORK Defines network status codes for the Media Engine. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_OPM_STATUS Defines the status of the Output Protection Manager (OPM). |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PRELOAD Defines preload hints for the Media Engine. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PROTECTION_FLAGS Contains flags that specify whether the Media Engine will play protected content, and whether the Media Engine will use the Protected Media Path (PMP). |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_READY Defines ready-state values for the Media Engine. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_S3D_PACKING_MODE Specifies the layout for a packed 3D video frame. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_SEEK_MODE Defines values for the media engine seek mode. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STATISTIC Identifies statistics that the Media Engine tracks during playback. |
MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STREAMTYPE_FAILED Identifies the kind of media stream that failed. |
MF_MEDIAKEY_STATUS Specifies the status of a Content Decryption Module (CDM) session key. |
MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_MESSAGETYPE Specifies the type of a Content Decryption Module (CDM) message. |
MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_TYPE Specifies the type of a Content Decryption Module (CDM) session, represented by an IMFContentDecryptionModuleSession object. |
MF_MSE_ERROR Defines the different error states of the Media Source Extension. |
MF_MSE_READY Defines the different ready states of the Media Source Extension. |
MF_MT_D3D_RESOURCE_VERSION_ENUM Specifies the Direct3D version of the resource used in the stream associated with a media type. |
MF_OBJECT_TYPE Defines the object types that are created by the source resolver. |
MF_PLUGIN_CONTROL_POLICY Defines policy settings for the IMFPluginControl2::SetPolicy method. |
MF_Plugin_Type Specifies the object type for the IMFPluginControl interface. |
MF_QUALITY_ADVISE_FLAGS Contains flags for the IMFQualityAdvise2::NotifyQualityEvent method. |
MF_QUALITY_DROP_MODE Specifies how aggressively a pipeline component should drop samples. |
MF_QUALITY_LEVEL Specifies the quality level for a pipeline component. |
MF_SHARING_ENGINE_EVENT Defines events that are sent by the sharing engine. |
MF_SOURCE_READER_CONTROL_FLAG Contains flags for the IMFSourceReader::ReadSample method. |
MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG Contains flags that indicate the status of the IMFSourceReader::ReadSample method. |
MF_TIMED_TEXT_ALIGNMENT Specifies how text is aligned in its parent block element. |
MF_TIMED_TEXT_CUE_EVENT Specifies the type of a timed text cue event. |
MF_TIMED_TEXT_DECORATION Specifies how text is decorated (underlined and so on). |
MF_TIMED_TEXT_DISPLAY_ALIGNMENT Specifies how text is aligned with the display. |
MF_TIMED_TEXT_ERROR_CODE Specifies the kind error that occurred with a timed text track. |
MF_TIMED_TEXT_FONT_STYLE Specifies the font style of the timed text. |
MF_TIMED_TEXT_SCROLL_MODE Specifies how text appears when the parent element is scrolled. |
MF_TIMED_TEXT_TRACK_KIND Specifies the kind of timed text track. |
MF_TIMED_TEXT_UNIT_TYPE Specifies the units in which the timed text is measured. |
MF_TIMED_TEXT_WRITING_MODE Specifies the sequence in which text is written on its parent element. |
MF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE Defines the type of a topology node. |
MF_TOPONODE_DRAIN_MODE Defines at what times a transform in a topology is drained. |
MF_TOPONODE_FLUSH_MODE Defines when a transform in a topology is flushed. |
MF_TOPOSTATUS Specifies the status of a topology during playback. |
MF_TRANSCODE_ADJUST_PROFILE_FLAGS Defines the profile flags that are set in the MF_TRANSCODE_ADJUST_PROFILE attribute. |
MF_URL_TRUST_STATUS Indicates whether the URL is from a trusted source. |
MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALGORITHM_TYPE Defines algorithms for the video processor which is use by MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALGORITHM. |
MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_MIRROR Specifies how to flip a video image. |
MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION Specifies how to rotate a video image. |
MF2DBuffer_LockFlags Contains flags for the IMF2DBuffer2::Lock2DSize method. |
MF3DVideoOutputType Specifies how to output a 3D stereoscopic video stream. |
MFASF_INDEXER_FLAGS Defines the ASF indexer options. |
MFASF_MULTIPLEXERFLAGS Defines the ASF multiplexer options. |
MFASF_SPLITTERFLAGS Defines the ASF splitter options. |
MFASF_STREAMSELECTOR_FLAGS Defines the ASF stream selector options. |
MFASYNC_WORKQUEUE_TYPE Specifies the type of work queue for the MFAllocateWorkQueueEx function to create. |
MFAudioConstriction Specifies values for audio constriction. |
MFBYTESTREAM_SEEK_ORIGIN Specifies the origin for a seek request. |
MFCameraOcclusionState Specifies the occlusion state of a camera. |
MFCLOCK_CHARACTERISTICS_FLAGS Contains flags that describe the characteristics of a clock. |
MFCLOCK_RELATIONAL_FLAGS Defines properties of a clock. |
MFCLOCK_STATE Defines the state of a clock. |
MFDepthMeasurement Specifies the measurement system for a depth value in a video frame. |
MFFrameSourceTypes Describes the type of data provided by a frame source. |
MFMEDIASOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS Defines the characteristics of a media source. |
MFNET_PROXYSETTINGS Specifies how the default proxy locator will specify the connection settings to a proxy server. |
MFNetAuthenticationFlags Specifies how the user's credentials will be used. |
MFNetCredentialOptions Describes options for the caching network credentials. |
MFNetCredentialRequirements Specifies how the credential manager should obtain user credentials. |
MFNETSOURCE_CACHE_STATE Defines the status of the cache for a media file or entry. |
MFNETSOURCE_PROTOCOL_TYPE Indicates the type of control protocol that is used in streaming or downloading. |
MFNETSOURCE_STATISTICS_IDS Defines statistics collected by the network source. |
MFNETSOURCE_TRANSPORT_TYPE Describes the type of transport used in streaming or downloading data (TCP or UDP). |
MFNominalRange Specifies whether color data includes headroom and toeroom. |
MFPMPSESSION_CREATION_FLAGS Contains flags that define the behavior of the MFCreatePMPMediaSession function. |
MFPOLICYMANAGER_ACTION Defines actions that can be performed on a stream. |
MFRATE_DIRECTION Specifies the direction of playback (forward or reverse). |
MFSampleAllocatorUsage The MFSampleAllocatorUsage enumeration specifies the allocator usage of components that implement the IMFSampleAllocatorControl interface. |
MFSampleEncryptionProtectionScheme Specifies the supported protection schemes for encrypted samples. |
MFSensorDeviceMode Specifies the sharing mode of an IMFSensorDevice. |
MFSensorDeviceType Specifies the type of a sensor device. A value from this enumeration is returned by IMFSensorDevice::GetDeviceType. |
MFSensorStreamType Specifies whether a stream associated with an IMFSensorDevice is an input or an output stream. |
MFSequencerTopologyFlags Contains flags for adding a topology to the sequencer source, or updating a topology already in the queue. |
MFSESSION_GETFULLTOPOLOGY_FLAGS Defines flags for the IMFMediaSession::GetFullTopology method. |
MFSESSION_SETTOPOLOGY_FLAGS Defines the behavior of the IMFMediaSession::SetTopology method. |
MFSHUTDOWN_STATUS Describes the current status of a call to the IMFShutdown::Shutdown method. |
MFSINK_WMDRMACTION Specifies how the ASF file sink should apply Windows Media DRM. |
MFStandardVideoFormat Contains values that specify common video formats. |
MFSTREAMSINK_MARKER_TYPE Defines stream marker information for the IMFStreamSink::PlaceMarker method. |
MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE Defines messages for a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
MFTIMER_FLAGS Contains flags for the IMFTimer::SetTimer method. |
MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_MODE Specifies whether the topology loader enables Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) in the topology. |
MFTOPOLOGY_HARDWARE_MODE Specifies whether the topology loader will insert hardware-based Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) into the topology. |
MFVideo3DFormat Specifies how 3D video frames are stored in memory. |
MFVideo3DSampleFormat Specifies how a 3D video frame is stored in a media sample. |
MFVideoChromaSubsampling Contains flags that define the chroma encoding scheme for Y'Cb'Cr' data. |
MFVideoDRMFlags Specifies the type of copy protection required for a video stream. |
MFVideoDSPMode Specifies the processing mode of the Video Stabilization MFT. |
MFVideoFlags Contains flags that describe a video stream. |
MFVideoInterlaceMode Specifies how a video stream is interlaced. |
MFVideoLighting Describes the optimal lighting for viewing a particular set of video content. |
MFVideoPadFlags Specifies whether to pad a video image so that it fits within a specified aspect ratio. |
MFVideoPrimaries Specifies the color primaries of a video source. (MFVideoPrimaries) |
MFVideoRotationFormat Describes the rotation of the video image in the counter-clockwise direction. |
MFVideoSrcContentHintFlags Describes the intended aspect ratio for a video stream. |
MFVideoTransferFunction Specifies the conversion function from linear RGB to non-linear RGB (R'G'B'). (MFVideoTransferFunction) |
MFVideoTransferMatrix Describes the conversion matrices between Y'PbPr (component video) and studio R'G'B'. (MFVideoTransferMatrix) |
MFVirtualCameraAccess Specifies the access restrictions for a virtual camera. |
MFVirtualCameraLifetime Specifies the lifetime of a virtual camera. |
MFVirtualCameraType Specifies the type of a virtual camera. |
MFWaveFormatExConvertFlags Contains flags that specify how to convert an audio media type. |
MIC_ARRAY_MODE Specifies how the voice capture DSP performs microphone array processing. This enumeration is used with the MFPKEY_WMAAECMA_FEATR_MICARR_MODE property. |
OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL Specifies the protection level for Analog Copy Protection (ACP). |
OPM_DPCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL Specifies the protection level for DisplayPort Content Protection (DPCP). |
OPM_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL Specifies the protection level for High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP). |
OPM_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO_EN300294 Specifies the aspect ratio for ETSI EN 300 294. |
OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS Specifies whether the IOPMVideoOutput interface will use Output Protection Manager (OPM) semantics or Certified Output Protection Protocol (COPP) semantics. |
PLAYTO_SOURCE_CREATEFLAGS Contains flags for the IPlayToSourceClassFactory::CreateInstance method. |
SAMPLE_PROTECTION_VERSION Defines the version number for sample protection. |
TOC_POS_TYPE The TOC_POS_TYPE enumeration contains members that specify the position type of a table of contents. |
WMT_PROP_DATATYPE Defines the data types used for the codec and DSP properties that are accessed by using the methods of the IWMCodecProps interface. |
Abort Aborts the processing of the current media segment. |
ActivateClassById Creates a Windows Runtime object in the protected media path (PMP) process. |
ActivateObject Creates the object associated with this activation object. |
AddBlockedControl Adds the specified blocked control . |
AddBuffer Adds a buffer to the end of the list of buffers in the sample. |
AddClockStateSink Registers an object to be notified whenever the clock starts, stops, or pauses, or changes rate. |
AddControlSubscription Adds a camera control to the list of controls for which IMFCameraControlNotify::OnChange notifications will be raised. |
AddDataSource Adds a timed-text data source. |
AddDataSourceFromUrl Adds a timed-text data source from the specified URL. |
AddDeviceSourceInfo Informs the pipeline the virtual camera will require exclusive control to the physical camera specified by the specified device symbolic name. |
AddEffect Adds an effect to a capture stream. |
AddElement Adds an object to the collection. (IMFCollection.AddElement) |
AddElement Adds a source element to the end of the list. |
AddElementEx Provides an enhanced version of IMFMediaEngineSrcElements::AddElement to add the key system intended to be used with content to an element. |
AddEntry The AddEntry method adds an individual table of contents to the collection and assigns an index to the added table of contents. |
AddEntry The AddEntry method adds an individual entry to the list and assigns an index to the entry. |
AddEntryList The AddEntryList method adds an entry list to the table of contents and assigns an index to the entry list. |
AddHeader Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to add a single HTTP header to a HTTP request. Microsoft Media Foundation will invoke this method once for each header that shall be included in the HTTP request, before it invokes the BeginSendRequest method. |
AddInputStreams Adds one or more new input streams to this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
AddMutualExclusion Adds a configured Advanced Systems Format (ASF) mutual exclusion object to the profile. |
AddNode Adds a node to the topology. |
AddPayloadExtension Configures a payload extension for the stream. |
AddProfile Adds the specified profile to the collection. |
AddProfileFilter Adds a profile filter to the specified media stream. |
AddProperty Adds custom device interface properties to the virtual camera. |
AddRange Adds a new range to the list of time ranges. |
AddRecord Adds a record to the mutual exclusion object. A record specifies streams that are mutually exclusive with the streams in all other records. |
AddRegistryEntry Adds a custom registry entry to the device interface registry key. |
AddSourceBuffer Adds a IMFSourceBuffer to the collection of buffers associated with the IMFMediaSourceExtension. |
AddSpatialAudioObject Adds a new spatial audio object, represented by an IMFSpatialAudioObjectBuffer object, to the sample. |
AddStream Note This interface is not implemented in this version of Media Foundation. Adds a stream to the stream priority list. |
AddStream Connects a stream from the capture source to this capture sink. |
AddStream Adds a stream to the sink writer. |
AddStreamConfiguration Registers a stream configuration, which defines a set of substreams that can be included the multiplexed output. |
AddStreamForRecord Adds a stream number to a record in the Advanced Systems Format mutual exclusion object. |
AddStreamPrioritization IMFASFProfile::AddStreamPrioritization method |
AddStreamSink Adds a new stream sink to the media sink. |
AddToc The AddToc method adds a table of contents to the TOC Parser object and assigns an index to the added table of contents. |
AddTransformForStream Adds a transform, such as an audio or video effect, to a stream. |
AllocateSample Gets a video sample from the allocator. |
Append Appends the specified media segment to the IMFSourceBuffer. |
AppendByteStream Appends the media segment from the specified byte stream to the IMFSourceBuffer. |
AppendTopology Adds a topology to the end of the queue. |
ApplyStreamSelections Applies the stream selections from previous calls to SetStreamSelection. |
AttachMediaSource Attaches the media source. |
AutomaticEnable Performs a content enabling action without any user interaction. |
Barrier Adds a collection of barriers into a video decode command list recording. |
Barrier Adds a collection of barriers into a video encode command list recording. |
Barrier Adds a collection of barriers into a video process command list recording. |
Begin Indicates that the suspend process is starting and resources should be brought into a consistent state. |
BeginConvertHNSToTimecode Starts an asynchronous call to convert time in 100-nanosecond units to Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) time code. |
BeginConvertTimecodeToHNS Starts an asynchronous call to convert Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) time code to 100-nanosecond units. |
BeginCreateObject Begins an asynchronous request to create a media source from a byte stream. (IMFByteStreamHandler.BeginCreateObject) |
BeginCreateObject Begins an asynchronous request to create an object from a URL.When the Source Resolver creates a media source from a URL, it passes the request to a scheme handler. |
BeginCreateObject Begins an asynchronous request to create either a byte stream or a media source. |
BeginCreateObjectFromByteStream Begins an asynchronous request to create a media source from a byte stream. (IMFSourceResolver.BeginCreateObjectFromByteStream) |
BeginCreateObjectFromURL Begins an asynchronous request to create a media source or a byte stream from a URL. |
BeginEnableContent Begins an asynchronous request to perform a content enabling action. |
BeginEvent For internal use only. Not intended to be called directly. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::BeginEvent) |
BeginEvent For internal use only. Not intended to be called directly. (ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::BeginEvent) |
BeginEvent For internal use only. Not intended to be called directly. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList::BeginEvent) |
BeginFinalize Notifies the media sink to asynchronously take any steps it needs to finish its tasks. |
BeginFrame Starts the decoding operation. |
BeginGetClientCertificate Starts an asynchronous call to get the client SSL certificate. |
BeginGetCredentials Begins an asynchronous request to retrieve the user's credentials. |
BeginGetEvent Begins an asynchronous request for the next event in the queue. |
BeginGetEvent Begins an asynchronous request for the next event in the queue.Call this method inside your implementation of IMFMediaEventGenerator::BeginGetEvent. Pass the parameters from that method directly to this method. |
BeginGetReport Begins an asynchronous request to get an IMFRelativePanelReport interface that represents the relative panel location. |
BeginQuery Starts a query running. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::BeginQuery) |
BeginQuery Starts a query running. (ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::BeginQuery) |
BeginQuery Starts a query running. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList::BeginQuery) |
BeginRead Begins an asynchronous read operation from the stream. |
BeginReadPayload Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to receive the message body of the response to a previously sent HTTP or HTTPS request. |
BeginReceiveResponse Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to receive the response, provided by the server, in response to a previously sent HTTP or HTTPS request. Media Foundation invokes this method only after having successfully invoked the EndSendRequest method. |
BeginRegisterPlatformWorkQueueWithMMCSS Associates a platform work queue with a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
BeginRegisterPlatformWorkQueueWithMMCSSEx Registers a platform work queue with Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) using the specified class and task id. |
BeginRegisterTopologyWorkQueuesWithMMCSS Registers the topology work queues with the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). |
BeginSave Begins saving a Windows Media file to the application's byte stream. |
BeginSendRequest Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to send a HTTP or HTTPS request. |
BeginUnregisterPlatformWorkQueueWithMMCSS Unregisters a platform work queue from a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
BeginUnregisterTopologyWorkQueuesWithMMCSS Unregisters the topology work queues from the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). |
BeginWrite Begins an asynchronous write operation to the stream. |
BeginWriteSample Begins an asynchronous request to write a media sample to the stream. |
BeginWriting Initializes the sink writer for writing. |
BindAccess Notifies the input trust authority (ITA) that a requested action is about to be performed. |
BitrateToStepNumber Retrieves the index of a bandwidth step that is appropriate for a specified bit rate. This method is used for multiple bit rate (MBR) content. |
Call Allows content protection systems to access the protected environment. |
Cancel Cancels a pending content enabling action. |
CancelObjectCreation Cancels the current request to create a media source. |
CancelObjectCreation Cancels the current request to create an object from a URL. |
CancelObjectCreation Cancels an asynchronous request to create an object. |
CancelObjectCreation Cancels the current request to create an object. |
CancelSave Cancels the operation started by IMFSaveJob::BeginSave. |
CancelTimelineMarkerTimer Cancels the next pending timeline marker. |
CancelTimer Cancels a timer that was set using the IMFTimer::SetTimer method. |
CanPlayType Queries how likely it is that the Media Engine can play a specified type of media resource. |
CanPlayType Queries whether the object can load a specified type of media resource. |
CheckCryptoKeyExchange Gets a cryptographic key-exchange mechanism that is supported by the driver. |
CheckCryptoSessionStatus Checks the status of a crypto session. |
CheckDeviceOverlayType Queries the overlay hardware capabilities of a Direct3D device. (IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension.CheckDeviceOverlayType) |
CheckFeatureSupport Gets information about the features that are supported by the current video driver. (ID3D12VideoDevice::CheckFeatureSupport) |
CheckVideoDecoderDownsampling Indicates whether the video decoder supports downsampling with the specified input format, and whether real-time downsampling is supported. |
CheckVideoDecoderFormat Given aprofile, checks whether the driver supports a specified output format. |
CheckVideoProcessorFormat Queries whether the video processor supports a specified video format. |
CheckVideoProcessorFormatConversion Indicates whether the driver supports the specified combination of format and colorspace conversions. |
Clear Removes all nodes from the topology. |
Clear Clears the list of time ranges. |
ClearState Resets the state of a direct command list back to the state it was in when the command list was created. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::ClearState) |
ClearState Resets the state of a direct command list back to the state it was in when the command list was created. (ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::ClearState) |
ClearState Resets the state of a direct command list back to the state it was in when the command list was created. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList::ClearState) |
ClearTopologies Clears all of the presentations that are queued for playback in the Media Session. |
Clone Creates a new instance of the default proxy locator. |
Clone Creates a copy of this presentation descriptor. |
Clone Creates a copy of the Advanced Systems Format mutual exclusion object. |
Clone Creates a copy of the Advanced Systems Format profile object. |
Clone Creates a copy of the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) stream configuration object. |
Clone Note This interface is not implemented in this version of Media Foundation. Creates a copy of the ASF stream prioritization object. |
CloneFrom Converts this topology into a copy of another topology. |
CloneFrom Copies the data from another topology node into this node. |
CloneSensorStream Clones the IMFSensorStream. |
Close Indicates that recording to the command list has finished. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::Close) |
Close Indicates that recording to the command list has finished. (ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::Close) |
Close Indicates that recording to the command list has finished. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList::Close) |
Close Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to allow IMFHttpDownloadRequest to free any internal resources. It will also cancel the current request if it is still in progress. |
Close Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to specify that no more HTTP requests will be created, and allows IMFHttpDownloadSession to free any internal resources. |
Close Closes the Media Session and releases all of the resources it is using. |
Close Closes the stream and releases any resources associated with the stream, such as sockets or file handles. This method also cancels any pending asynchronous I/O requests. |
Close Closes the media key session and must be called before the key session is released. |
Close Indicates that the application no longer needs the session and the Content Decryption Module (CDM) should release any resources associated with the session and close it. |
CloseDeviceHandle Closes a Microsoft Direct3D device handle. |
CloseDeviceHandle Closes a Direct3D device handle. |
Commit The Commit method stores the current state of the TOC Parser object in its associated media file. |
CommitSettings Commits the configured control settings to the camera driver. |
Compare Compares the attributes on this object with the attributes on another object. |
CompareItem Queries whether a stored attribute value equals to a specified PROPVARIANT. |
Configure Sends a configuration command to the authenticated channel. |
Configure Configures a video output. |
ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel Sends a configuration command to an authenticated channel. |
Connect Connects the media element to the media sharing engine. |
ConnectOutput Connects an output stream from this node to the input stream of another node. |
ConnectWebAudio Connects web audio to Media Engine using the specified sample rate. |
ContainsTime Queries whether a specified time falls within any of the time ranges. |
ContiguousCopyFrom Copies data to this buffer from a buffer that has a contiguous format. |
ContiguousCopyTo Copies this buffer into the caller's buffer, converting the data to contiguous format. |
ConvertToContiguousBuffer Converts a sample with multiple buffers into a sample with a single buffer. |
COPPCompatibleGetInformation Sends an Output Protection Manager (OPM) status request to the display driver. Use this method when OPM is emulating Certified Output Protection Manager (COPP). |
Copy2DTo Copies the buffer to another 2D buffer object. |
CopyAllItems Copies all of the attributes from this object into another attribute store. |
CopyToBuffer Copies the sample data to a buffer. This method concatenates the valid data from all of the buffers of the sample, in order. |
CreateAuthenticatedChannel Creates a channel to communicate with the Microsoft Direct3D device or the graphics driver. |
CreateAuthenticatedChannel Creates a channel to communicate with the Direct3D device or the graphics driver. |
CreateByteStreamProxy Creates a proxy to a byte stream. (IMFByteStreamProxyClassFactory.CreateByteStreamProxy) |
CreateContentDecryptionModule The IMFContentDecryptionModuleAccess::CreateContentDecryptionModule function creates a IMFContentDecryptionModule that represents a Content Decryption Module (CDM) for a DRM key system. |
CreateContentDecryptionModuleAccess Creates an instance of the IMFContentDecryptionModuleAccess interface. |
CreateContentDecryptionModuleFactory Creates an instance of IMFContentDecryptionModuleFactory, a class factory for Content Decryption Module (CDM) objects for a specified key system. |
CreateCryptoSession Creates a cryptographic session to encrypt video content that is sent to the graphics driver. |
CreateCryptoSession Creates a cryptographic session to encrypt video content that is sent to the display driver. |
CreateError Creates a media error object. |
CreateHttpDownloadSession Called by the Microsoft Media Foundation to open HTTP or HTTPS URLs instead of using the default implementation. |
CreateInstance Creates an instance of the capture engine. (IMFCaptureEngineClassFactory.CreateInstance) |
CreateInstance Creates a new instance of the Media Engine. |
CreateInstance Creates an instance of the IMFMediaSharingEngine. (IMFMediaSharingEngineClassFactory.CreateInstance) |
CreateInstance Creates an instance of the media sharing engine. (IMFSharingEngineClassFactory.CreateInstance) |
CreateInstance Creates an instance of the PlayToController object. |
CreateInstanceFromObject Creates an instance of the sink writer or source reader, given an IUnknown pointer. |
CreateInstanceFromUDN Creates an instance of the IMFImageSharingEngine from the provided unique device name. |
CreateInstanceFromURL Creates an instance of the sink writer or source reader, given a URL. |
CreateMediaKeys Creates a media keys object based on the specified key system. (IMFMediaEngineClassFactoryEx.CreateMediaKeys) |
CreateMediaKeys2 Creates a media keys object based on the specified key system. (IMFMediaEngineClassFactory2.CreateMediaKeys2) |
CreateMediaSource Creates an IMFMediaSource that virtualizes the sensor group. |
CreateMediaSourceExtension Creates an instance of IMFMediaSourceExtension. |
CreateMutualExclusion Creates a new Advanced Systems Format (ASF) mutual exclusion object. Mutual exclusion objects can be added to a profile by calling the AddMutualExclusion method. |
CreateNamedPropertyStore Creates an empty property store to hold name/value pairs. |
CreateObjectByCLSID Creates an object in the protect media path (PMP) process, from a CLSID. |
CreateObjectByCLSID Creates an object in the protected media path (PMP) process. |
CreateObjectFromByteStream Creates a media source from a byte stream. This method is synchronous. |
CreateObjectFromURL Creates a media source or a byte stream from a URL. This method is synchronous. |
CreatePresentationDescriptor Retrieves a copy of the media source's presentation descriptor. Applications use the presentation descriptor to select streams and to get information about the source content. |
CreatePropertyStore Creates an empty property store object. |
CreateProxyLocator Creates an IMFNetProxyLocator interface proxy locator object based on the protocol name. |
CreateRequest Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to create an object that implements the IMFHttpDownloadRequest interface, which is used to send a single HTTP, or HTTPS request. |
CreateSession Creates a media key session object using the specified initialization data and custom data. . |
CreateSession The IMFContentDecryptionModule::CreateSession function creates a IMFContentDecryptionModuleSession object representing a Content Decryption Module (CDM) session. |
CreateStream Creates an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) stream configuration object. |
CreateStreamPrioritization IMFASFProfile::CreateStreamPrioritization method |
CreateSurface Creates a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) video processor or DXVA decoder render target. |
CreateSyncEvent A wrapper around the IKsControl::KsEvent method, which enables or disables an event. |
CreateSyncSemaphore A wrapper around the IKsControl::KsEvent method, which enables or disables a semaphore. |
CreateTimeRange Creates a time range object. |
CreateTransform Called by the media pipeline to create the transform. |
CreateTrustedInput Creates an IMFTrustedInput object that implements the decryption of content. |
CreateVideoDecoder Creates a video decoder device for Microsoft Direct3D 11. |
CreateVideoDecoder Creates a video decoder instance. |
CreateVideoDecoder Creates a video decoder device. |
CreateVideoDecoder1 Creates a video decoder instance that contains the resolution-independent driver resources and state, with support for protected resources. |
CreateVideoDecoderHeap Allocates a video decoder heap. |
CreateVideoDecoderHeap1 Allocates a video decoder heap that contains the resolution-dependent driver resources and state, with support for protected resources. |
CreateVideoDecoderOutputView Creates a resource view for a video decoder, describing the output sample for the decoding operation. |
CreateVideoEncoder Creates a new instance of ID3D12VideoEncoder. |
CreateVideoEncoderHeap Creates a new instance of ID3D12VideoEncoderHeap. |
CreateVideoExtensionCommand Creates a video extension command. |
CreateVideoMotionEstimator Creates an ID3D12VideoMotionEstimator, which maintains context for video motion estimation operations. |
CreateVideoMotionVectorHeap Allocates heap that contains motion vectors for video motion estimation. |
CreateVideoProcessor Creates a video processor device for Microsoft Direct3D 11. |
CreateVideoProcessor Creates a video processor instance. |
CreateVideoProcessor Creates a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor. |
CreateVideoProcessor Creates a video processor device. |
CreateVideoProcessor1 Creates a video processor instance with support for protected resources. |
CreateVideoProcessorEnumerator Enumerates the video processor capabilities of the driver. |
CreateVideoProcessorInputView Creates a resource view for a video processor, describing the input sample for the video processing operation. |
CreateVideoProcessorOutputView Creates a resource view for a video processor, describing the output sample for the video processing operation. |
CreateVideoSurface Creates one or more Microsoft Direct3D video surfaces. |
Cue Called when a cue event occurs in a text track. |
DecodeFrame Records a decode frame operation to the command list. |
DecodeFrame1 Records a decode frame operation to the command list. Inputs, outputs, and parameters for the decode are specified as arguments to this method. |
DecoderBeginFrame Starts a decoding operation to decode a video frame. |
DecoderEnableDownsampling Indicates that decoder downsampling will be used and that the driver should allocate the appropriate reference frames. |
DecoderEndFrame Signals the end of a decoding operation. |
DecoderExtension Performs an extended function for decoding. |
DecoderUpdateDownsampling Updates the decoder downsampling parameters. |
DecryptionBlt Writes encrypted data to a protected surface. (ID3D11VideoContext.DecryptionBlt) |
DecryptionBlt Writes encrypted data to a protected surface. (IDirect3DCryptoSession9.DecryptionBlt) |
DEFINE_MEDIATYPE_GUID Defines a media subtype GUID from a FOURCC code, D3DFORMAT value, or audio format type. |
DeleteAllItems Removes all key/value pairs from the object's attribute list. |
DeleteInputStream Removes an input stream from this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
DeleteItem Removes a key/value pair from the object's attribute list. |
DeleteProperty Deletes a metadata property. |
DeleteTopology Deletes a topology from the queue. |
DeselectStream Deselects a stream in the presentation. |
DetachMediaSource Detaches the media source. |
DetachObject Detaches the created object from the activation object. |
DiscardResource Indicate that the current contents of a resource can be discarded. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::DiscardResource) |
DiscardResource Indicate that the current contents of a resource can be discarded. (ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::DiscardResource) |
DiscardResource Indicates that the current contents of a resource can be discarded. |
Disconnect Disconnects the media element from the media sharing engine. |
DisconnectOutput Disconnects an output stream on this node. |
DisconnectWebAudio Disconnects web audio from the Media Engine. |
DropTime Drops samples over a specified interval of time. |
DXVA2_Fixed32OpaqueAlpha Returns a DXVA2_Fixed32 structure that contains an opaque alpha value. |
DXVA2_Fixed32TransparentAlpha Returns a DXVA2_Fixed32 structure that contains a transparent alpha value. |
DXVA2CreateDirect3DDeviceManager9 Creates an instance of the Direct3D Device Manager. |
DXVA2CreateVideoService Creates a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) services object. |
DXVA2FixedToFloat Converts a DXVA2_Fixed32 value to a floating-point number. |
DXVA2FloatToFixed Converts a floating-point number to a DXVA2_Fixed32 value. |
DXVAHD_CreateDevice Creates a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
EnableBuffering Enables or disables buffering. |
EnableHardwareEffects Enables effects that were implemented with IDirectXVideoProcessor::VideoProcessorBlt. |
EnableHorizontalMirrorMode Enables or disables mirroring of the video. |
EnableTimeUpdateTimer Enables or disables the time update timer. |
EnableWindowlessSwapchainMode Enables or disables windowless swap-chain mode. |
EncodeFrame Encodes a bitstream. |
EncryptionBlt Reads encrypted data from a protected surface. (ID3D11VideoContext.EncryptionBlt) |
EncryptionBlt Reads encrypted data from a protected surface. (IDirect3DCryptoSession9.EncryptionBlt) |
End Collects data from the multiplexer and updates the ASF ContentInfo object to include that information in the ASF Header Object. |
End The actual suspend is about to occur and no more calls will be made into the Content Decryption Module (CDM). |
EndConvertHNSToTimecode Completes an asynchronous request to convert time in 100-nanosecond units to Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) time code. |
EndConvertTimecodeToHNS Completes an asynchronous request to convert time in Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) time code to 100-nanosecond units. |
EndCreateObject Completes an asynchronous request to create a media source. |
EndCreateObject Completes an asynchronous request to create an object from a URL. (IMFSchemeHandler.EndCreateObject) |
EndCreateObject Completes an asynchronous request to create a byte stream or media source. |
EndCreateObjectFromByteStream Completes an asynchronous request to create a media source from a byte stream. |
EndCreateObjectFromURL Completes an asynchronous request to create an object from a URL. (IMFSourceResolver.EndCreateObjectFromURL) |
EndEnableContent Ends an asynchronous request to perform a content enabling action. This method is called by the protected media path (PMP) to complete an asynchronous call to IMFContentProtectionManager::BeginEnableContent. |
EndEvent For internal use only. Not intended to be called directly. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::EndEvent) |
EndEvent For internal use only. Not intended to be called directly. (ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::EndEvent) |
EndEvent For internal use only. Not intended to be called directly. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList::EndEvent) |
EndFinalize Completes an asynchronous finalize operation. |
EndFrame Signals the end of the decoding operation. |
EndGetClientCertificate Completes an asynchronous request to get the client SSL certificate. |
EndGetCredentials Completes an asynchronous request to retrieve the user's credentials. |
EndGetEvent Completes an asynchronous request for the next event in the queue. |
EndGetEvent Completes an asynchronous request for the next event in the queue.Call this method inside your implementation of IMFMediaEventGenerator::EndGetEvent. Pass the parameters from that method directly to this method. |
EndGetReport Ends an asynchronous request to get an IMFRelativePanelReport interface that represents the relative panel location. |
EndQuery Ends a query. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::EndQuery) |
EndQuery Ends a query. (ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::EndQuery) |
EndQuery Ends a query. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList::EndQuery) |
EndRead Completes an asynchronous read operation. |
EndReadPayload Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to complete the asynchronous operation started by BeginReadPayload. |
EndReceiveResponse Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to complete the asynchronous operation started by BeginReceiveResponse. |
EndRegisterPlatformWorkQueueWithMMCSS Completes an asynchronous request to associate a platform work queue with a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
EndRegisterTopologyWorkQueuesWithMMCSS Completes an asynchronous request to register the topology work queues with the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). |
EndSave Completes the operation started by IMFSaveJob::BeginSave. |
EndSendRequest Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to complete the asynchronous operation started by BeginSendRequest. |
EndUnregisterPlatformWorkQueueWithMMCSS Completes an asynchronous request to unregister a platform work queue from a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
EndUnregisterTopologyWorkQueuesWithMMCSS Completes an asynchronous request to unregister the topology work queues from the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). |
EndWrite Completes an asynchronous write operation. |
EndWriteSample Completes an asynchronous request to write a media sample to the stream. |
EnqueueResourceReady Queues a fence on the specified producer command queue that will signal to a downstream consumer when the associated D3D12 resource is ready to be used. |
EnqueueResourceReadyWait Queues a wait command on the specified consumer command queue, starting a wait for the resource ready signal from the producer command queue. |
EnqueueResourceRelease Queues a fence into the specified command queue that will signal to the synchronization object when GPU is finished processing the consumer commands. |
Error Called when an error occurs in a text track. |
EstimateMotion Performs the motion estimation operation. |
EventNotify Notifies the application when a playback event occurs. |
Execute Executes a decoding operation on the current frame. |
ExecuteExtensionCommand Records a command to execute a video extension command into a decode command list. |
ExecuteExtensionCommand Executes a video extension command. |
ExecuteExtensionCommand Records a command to execute a video extension command into an encode command list. |
ExecuteExtensionCommand Records a command to execute a video extension command into a video process command list. |
Finalize Completes all writing operations on the sink writer. |
FindFirstProxy Initializes the proxy locator object. |
FindNextProxy Determines the next proxy to use. |
FindProfile Finds a profile based on the specified profile ID. |
FinishInitialization Completes the initialization sequence for an Output Protection Manager (OPM) session. |
FinishSessionKeyRefresh Switches to a new session key. (ID3D11VideoContext.FinishSessionKeyRefresh) |
FinishSessionKeyRefresh Switches to a new session key. (IDirect3DCryptoSession9.FinishSessionKeyRefresh) |
Flush Causes the stream sink to drop any samples that it has received and has not rendered yet. |
Flush Signals the multiplexer to process all queued output media samples. Call this method after passing the last sample to the multiplexer. |
Flush Resets the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) splitter and releases all pending samples. |
Flush Clears any internal buffers used by the stream. If you are writing to the stream, the buffered data is written to the underlying file or device. |
Flush Flushes one or more streams. (IMFSinkWriter.Flush) |
Flush Flushes one or more streams. (IMFSourceReader.Flush) |
ForceEndOfPresentation Notifies the source when playback has reached the end of a segment. For timelines, this corresponds to reaching a mark-out point. |
FrameStep Steps forward or backward one frame. |
FreeRepresentation Frees memory that was allocated by the IMFMediaType::GetRepresentation method. |
GenerateHeader Encodes the data in the MFASFContentInfo object into a binary Advanced Systems Format (ASF) header. |
GenerateIndexEntries Accepts an ASF packet for the file and creates index entries for them. |
GeneratePresentationDescriptor Creates a presentation descriptor for ASF content. |
GenerateRequest Generates a license request based on the provided data. |
GenerateRequiredSchemas Retrieves a list of the output protection systems that the output trust authority (OTA) must enforce, along with configuration data for each protection system. |
get_Keys Gets the media keys object associated with the media engine or null if there is not a media keys object. |
get_KeySystem Gets the key system string the IMFMediaKeys object was created with. |
get_KeySystem Gets the name of the key system name the media keys object was created with. |
get_SessionId Gets a unique session id created for this session. |
GetAction Retrieves the action that is performed by this output trust authority (OTA). |
GetActiveSourceBuffers Gets the source buffers that are actively supplying media data to the media source. |
GetActiveTracks Gets the list of active timed-text tracks in the timed-text component. |
GetActivityReport Retrieves an IMFSensorActivityReport based on the specified index. |
GetActivityReportByDeviceName Retrieves an IMFSensorActivityReport based on the specified device name. |
GetAdvancedMediaCaptureSettings Gets the advanced media capture settings. |
GetAllLanguages Gets a list of the languages in which metadata is available. |
GetAllocatedBlob Retrieves a byte array associated with a key. This method allocates the memory for the array. |
GetAllocatedString Gets a wide-character string associated with a key. This method allocates the memory for the string. |
GetAllocatorUsage Retrieves the sample allocator usage for the specified output stream. |
GetAllPropertyNames Gets a list of all the metadata property names on this object. |
GetAllSettings The GetAllSettings method gets the codec's current properties and writes them to a stream. (ICodecAPI::GetAllSettings) |
GetAllVolumes Retrieves the volume levels for all of the channels in the audio stream. |
GetAppendWindowEnd Gets the timestamp for the end of the append window. |
GetAppendWindowStart Gets the timestamp for the start of the append window. |
GetAtEndOfPayload Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to check if it should invoke BeginReadPayload to read data from the message body of the response. |
GetAttributes Gets the IMFAttributes for the substream with the specified index. |
GetAttributes Gets the global attribute store for this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
GetAudioAttributes Gets the audio stream settings that are currently set in the transcode profile. |
GetAudioEndpointRole Gets the audio device endpoint role used for the next call to SetSource or Load. |
GetAudioFormat GetAudioFormat is no longer available for use as of Windows 7. |
GetAudioStreamCategory Gets the audio stream category used for the next call to SetSource or Load. |
GetAutoPlay Queries whether the Media Engine automatically begins playback. |
GetAvailableDeviceMediaType Gets a format that is supported by one of the capture streams. |
GetBackgroundColor Gets the background color of the region. |
GetBackgroundColor Gets the background color of the timed-text style. |
GetBalance Gets the audio balance. |
GetBandwidthStep Retrieves the stream numbers that apply to a bandwidth step. This method is used for multiple bit rate (MBR) content. |
GetBandwidthStepCount Retrieves the number of bandwidth steps that exist for the content. This method is used for multiple bit rate (MBR) content. |
GetBlob Retrieves a byte array associated with a key. This method copies the array into a caller-allocated buffer. |
GetBlobSize Retrieves the length of a byte array associated with a key. |
GetBold Determines whether the style of timed text is bold. |
GetBuffer Retrieves a pointer to a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) decoder buffer. |
GetBufferCount Retrieves the number of buffers in the sample. |
GetBuffered Queries how much resource data the media engine has buffered. |
GetBuffered Gets the buffered time range. |
GetBufferFullnessBits Not implemented in this release. (IWMCodecLeakyBucket.GetBufferFullnessBits) |
GetBufferSizeBits Retrieves the current size of the buffer in bits. |
GetByteRanges Gets the ranges of bytes that are currently stored in the cache. |
GetCapabilities Queries for property capabilities supported by the capture device. |
GetCapabilities Retrieves the characteristics of the byte stream. |
GetCapabilities Gets the capabilities information for the content. |
GetCaptureDeviceActivate Gets the current capture device's IMFActivate object pointer. |
GetCaptureDeviceSource Gets the current capture device's IMFMediaSource object pointer. |
GetCertificate Gets the driver's certificate chain. (ID3D11AuthenticatedChannel.GetCertificate) |
GetCertificate Gets the driver's certificate chain. (ID3D11CryptoSession.GetCertificate) |
GetCertificate Gets the driver's certificate chain. (IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9.GetCertificate) |
GetCertificate Gets the driver's certificate chain. (IDirect3DCryptoSession9.GetCertificate) |
GetCertificate Retrieves the client's certificate. |
GetCertificatePolicy Indicates whether the server SSL certificate must be verified by the caller, Media Foundation, or the IMFSSLCertificateManager implementation class. |
GetCertificateSize Gets the size of the driver's certificate chain. (ID3D11AuthenticatedChannel.GetCertificateSize) |
GetCertificateSize Gets the size of the driver's certificate chain. (ID3D11CryptoSession.GetCertificateSize) |
GetCertificateSize Gets the size of the driver's certificate chain. (IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9.GetCertificateSize) |
GetCertificateSize Gets the size of the driver's certificate chain. (IDirect3DCryptoSession9.GetCertificateSize) |
GetChainedLicenseResponse Not implemented in this release. (IMFDRMNetHelper.GetChainedLicenseResponse) |
GetChannelCount Retrieves the number of channels in the audio stream. |
GetChannelHandle Gets a handle to the authenticated channel. |
GetChannelVolume Retrieves the volume level for a specified channel in the audio stream. |
GetCharacteristics Gets the characteristics of the media sink. |
GetCharacteristics Retrieves the characteristics of the media source. |
GetClientCertificate Gets the client SSL certificate synchronously. |
GetClipOverflow Determines whether a clip of text overflowed the region. |
GetClock Retrieves the Media Session's presentation clock. |
GetClockCharacteristics Retrieves the characteristics of the clock. |
GetCodec Gets the codec associated with the video encoder. |
GetCodec Gets the codec associated with the video encoder heap. |
GetCodecConfiguration Gets the codec configuration parameters associated with the video encoder. |
GetCodecLevel Gets the codec level associated with the video encoder heap. |
GetCodecProfile Gets the codec profile associated with the video encoder. |
GetCodecProfile Gets the codec profile associated with the video encoder heap. |
GetCodecProp Retrieves a codec property specific to an output format. |
GetColor Gets the color of the timed-text style. |
GetConfiguration Returns the supported combination of configuration options. |
GetConfigurationData Returns configuration data for the output protection system. The configuration data is used to enable or disable the protection system, and to set the protection levels. |
GetContainerAttributes Gets the container settings that are currently set in the transcode profile. |
GetContentDesc Gets the content description that was used to create the video processor. |
GetContentProtectionCaps Queries the driver for its content protection capabilities. |
GetContentProtectionCaps Queries the display driver for its content protection capabilities. |
GetContext The GetContext method retrieves a block of bytes that was previously associated with the table of contents by a call to SetContext. |
GetContiguousLength Retrieves the number of bytes needed to store the contents of the buffer in contiguous format. |
GetContinuityKey Retrieves the clock's continuity key. (Not supported.). |
GetControl Gets the control from the collection using the specified zero-based index. |
GetControlCount Gets the number of controls currently in the control defaults collection. |
GetCorrelatedTime Retrieves the last clock time that was correlated with system time. |
GetCount Gets the count of IMFSensorActivityReport objects that are available to be retrieved. |
GetCount Retrieves the number of attributes that are set on this object. |
GetCreationParameters Gets the parameters that were used to create the decoder. |
GetCreationParameters Retrieves the parameters that were used to create this device. (IDirectXVideoDecoder.GetCreationParameters) |
GetCreationParameters Retrieves the parameters that were used to create this device. (IDirectXVideoProcessor.GetCreationParameters) |
GetCredential Retrieves the credential object for the specified URL. |
GetCrossOriginPolicy Returns the client's current cross-origin policy to apply to the download session. |
GetCryptoSessionHandle Gets a handle to the cryptographic session. |
GetCryptoSessionPrivateDataSize Retrieves optional sizes for private driver data. |
GetCryptoType Gets the type of encryption that is supported by this session. |
GetCueKind Gets the kind of timed-text cue. |
GetCueTimeOffset Gets the offset to the cue time. |
GetCurrentDeviceMediaType Gets the current media type for a capture stream. |
GetCurrentLength Retrieves the length of the valid data in the buffer. |
GetCurrentMediaType Retrieves the current media type of the object. |
GetCurrentMediaType Gets the current media type for a stream. |
GetCurrentPosition Retrieves the current read or write position in the stream. |
GetCurrentProxy Retrieves the current proxy information including hostname and port. |
GetCurrentSource Gets the URL of the current media resource, or an empty string if no media resource is present. |
GetCurrentTime Gets the current playback position. (IMFMediaEngine.GetCurrentTime) |
GetData Retrieves system id data. |
GetData Gets the data content of the timed-text object. |
GetData Gets the data content of the timed-text cue. |
GetDataFormat Gets a GUID that identifies the track's underlying data format. |
GetDataForNewHardwareKey Allows the driver to return IHV specific information used when initializing the new hardware key. |
GetDecoderBuffer Gets a pointer to a decoder buffer. |
GetDecoderConfigurations Gets the configurations that are available for a decoder device. |
GetDecoderDeviceGuids Retrieves an array of GUIDs that identifies the decoder devices supported by the graphics hardware. |
GetDecoderProfile Gets the decoding profile of the session. |
GetDecoderRenderTargets Retrieves the supported render targets for a specified decoder device. |
GetDecrypter Retrieves a decrypter transform. |
GetDefaultPlaybackRate Gets the default playback rate. |
GetDefaultValue The GetDefaultValue method gets the default value of a codec property. (ICodecAPI::GetDefaultValue) |
GetDesc Gets the properties of the video decoder output view. |
GetDesc Gets the properties of the video processor input view. |
GetDesc Gets the properties of the video processor output view. |
GetDesc Gets the D3D12_VIDEO_DECODER_DESC structure that was passed into ID3D12VideoDevice::CreateVideoDecoder when the ID3D12VideoDecoder was created. |
GetDesc Gets the D3D12_VIDEO_DECODER_HEAP_DESC structure that was passed into ID3D12VideoDevice::CreateVideoDecoderHeap when the ID3D12VideoDecoderHeap was created. |
GetDesc Gets the D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_DESC provided when the interface was created. |
GetDesc Gets the D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_DESC structure that was passed into ID3D12VideoDevice1::CreateVideoMotionEstimator) when the ID3D12VideoMotionEstimator was created. |
GetDesc Gets the D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_VECTOR_HEAP_DESC structure that was passed into ID3D12VideoDevice1::CreateVideoMotionEstimatorHeap when the ID3D12VideoMotionEstimatorHeap was created. |
GetDescription The GetDescription method retrieves the description, set by a previous call to SetDescription, of the table of contents. |
GetDescription Retrieves the description of an output format. |
GetDescriptionData The GetDescriptionData method gets a description data block that was previously associated with the entry by a call to SetDescriptionData. |
GetDescriptor The GetDescriptor method retrieves the descriptor, previously set by SetDescriptor, of the table of contents. |
GetDescriptor The GetDescriptor method retrieves the descriptor, previously set by a call to SetDescriptor, of the entry. |
GetDevice Gets information about the image sharing device. |
GetDevice Gets information about the media sharing device. |
GetDeviceAttributes Gets the IMFAttributes for the sensor group. |
GetDeviceId Gets the unique identifier for the device. This value is currently unused. |
GetDeviceStreamCategory Gets the stream category for the specified source stream index. |
GetDeviceStreamCount Gets the number of device streams. |
GetDeviceType Gets a value that specifies the type of sensor device represented by the object. |
GetDirectxDeviceManager Gets the DirectX device manager. |
GetDisplayAlignment Gets the display alignment of the region. |
GetDisplayName Retrieves the display name of the audio session. The Windows volume control displays this name. |
GetDouble Retrieves a double value associated with a key. |
GetDriverHandle Gets a handle to the driver. |
GetDropMode Retrieves the current drop mode. |
GetDuration Gets the duration of the media resource. |
GetDuration Gets the duration of the media source in 100-nanosecond units. |
GetDuration Gets the duration time of the cue in the track. |
GetElement Retrieves an object in the collection. |
GetElementCount Retrieves the number of objects in the collection. (IMFCollection.GetElementCount) |
GetEnableData Retrieves the data for a manual content enabling action. |
GetEnableType Retrieves the type of operation that this content enabler performs. |
GetEnableURL Retrieves a URL for performing a manual content enabling action. |
GetEncoderFlags Gets the encoder flags with which the video encoder was initialized. |
GetEncoderHeapFlags Gets the encoder heap flags with which the video encoder heap was initialized. |
GetEncodingConfigurationPropertyStore Retrieves a property store that can be used to set encoding properties. |
GetEncryptionBltKey Gets the cryptographic key to decrypt the data returned by the ID3D11VideoContext::EncryptionBlt method. |
GetEncryptionBltKey Gets the cryptographic key used to decrypt the data returned by the IDirect3DCryptoSession9::EncryptionBlt method. |
GetEnd Gets the end time for a specified time range. |
GetEntryCount The GetEntryCount method retrieves the number of tables of contents in the collection. |
GetEntryCount The GetEntryCount method retrieves the number of entries in the list. |
GetEntryListCount The GetEntryListCount method retrieves the number of entry lists in the table of contents. |
GetError Gets the most recent error status. |
GetError Gets the error state associated with the media key session. |
GetErrorCode Gets the error code. |
GetErrorCode Gets a value indicating the error type of the latest error associated with the track. |
GetEvent Retrieves the next event in the queue. This method is synchronous. |
GetEvent Retrieves the next event in the queue. This method is synchronous.Call this method inside your implementation of IMFMediaEventGenerator::GetEvent. Pass the parameters from that method directly to this method. |
GetExpiration Gets the expiration time for all keys in the CDM session. |
GetExtendedCameraControl Gets an instance of IMFExtendedCameraControl, which allows an app to get the current capture device's extended property controls. |
GetExtendedErrorCode Gets the extended error code. |
GetExtendedErrorCode Gets the extended error code for the latest error associated with the track. |
GetExtendedType Retrieves the extended type of the event. |
GetExtent Gets the extent of the region. |
GetFastestRate Gets the fastest playback rate supported by the object. |
GetFilterPropertyRange Retrieves the range of values for an image filter supported by this device. |
GetFilterPropertyRange Retrieves the range of values for an image filter supported by a video processor device. |
GetFlags Queries for property flags on the capture device. |
GetFlags Gets the flags set for the sensor device. This method is reserved for future use. |
GetFlags Gets the flags set for the sensor group. |
GetFlags Retrieves the flags that indicate the selected indexer options. |
GetFlags Retrieves flags indicating the configured multiplexer options. |
GetFlags Retrieves the option flags that are set on the ASF splitter. |
GetFontFamily Gets the font family of the timed-text style. |
GetFontSize Gets the font size of the timed-text style. |
GetFontStyle Gets the font style of the timed-text style. |
GetFormatProp Retrieves a format property for an output media type. Use this method to get information about enumerated audio formats. |
GetFreeSampleCount Gets the number of video samples that are currently available for use. |
GetFriendlyName Gets the friendly name for the sensor associated with the report. |
GetFullCropRegion Retrieves the source and destination rectangles. |
GetFullTopology Gets a topology from the Media Session. |
GetGroupingParam Retrieves the group of sessions to which this audio session belongs. |
GetGUID Retrieves a GUID value associated with a key. |
GetHeaderSize Retrieves the size of the header section of an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) file. |
GetHttpStatus Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to retrieve the HTTP status code that the server specified in its response. Media Foundation invokes this method after a successful call to EndReceiveResponse. |
GetHurryup Retrieves the current speed mode of the video decoder. |
GetIconPath Retrieves the icon resource for the audio session. The Windows volume control displays this icon. |
GetId Gets the identifier of a timed-text cue. |
GetId Gets the identifier of the track of timed text. |
GetID Returns the unique, unsigned 32-bit ID of the spatial audio object represented by the buffer. |
GetIdentifier Retrieves the stream identifier for this stream sink. |
GetInBandMetadataTrackDispatchType Gets the in-band metadata of the track. |
GetIndexByteStreamCount Retrieves the number of byte streams that are in use by the indexer object. |
GetIndexPosition Retrieves the offset of the index object from the start of the content. |
GetIndexStatus Retrieves the index settings for a specified stream and index type. |
GetIndexWriteSpace Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the buffer required to store the completed index. |
GetInformation Sends an Output Protection Manager (OPM) status request to the display driver. |
GetInput Retrieves the node that is connected to a specified input stream on this node. |
GetInputAvailableType Gets an available media type for an input stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
GetInputCount Retrieves the number of input streams that currently exist on this node. |
GetInputCurrentType Gets the current media type for an input stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
GetInputFormat Gets the input format of the video encoder. |
GetInputPrefType Retrieves the preferred media type for an input stream on this node. |
GetInputProtectionVersion Retrieves the version of sample protection that the component implements on input. |
GetInputStatus Queries whether an input stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT) can accept more data. |
GetInputStreamAttributes Gets the attribute store for an input stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
GetInputStreamDescs Gets the input stream descriptions provided when the video processor was created with a call to ID3D12VideoDevice::CreateVideoProcessor. |
GetInputStreamInfo Gets the buffer requirements and other information for an input stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
GetInputTrustAuthority Retrieves the input trust authority (ITA) for a specified stream. |
GetItem Retrieves the value associated with a key. |
GetItemType Retrieves the data type of the value associated with a key. |
GetKeyStatuses Gets a reference to an array of structures that represent the key IDs known to the Content Decryption Module (CDM) session and the current status of the associated key. |
GetKeySystem Gets the key system for the given source element index. |
GetKeySystem Gets a string identifying the Key System being used by the Content Decryption Module (CDM). |
GetLabel Gets the label of the track. |
GetLanguage Gets the current language setting. |
GetLanguage Gets the language of the track. |
GetLastSendTime Retrieves the send time of the last sample received. |
GetLength Retrieves the length of the stream. |
GetLength Gets the number of source elements in the list. |
GetLength Gets the number of time ranges contained in the object. |
GetLength Gets the number of IMFSourceBuffer objects in the list. |
GetLength Gets the length, in tracks, of the timed-text-track list. |
GetLine Gets a line of text in the cue from the index of the line. |
GetLineCount Gets the number of lines of text in the timed-text cue. |
GetLineHeight Gets the height of each line of text in the region. |
GetLoop Queries whether the Media Engine will loop playback. |
GetMajorType Gets the major media type of the object. |
GetMajorType Gets the major type of the format. |
GetManager Gets the IMFDXGIDeviceManager from the Microsoft Media Foundation video rendering sink. |
GetMasterVolume Retrieves the master volume level. |
GetMaximumDropMode Gets the maximum drop mode. |
GetMaxLength Retrieves the allocated size of the buffer. |
GetMaxMotionEstimationPrecision Gets the maximum motion estimation precision of the video encoder. |
GetMaxNumberOfBytesRequiredForResolution Retrieves the maximum number of bytes needed to create the media source or determine that the byte stream handler cannot parse this stream. |
GetMedia Gets the intended media type of an element in the list. |
GetMediaSink Retrieves the media sink that owns this stream sink. |
GetMediaSource Retrieves a pointer to the media source that created this media stream. |
GetMediaSource Gets an IMFMediaSource that provides media data from the virtual camera. |
GetMediaSourceTopology Returns a topology for a media source that builds an internal topology. |
GetMediaType Retrieves an IMFMediaType representing a supported media type for the sensor stream. |
GetMediaType Retrieves the media type of the stream. |
GetMediaType Gets the IMFMediaType of the substream with the specified index. |
GetMediaTypeCount Retrieves the number of media types in the object's list of supported media types. |
GetMediaTypeCount Gets the count of media types supported by the sensor stream. |
GetMediaTypeHandler Retrieves a media type handler for the stream. The media type handler can be used to enumerate supported media types for the stream, get the current media type, and set the media type. |
GetMediaTypeHandler Retrieves the media type handler for the stream sink. You can use the media type handler to find which formats the stream supports, and to set the media type on the stream. |
GetMetadataItems Retrieves a pointer to a buffer that may contain spatial audio metadata. |
GetMetadataTracks Gets the list of the timed-metadata tracks in the timed-text component. |
GetMFMetadata Gets a collection of metadata, either for an entire presentation, or for one stream in the presentation. |
GetMinimumGRLVersion Retrieves the minimum version of the global revocation list (GRL) that must be enforced by the protected environment for this policy. |
GetMinimumQualityLevel Gets the minimum quality level that is supported by the component. |
GetMirrorState Gets the current mirroring state of the video preview stream. (IMFCapturePreviewSink.GetMirrorState) |
GetMirrorState Gets the current mirroring state of the video preview stream. (IMFCaptureSource.GetMirrorState) |
GetMute Queries whether the audio is muted. (IMFSimpleAudioVolume.GetMute) |
GetMuted Queries whether the audio is muted. (IMFMediaEngine.GetMuted) |
GetMutualExclusion Retrieves an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) mutual exclusion object from the profile. |
GetMutualExclusionCount Retrieves the number of Advanced Systems Format (ASF) mutual exclusion objects that are associated with the profile. |
GetName Retrieves the name of a codec. |
GetName Gets the name of the region. |
GetName Gets the name of the timed-text style. |
GetNativeMediaType Gets a format that is supported natively by the media source. |
GetNativeVideoSize Gets the size of the video frame, adjusted for aspect ratio. |
GetNearestKeyFrames For a particular seek position, gets the two nearest key frames. (IMFSeekInfo.GetNearestKeyFrames) |
GetNetworkState Gets the current network state of the media engine. |
GetNextOutputTime Queries the decoder for the time stamp of the upcoming output sample. Use this method if you need to know the time of the sample before calling IMediaObject::ProcessOutput or IMFTransform::ProcessOutput to get the sample. |
GetNextPacket Retrieves the next output ASF packet from the multiplexer. |
GetNextSample Retrieves a sample from the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) splitter after the data has been parsed. |
GetNode Gets a node in the topology, specified by index. |
GetNodeByID Gets a node in the topology, specified by node identifier. |
GetNodeCount Gets the number of nodes in the topology. |
GetNodeMask Gets the node mask for the video encoder. |
GetNodeMask Gets the node mask for the video encoder heap. |
GetNodeMask Gets the node mask provided when the video processor was created with a call to ID3D12VideoDevice::CreateVideoProcessor. |
GetNodeType Retrieves the node type. |
GetNumberOfStreams Gets the number of streams in the media resource. |
GetNumberOfSupportedProtocols Retrieves the number of protocols supported by the network scheme plug-in. |
GetNumInputStreamDescs Gets the number of input stream descriptions provided when the video processor was created with a call to ID3D12VideoDevice::CreateVideoProcessor. |
GetObject Gets the object associated with this node. |
GetObject Returns an object associated with the asynchronous operation. The type of object, if any, depends on the asynchronous method that was called. (IMFAsyncResult.GetObject) |
GetObjectCount Gets the count of spatial audio objects, represented by IMFSpatialAudioObjectBuffer objects, in the sample. |
GetObjectPointer Gets the pointer to the parent object the async callback is associated with. |
GetObjectTag Gets the tag of the parent object the async callback is associated object. |
GetOPMInfo Gets status information about the Output Protection Manager (OPM). |
GetOrAddControl Adds a new custom camera control to the camera control collection. |
GetOrAddExtendedControl Adds a new extended camera control to the camera control collection. |
GetOriginalId Gets the cue identifier that is provided in the text-track data format, if available. |
GetOriginatorID Retrieves a GUID identifying the input trust authority (ITA) that created this output policy object. |
GetOriginatorID Retrieves a GUID identifying the input trust authority (ITA) that generated this output schema object. |
GetOutput Retrieves the node that is connected to a specified output stream on this node. |
GetOutputAvailableType Gets an available media type for an output stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
GetOutputCount Retrieves the number of output streams that currently exist on this node. |
GetOutputCount Retrieves the number of outputs for the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) content. |
GetOutputCurrentType Gets the current media type for an output stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
GetOutputFromStream Retrieves the output number associated with a stream. |
GetOutputMediaType Gets the output format for a stream on this capture sink. |
GetOutputMutex Retrieves a mutual exclusion object for an output. |
GetOutputMutexCount Retrieves the number of mutual exclusion objects associated with an output. |
GetOutputNodeCollection Gets the output nodes in the topology. |
GetOutputOverride Retrieves the manual output override selection that is set for a stream. |
GetOutputPrefType Retrieves the preferred media type for an output stream on this node. |
GetOutputProtectionVersion Retrieves the version of sample protection that the component implements on output. |
GetOutputStatus Queries whether the Media Foundation transform (MFT) is ready to produce output data. |
GetOutputStreamAttributes Gets the attribute store for an output stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
GetOutputStreamCount Retrieves the number of streams associated with an output. |
GetOutputStreamDesc Gets the output stream description provided when the video processor was created with a call to ID3D12VideoDevice::CreateVideoProcessor. |
GetOutputStreamInfo Gets the buffer requirements and other information for an output stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
GetOutputStreamNumbers Retrieves the stream numbers for all of the streams that are associated with an output. |
GetOutputTrustAuthorityCount Gets the number of output trust authorities (OTAs) provided by this trusted output. Each OTA reports a single action. |
GetPadding Gets the padding that surrounds the region. |
GetParameterRange The GetParameterRange method gets the range of values for a codec property. (ICodecAPI::GetParameterRange) |
GetParameters Provides configuration information to the dispatching thread for a callback. (IMFAsyncCallback.GetParameters) |
GetParameterValues The GetParameterValues method gets the list of possible values for a codec property. (ICodecAPI::GetParameterValues) |
GetPassword Retrieves the password. |
GetPayloadExtension Retrieves information about an existing payload extension. |
GetPayloadExtensionCount Retrieves the number of payload extensions that are configured for the stream. |
GetPlaftormWorkQueueMMCSSClass Retrieves the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) class for a specified platform work queue. |
GetPlatformWorkQueueMMCSSPriority Gets the priority of the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) priority associated with the specified platform work queue. |
GetPlatformWorkQueueMMCSSTaskId Retrieves the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task identifier for a specified platform work queue. |
GetPlaybackRate Gets the current playback rate. (IMFMediaEngine.GetPlaybackRate) |
GetPlayed Gets the time ranges that have been rendered. |
GetPolicy Retrieves the policy that defines which output protection systems are allowed for this stream, and the configuration data for each protection system. |
GetPosition Gets the position of the region. |
GetPreferredClsid Searches the preferred list for a class identifier (CLSID) that matches a specified key name. |
GetPreload Gets the preload flag. |
GetPresentationAttribute Gets a presentation attribute from the media resource. |
GetPresentationAttribute Gets an attribute from the underlying media source. |
GetPresentationClock Called by the media pipeline to get an instance of IMFPresentationClock. |
GetPresentationClock Gets the presentation clock that was set on the media sink. |
GetPresentationContext Maps a presentation descriptor to its associated sequencer element identifier and the topology it represents. |
GetPrivateData Retrieves the codec data for the video content based on the output type passed using the IWMCodecPrivateData::SetPartialOutputType method. |
GetPrivateDataByteCount Gets the required number of bytes that need to be prepended to the input and output buffers when you call the security processor through the InvokeFunction method. |
GetProcAmpRange Retrieves the range of values for a video processor (ProcAmp) setting on this video processor device. |
GetProcAmpRange Gets the range of values for a video processor (ProcAmp) setting. |
GetProcedureAddress Gets the procedure address of the specified function in the signed library. |
GetProcessActivity Gets an IMFSensorProcessActivity object representing the current process activity of a sensor. |
GetProcessCount Gets the count of IMFSensorProcessActivity objects, representing the current activity of a process associated with the sensor, that are available to be retrieved. |
GetProcessId Gets the ID of the process with which the activity is associated. |
GetProfile Retrieves the specified profile. |
GetProfile Retrieves an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) profile that describes the ASF content. |
GetProfileId Retrieves the sensor profile ID. |
GetProgress Retrieves the percentage of content saved to the provided byte stream. |
GetProperties Retrieves the properties of the clock. |
GetProperty Gets the value of a metadata property. |
GetProtectedResourceSession Gets the ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession that was passed into ID3D12VideoDevice2::CreateVideoDecoder1 when the ID3D12VideoDecoder1 was created. |
GetProtectedResourceSession Gets the ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession that was passed into ID3D12VideoDevice2::CreateVideoDecoderHeap1 when the ID3D12VideoDecoderHeap1 was created. |
GetProtectedResourceSession Gets the ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession that was passed into ID3D12VideoDevice2::CreateVideoExtensionCommand when the ID3D12VideoExtensionCommand was created. |
GetProtectedResourceSession Gets the ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession that was passed into ID3D12VideoDevice1::CreateVideoMotionEstimator when the ID3D12VideoMotionEstimator was created. |
GetProtectedResourceSession Gets the ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession that was passed into ID3D12VideoDevice1::CreateVideoMotionEstimatorHeap when the ID3D12VideoMotionEstimatorHeap was created. |
GetProtectedResourceSession Gets the ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession that was passed into ID3D12VideoDevice2::CreateVideoProcessor1 when the ID3D12VideoProcessor1 was created. |
GetProtectionCertificate Retrieves the sample protection certificate. |
GetProtectionSystemIds The IMFContentDecryptionModule::GetProtectionSystemIds gets a list of SystemIDs that the IMFContentDecryptionModule supports. |
GetQualityLevel Retrieves the current quality level. |
GetRangeEndOffset Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to retrieve the offset of the last byte in the current response, counted from the start of the resource. This is useful when a request uses the HTTP “Range” header to download only a portion of a resource. |
GetRangeInfo Gets information about the accepted range, step value, and default value for a camera control. |
GetRate Gets the current playback rate. (IMFRateControl.GetRate) |
GetRateConversionCaps Gets the rate conversion capabilities of the video processor. |
GetReadyState Gets the ready state, which indicates whether the current media resource can be rendered. |
GetReadyState Gets the ready state of the media source. |
GetRealTimeMode Gets the real time mode used for the next call to SetSource or Load. |
GetReconstructedVideoFrame Note This method is obsolete and should not be used. Retrieves the current reconstructed video frame. |
GetReconstructedVideoFrameSize Note This method is obsolete and should not be used. Retrieves the size of the current reconstructed video frame. |
GetRecordCount Retrieves the number of records in the Advanced Systems Format mutual exclusion object. |
GetRegion Gets info about the display region of the timed-text cue. |
GetRelativePanel Gets a value from the ACPI_PLD_PANEL enumeration indicating the location of the capture device. |
GetRemoteHost Retrieves a pointer to the object that is hosting this proxy. |
GetRemoteObject Retrieves a pointer to the remote object for which this object is a proxy. |
GetReport Gets an IMFRelativePanelReport interface that represents the relative panel location. |
GetReportTime Gets the time associated with the sensor activity report. |
GetRepresentation Retrieves an alternative representation of the media type. Currently only the DirectShow AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure is supported. |
GetRequiredProtections Gets the content protections that must be applied in frame-server mode. |
GetResolutionList Gets the resolution list associated with the video encoder heap. |
GetResolutionListCount The ID3D12VideoEncoderHeap::GetResolutionListCount method (d3d12video.h) gets the resolution list count associated with the video encoder heap. |
GetResource Queries the Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI)surface for an interface. |
GetResourceCharacteristics Gets various flags that describe the media resource. |
GetRightToLeft Determines whether the right to left writing mode of the timed-text style is enabled. |
GetRotation Gets the rotation of the video preview stream. |
GetRotation Gets the rotation that is currently being applied to the recorded video stream. |
GetSample Gets the IMFSample associated with the substream with the specified index. |
GetSampleDuration Retrieves the duration of the sample. |
GetSampleFlags Retrieves flags associated with the sample.Currently no flags are defined. |
GetSampleTime Retrieves the presentation time of the sample. |
GetScanline0AndPitch Retrieves a pointer to the buffer memory and the surface stride. |
GetSchemaType Retrieves the output protection system that is represented by this object. Output protection systems are identified by GUID value. |
GetScrollMode Gets the scroll mode of the region. |
GetSeekable Gets the time ranges to which the Media Engine can currently seek. |
GetSeekPositionForValue Given a desired seek time, gets the offset from which the client should start reading data. |
GetSelectedStreams Gets a list of currently selected streams. |
GetSelectedStyle Gets the current style from the SAMI media source. |
GetSensorDevice Gets the IMFSensorDevice corresponding to a device in the sensor group. |
GetSensorDeviceCount Gets the number of devices that are virtualized by the sensor group. |
GetSensorDeviceMode Gets a value that specifies the current sharing mode of the sensor device, which is either controller or shared. |
GetSensorGroupAttributes Gets the IMFAttributes for the sensor group. The returned object is a live reference to the internal attribute store. |
GetService Retrieves a service interface. |
GetService Queries the underlying Sink Writer object for an interface. |
GetService Gets a pointer to the underlying Source Reader object. |
GetServiceForStream Queries the underlying media sink or encoder for an interface. |
GetServiceForStream Queries the underlying media source or decoder for an interface. |
GetSessionCapabilities Retrieves the capabilities of the Media Session, based on the current presentation. |
GetSessionId Gets a unique string identifier generated by the Content Decryption Module (CDM) that can be used by the application to identify session objects. |
GetShowBackgroundAlways Determines whether the style of timed text always shows the background. |
GetShutdownStatus Queries the status of an earlier call to the IMFShutdown::Shutdown method. |
GetSink Gets a pointer to one of the capture sink objects. |
GetSinkInfo Gets the media types for the audio and video streams specified in the transcode profile. |
GetSlowestRate Retrieves the slowest playback rate supported by the object. |
GetSource Gets a pointer to the capture source object. |
GetSourceAttributes Gets an attribute store for the media source. |
GetSourceBuffer Gets the IMFSourceBuffer at the specified index in the collection of buffers. |
GetSourceBuffer Gets the IMFSourceBuffer at the specified index in the list. |
GetSourceBuffers Gets the collection of source buffers associated with this media source. |
GetSourceNodeCollection Gets the source nodes in the topology. |
GetSourceOrigin Returns the W3C origin of the HTML5 media element. |
GetStart Gets the start time for a specified time range. |
GetStartTime Gets the initial playback position. |
GetStartTime Gets the start time of the cue in the track. |
GetState Retrieves the current state of the clock. |
GetState Returns the state object specified by the caller in the asynchronous Begin method. (IMFAsyncResult.GetState) |
GetStateNoAddRef Returns the state object specified by the caller in the asynchronous Begin method, without incrementing the object's reference count. (IMFAsyncResult.GetStateNoAddRef) |
GetStatistics Retrieves multiplexer statistics. |
GetStatistics Gets a playback statistic from the Media Engine. |
GetStatistics Gets statistics about the performance of the sink writer. |
GetStatus Returns the status of the asynchronous operation. (IMFAsyncResult.GetStatus) |
GetStatus Retrieves an HRESULT that specifies the event status. |
GetStereo3DFramePackingMode For stereoscopic 3D video, gets the layout of the two views within a video frame. |
GetStereo3DRenderMode For stereoscopic 3D video, queries how the Media Engine renders the 3D video content. |
GetStream Retrieves a stream from the profile by stream index, and/or retrieves the stream number for a stream index. |
GetStream Note This interface is not implemented in this version of Media Foundation. Retrieves the stream number of a stream in the stream priority list. |
GetStreamAttribute Gets a stream-level attribute from the media resource. |
GetStreamAttributes Gets an attribute store for a stream on the media source. |
GetStreamAttributes Gets the stream attribute store with the specified index. |
GetStreamAttributesCount Gets the count of stream attribute stores for the sensor device. This number represents the number of total streams available for the device because every valid stream must have an attribute store that contains at least the stream ID and stream category. |
GetStreamByNumber Retrieves an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) stream configuration object for a stream in the profile. This method references the stream by stream number instead of stream index. |
GetStreamConfiguration Gets the stream configuration with the specified index, which defines a set of substreams that can be included the multiplexed output. |
GetStreamConfiguration Gets the active stream configuration for the media source, which defines the set of substreams that are included the multiplexed output. |
GetStreamConfigurationCount Gets the count of registered stream configurations, which define set of substreams that can be included the multiplexed output. |
GetStreamCount Retrieves the number of streams in the profile. |
GetStreamCount Note This interface is not implemented in this version of Media Foundation. Retrieves the number of entries in the stream priority list. |
GetStreamCount Retrieves the number of streams that are in the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) content. |
GetStreamCount Gets the count of substreams managed by the multiplexed media source. (IMFMuxStreamAttributesManager.GetStreamCount) |
GetStreamCount Gets the count of substreams managed by the multiplexed media source. (IMFMuxStreamMediaTypeManager.GetStreamCount) |
GetStreamCount Gets the count of substreams managed by the multiplexed media source. (IMFMuxStreamSampleManager.GetStreamCount) |
GetStreamCount Gets the current number of input and output streams on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
GetStreamDescriptor Retrieves a stream descriptor for this media stream. |
GetStreamDescriptorCount Retrieves the number of stream descriptors in the presentation. Each stream descriptor contains information about one stream in the media source. To retrieve a stream descriptor, call the IMFPresentationDescriptor::GetStreamDescriptorByIndex method. |
GetStreamIdentifier Retrieves an identifier for the stream. |
GetStreamIDs Gets the stream identifiers for the input and output streams on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
GetStreamIndexFromFriendlyName Gets the actual device stream index translated from a friendly stream name. |
GetStreamingMode Gets the streaming mode of the sensor process. |
GetStreamingState Gets a value indicating whether the sensor is currently streaming. |
GetStreamLimits Gets the minimum and maximum number of input and output streams for this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
GetStreamNumber Retrieves the stream number of the stream. |
GetStreamPrioritization IMFASFProfile::GetStreamPrioritization method |
GetStreamSelection Queries whether a stream is selected to play. (IMFMediaEngineEx.GetStreamSelection) |
GetStreamSelection Queries whether a stream is selected. |
GetStreamsForRecord Retrieves the stream numbers contained in a record in the Advanced Systems Format mutual exclusion object. |
GetStreamSinkById Gets a stream sink, specified by stream identifier. |
GetStreamSinkCount Gets the number of stream sinks on this media sink. |
GetStreamType Gets the major media type of the stream. |
GetString Retrieves a wide-character string associated with a key. |
GetStringLength Retrieves the length of a string value associated with a key. |
GetStyle Gets info about the style of the timed-text cue. |
GetStyleCount Gets the number of styles defined in the SAMI file. |
GetStyles Gets a list of the style names defined in the SAMI file. |
GetSubEntries The GetSubEntries method gets an array of subentry indices that were set by a previous call to SetSubEntries. |
GetSubformatting Gets a subformat in the formatted timed-text object. |
GetSubformattingCount Gets the number of subformats in the formatted timed-text object. |
GetSupportedHardwareEffects Returns the list of supported effects in the currently configured video processor. |
GetSupportedProtocolType Retrieves a supported protocol by index. |
GetSupportedStates Gets the occlusion states supported by the current device. |
GetSurfacePitch Gets the stride of a protected surface. |
GetSuspendNotify Gets the suspend notify interface of the Content Decryption Module (CDM). |
GetSuspendNotify Retrieves an object for IMFContentDecryptionModuleSession suspend events. |
GetSymbolicLink Gets the symbolic link for the sensor associated with the report. |
GetSymbolicLink Gets the symbolic link name of the sensor device. |
GetSymbolicLink Gets the symbolic link name of the sensor group. |
GetText Gets the text in the formatted timed-text object. |
GetTextAlignment Gets the text alignment of the timed-text style. |
GetTextDecoration Gets how text is decorated for the timed-text style. |
GetTextOutline Gets the text outline for the timed-text style. |
GetTextTracks Gets the list of all the timed-text tracks in the timed-text component. |
GetTime Retrieves the latest clock time. |
GetTimelineMarkerTimer Gets the time of the next timeline marker, if any. |
GetTimeSeekResult Gets the result of a time-based seek. |
GetTimeSeekResult Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to retrieve the values of the TimeSeekRange.DLNA.ORG HTTP header, if any, that the server specified in its response. |
GetTimeSource Retrieves the clock's presentation time source. |
GetTimeStampOffset Gets the timestamp offset for media segments appended to the IMFSourceBuffer. |
GetTitle The GetTitle method retrieves the title, set by a previous call to SetTitle, of the entry. |
GetTocByType The GetTocByType retrieves all tables of contents of a specified type from the TOC Parser object. |
GetTocCount The GetTocCount method retrieves the number of tables of contents, of a specified position type, in the TOC Parser object. |
GetTopologyID Gets the identifier of the topology. |
GetTopologyWorkQueueMMCSSClass Retrieves the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) class for a specified branch of the current topology. |
GetTopologyWorkQueueMMCSSPriority Retrieves the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) string associated with the given topology work queue. |
GetTopologyWorkQueueMMCSSTaskId Retrieves the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task identifier for a specified branch of the current topology. |
GetTopoNodeID Retrieves the identifier of the node. |
GetTotalLength Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to retrieve the total length of the resource that is being downloaded, if known. |
GetTotalLength Retrieves the total length of the valid data in all of the buffers in the sample. The length is calculated as the sum of the values retrieved by the IMFMediaBuffer::GetCurrentLength method. |
GetTrack Gets a text track in the list from the index of the track. |
GetTrackById Gets a text track in the list from the identifier of the track. |
GetTrackId Gets the identifier of the timed-text cue. |
GetTrackKind Gets the kind of timed-text track. |
GetTracks Retrieves a list of all timed-text tracks registered with the IMFTimedText. |
GetTransformCount Called by the media pipeline to get the number of transforms provided by the sensor transform. |
GetTransformForStream Gets a pointer to a Media Foundation transform (MFT) for a specified stream. (IMFSinkWriterEx.GetTransformForStream) |
GetTransformForStream Gets a pointer to a Media Foundation transform (MFT) for a specified stream. (IMFSourceReaderEx.GetTransformForStream) |
GetTransformInformation Called by the media pipeline to get information about a transform provided by the sensor transform. |
GetType Gets the configuration type of the control, indicating whether the control value must be set before streaming begins or after streaming has started. |
GetType Retrieves the type of mutual exclusion represented by the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) mutual exclusion object. |
GetType Retrieves the event type. The event type indicates what happened to trigger the event. It also defines the meaning of the event value. |
GetType Gets the MIME type of an element in the list. |
GetType Gets the type of the spatial audio object represented by the buffer. If SetType has not been called previously, this method returns the default value of AudioObjectType_None. |
GetUINT32 Retrieves a UINT32 value associated with a key. |
GetUINT64 Retrieves a UINT64 value associated with a key. |
GetUnderlyingClock Retrieves the underlying clock that the presentation time source uses to generate its clock times. |
GetUnknown Retrieves an interface pointer associated with a key. |
GetUnknown Gets an IUnknown pointer that was previously stored in the media buffer object. |
GetUpdating Gets a value that indicates if Append, AppendByteStream, or Remove is in process. |
GetURL Returns the URL that is used for sending the request. |
GetURL Gets the URL of an element in the list. |
GetUser Retrieves the user name. |
GetValue The ICodecAPI::GetValue method gets the current value of a codec property. |
GetValue Retrieves the value associated with the event, if any. The value is retrieved as a PROPVARIANT structure. The actual data type and the meaning of the value depend on the event. |
GetVideoAspectRatio Gets the picture aspect ratio of the video stream. |
GetVideoAttributes Gets the video stream settings that are currently set in the transcode profile. |
GetVideoDecoderCaps Retrieves capabilities and limitations of the video decoder. |
GetVideoDecoderConfig Gets a decoder configuration that is supported by the driver. |
GetVideoDecoderConfigCount Gets the number of decoder configurations that the driver supports for a specified video description. |
GetVideoDecoderProfile Gets a profile that is supported by the driver. |
GetVideoDecoderProfileCount Gets the number of profiles that are supported by the driver. |
GetVideoDecoderService Retrieves the DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) decoder service that created this decoder device. |
GetVideoFormat GetVideoFormat is no longer available for use as of Windows 7. |
GetVideoProcessBltState Gets the value of a state parameter for blit operations performed by a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
GetVideoProcessorCaps Gets the capabilities of the video processor. |
GetVideoProcessorCaps Gets the capabilities of one or more Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processors. |
GetVideoProcessorCaps Retrieves the capabilities of the video processor device. |
GetVideoProcessorCaps Gets the capabilities of a specified video processor device. |
GetVideoProcessorContentDesc Gets the content description that was used to create this enumerator. |
GetVideoProcessorCustomRate Gets a list of custom frame rates that a video processor supports. |
GetVideoProcessorCustomRates Gets a list of custom rates that a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor supports. Custom rates are used for frame-rate conversion and inverse telecine (IVTC). |
GetVideoProcessorDeviceCaps Gets the capabilities of the Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
GetVideoProcessorDeviceGuids Gets an array of GUIDs which identify the video processors supported by the graphics hardware. |
GetVideoProcessorFilterRange Gets the range of values for an image filter. |
GetVideoProcessorFilterRange Gets the range of values for an image filter that the Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device supports. |
GetVideoProcessorInputFormats Gets a list of the input formats supported by the Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
GetVideoProcessorOutputFormats Gets a list of the output formats supported by the Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
GetVideoProcessorRateConversionCaps Returns a group of video processor capabilities that are associated with frame-rate conversion, including deinterlacing and inverse telecine. |
GetVideoProcessorRenderTargets Gets the render target formats that a video processor device supports. The list may include RGB and YUV formats. |
GetVideoProcessorService Retrieves the DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) video processor service that created this video processor device. |
GetVideoProcessorSubStreamFormats Gets a list of substream formats supported by a specified video processor device. |
GetVideoProcessStreamState Gets the value of a state parameter for an input stream on a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
GetVideoRepresentation Retrieves an alternative representation of the media type. |
GetVideoService Queries the Microsoft Direct3D device for an interface. |
GetVideoService Gets a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) service interface. |
GetVideoSwapchainHandle Gets a handle to the windowless swap chain. |
GetVolume Gets the audio volume level. |
GetWrap Determines whether the word wrap feature is enabled in the region. |
GetWritingMode Gets the writing mode of the region. |
HasAudio Queries whether the current media resource contains an audio stream. |
HasNullSourceOrigin Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to detect the case when a HTTP or HTTPS request has been redirected to a different server of different "origin". |
HasVideo Queries whether the current media resource contains a video stream. |
Init The Init method initializes the TOC Parser object and associates it with a media file. |
Initialize Initializes the indexer object. |
Initialize Initializes the multiplexer with the data from an ASF ContentInfo object. |
Initialize Resets the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) splitter and configures it to parse data from an ASF data section. |
Initialize Initializes the capture engine. |
Initialize Initializes the Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) media sink. (IMFDLNASinkInit.Initialize) |
InitializeCaptureSampleAllocator Initializes the sample allocator with parameters relevant to video capture scenarios. |
InitializeExtensionCommand Records a command to initializes or re-initializes a video extension command into a video decode command list. |
InitializeExtensionCommand Records a command to initializes or re-initializes a video extension command into a video processor command list. |
InitializeFactory Called by the media pipeline to initialize the sensor transform. |
InitializeHardwareKey Allows the display driver to return IHV-specific information used when initializing a new hardware key. |
InitializeSampleAllocator Specifies the number of samples to allocate and the media type for the samples. |
InitializeSampleAllocatorEx Initializes the video sample allocator object. |
InitInputProtection Initializes sample protection on the downstream component. |
InitOutputProtection Retrieves initialization information for sample protection from the upstream component. |
InsertAudioEffect Inserts an audio effect. |
InsertElementAt Adds an object at the specified index in the collection. |
InsertVideoEffect Inserts a video effect. |
Invoke Called when an asynchronous operation is completed. (IMFAsyncCallback.Invoke) |
InvokeFunction Calls into the implementation of the protection system in the security processor. |
IsActive Determines whether the timed-text track is active. |
IsAutomaticSupported Queries whether the content enabler can perform all of its actions automatically. |
IsBackgroundTransferActive Queries whether background transfer is active. |
IsCompressedFormat Queries whether the media type is a temporally compressed format. |
IsContiguousFormat Queries whether the buffer is contiguous in its native format. |
IsDisabled Queries whether a class identifier (CLSID) appears in the blocked list. (IMFPluginControl.IsDisabled) |
IsEnded Queries whether playback has ended. |
IsEndOfStream Queries whether the current position has reached the end of the stream. |
IsEqual Compares two media types and determines whether they are identical. If they are not identical, the method indicates how the two formats differ. |
IsExternal Determines whether the timed-text style is external. |
IsFinal Queries whether this output is a policy sink, meaning it handles the rights and restrictions required by the input trust authority (ITA). |
IsInBand Determines whether the timed-text track is inband. |
IsInBandEnabled Determines whether inband mode is enabled. |
IsMediaTypeSupported Queries whether the object supports a specified media type. |
IsMediaTypeSupported Determines if a media stream supports the specified media type. |
IsModifiable The IsModifiable method queries whether a codec property can be changed, given the codec's current configuration. (ICodecAPI::IsModifiable) |
IsPaused Queries whether playback is currently paused. |
IsPlaybackRateSupported Queries whether the Media Engine can play at a specified playback rate. |
IsProtected Queries whether the media resource contains protected content. |
IsRateSupported Queries whether the object supports a specified playback rate. |
IsSameOrigin Returns true when the specified URL has the same origin as the HTML5 media element. |
IsSeeking Queries whether the Media Engine is currently seeking to a new playback position. |
IsStereo3D Queries whether the media resource contains stereoscopic 3D video. |
IsSupported The IsSupported method queries whether a codec supports a given property. (ICodecAPI::IsSupported) |
IsTimeSeekSupported Queries whether the byte stream supports time-based seeking. |
IsTypeSupported Gets a value that indicates if the specified key system supports the specified media type. |
IsTypeSupported Gets a value that indicates if the specified MIME type is supported by the media source. |
IsTypeSupported Queries whether the specified Key System and, optionally, content type are supported. |
IsTypeSupportedEx Queries wether the specified content type is supported for the specified key system. |
KeyAdded Notifies the application that the key has been added. |
KeyError Notifies the application that an error occurred while processing the key. |
KeyMessage Passes information to the application so it can initiate a key acquisition. |
KeyMessage Called when the Content Decryption Module (CDM) has generated a message for the session. |
KeyStatusChanged The IMFContentDecryptionModuleSessionCallbacks::KeyStatusChanged function is called when there has been a change in the keys in the Content Decryption Module (CDM) session or their status. |
Load Creates a fully loaded topology from the input partial topology. |
Load Loads the current media source. |
Load The IMFContentDecryptionModuleSession::Load function loads the data for the specified session into the IMFContentDecryptionModuleSession object. |
LoadDefaults Loads the camera control defaults for the specified capture source. |
LoadReference Marshals an interface from data stored in the stream. |
Lock Gives the caller access to the memory in the buffer, for reading or writing. |
Lock2D Gives the caller access to the memory in the buffer. (IMF2DBuffer.Lock2D) |
Lock2DSize Gives the caller access to the memory in the buffer. (IMF2DBuffer2.Lock2DSize) |
LockControlData Retrieves the data payload for the control associated with the IMFCameraControlDefaults instance, allowing clients to modify the control value directly. |
LockDevice Gives the caller exclusive access to the Microsoft Direct3D device. |
LockDevice Gives the caller exclusive access to the Direct3D device. |
LockPayload Locks the internal payload buffer contained in the capture device control to enable querying or changing the payload. |
LockProcess Blocks the protected media path (PMP) process from ending. (IMFPMPHost.LockProcess) |
LockProcess Blocks the protected media path (PMP) process from ending. (IMFPMPHostApp.LockProcess) |
LockProcess Blocks the protected media path (PMP) process from ending. (IMFPMPServer.LockProcess) |
LockStore Locks the attribute store so that no other thread can access it. |
LoggedOnUser Queries whether logged-on credentials should be used. |
MFAddPeriodicCallback Sets a callback function to be called at a fixed interval. (MFAddPeriodicCallback) |
MFAllocateSerialWorkQueue Creates a work queue that is guaranteed to serialize work items. |
MFAllocateWorkQueue Creates a new work queue. (MFAllocateWorkQueue) |
MFAllocateWorkQueueEx Creates a new work queue. (MFAllocateWorkQueueEx) |
MFAverageTimePerFrameToFrameRate Calculates the frame rate, in frames per second, from the average duration of a video frame. |
MFBeginCreateFile Begins an asynchronous request to create a byte stream from a file. |
MFBeginRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS Associates a work queue with a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. (MFBeginRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS) |
MFBeginRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSSEx Associates a work queue with a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. (MFBeginRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSSEx) |
MFBeginUnregisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS Unregisters a work queue from a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. (MFBeginUnregisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS) |
MFCalculateBitmapImageSize Retrieves the image size for a video format. |
MFCalculateImageSize Retrieves the image size, in bytes, for an uncompressed video format. (MFCalculateImageSize) |
MFCancelCreateFile Cancels an asynchronous request to create a byte stream from a file. |
MFCancelWorkItem Attempts to cancel an asynchronous operation that was scheduled with MFScheduleWorkItem or MFScheduleWorkItemEx. |
MFCombineSamples Concatenates a media sample onto another sample if their combined duration does not exceed the specified duration. |
MFCompareFullToPartialMediaType Compares a full media type to a partial media type. |
MFConvertColorInfoFromDXVA Sets the extended color information in a MFVIDEOFORMAT structure. |
MFConvertColorInfoToDXVA Converts the extended color information from an MFVIDEOFORMAT to the equivalent DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) color information. |
MFConvertFromFP16Array Converts an array of 16-bit floating-point numbers into an array of 32-bit floating-point numbers. |
MFConvertToFP16Array Converts an array of 32-bit floating-point numbers into an array of 16-bit floating-point numbers. |
MFCopyImage Copies an image or image plane from one buffer to another. |
MFCreate2DMediaBuffer Creates a system-memory buffer object to hold 2D image data. |
MFCreate3GPMediaSink Creates a media sink for authoring 3GP files. |
MFCreateAC3MediaSink Creates an instance of the AC-3 media sink. |
MFCreateADTSMediaSink Creates an instance of the audio data transport stream (ADTS) media sink. |
MFCreateAggregateSource Creates a media source that aggregates a collection of media sources. |
MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer Allocates system memory with a specified byte alignment and creates a media buffer to manage the memory. |
MFCreateAMMediaTypeFromMFMediaType Creates a DirectShow AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure from a Media Foundation media type. |
MFCreateASFContentInfo Creates the ASF Header Object object. |
MFCreateASFIndexer Creates the ASF Indexer object. |
MFCreateASFIndexerByteStream Creates a byte stream to access the index in an ASF stream. |
MFCreateASFMediaSink Creates the ASF media sink. |
MFCreateASFMediaSinkActivate Creates an activation object that can be used to create the ASF media sink. |
MFCreateASFMultiplexer Creates the ASF Multiplexer. |
MFCreateASFProfile Creates the ASF profile object. |
MFCreateASFProfileFromPresentationDescriptor Creates an ASF profile object from a presentation descriptor. |
MFCreateASFSplitter Creates the ASF Splitter. |
MFCreateASFStreamingMediaSink Creates an activation object for the ASF streaming sink. (MFCreateASFStreamingMediaSink) |
MFCreateASFStreamingMediaSinkActivate Creates an activation object for the ASF streaming sink. (MFCreateASFStreamingMediaSinkActivate) |
MFCreateASFStreamSelector Creates the ASF stream selector. |
MFCreateAsyncResult Creates an asynchronous result object. Use this function if you are implementing an asynchronous method. (MFCreateAsyncResult) |
MFCreateAttributes Creates an empty attribute store. |
MFCreateAudioMediaType Creates an audio media type from a WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
MFCreateAudioRenderer Creates the Streaming Audio Renderer. |
MFCreateAudioRendererActivate Creates an activation object for the Streaming Audio Renderer. |
MFCreateAVIMediaSink Creates an Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI) Sink. |
MFCreateCameraControlMonitor Creates an instance of IMFCameraControlMonitor. |
MFCreateCameraOcclusionStateMonitor Creates a new instance of IMFCameraOcclusionStateMonitor which allows an application to receive notifications when the camera occlusion state changes. |
MFCreateCollection Creates an empty collection object. |
MFCreateContentDecryptorContext Creates an IMFContentDecryptorContext interface for the specified media protection system. |
MFCreateContentProtectionDevice Creates an IMFContentProtectionDevice interface for the specified media protection system. |
MFCreateCredentialCache Creates a credential cache object. An application can use this object to implement a custom credential manager. |
MFCreateD3D12SynchronizationObject Instantiates an a Media Foundation D3D12 synchronization primitive used to synchronize access to a D3D12 resource stored in an Media Foundation object. |
MFCreateDeviceSource Creates a media source for a hardware capture device. |
MFCreateDeviceSourceActivate Creates an activation object that represents a hardware capture device. |
MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager Creates an instance of the Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) Device Manager. |
MFCreateDXGISurfaceBuffer Creates a media buffer to manage a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) surface. |
MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer Creates a media buffer object that manages a Direct3D 9 surface. |
MFCreateEncryptedMediaExtensionsStoreActivate The MFCreateEncryptedMediaExtensionsStoreActivate function creates an object that implements IMFActivate. This object’s implementation of ActivateObject is based on the specified IMFPMPHostApp and class ID. |
MFCreateEventQueue Creates an event queue. |
MFCreateFile Creates a byte stream from a file. |
MFCreateFMPEG4MediaSink Creates a media sink for authoring fragmented MP4 files. |
MFCreateLegacyMediaBufferOnMFMediaBuffer Converts a Media Foundation media buffer into a buffer that is compatible with DirectX Media Objects (DMOs). |
MFCreateMediaBufferFromMediaType Allocates a system-memory buffer that is optimal for a specified media type. |
MFCreateMediaBufferWrapper Creates a media buffer that wraps an existing media buffer. |
MFCreateMediaEvent Creates a media event object. |
MFCreateMediaExtensionActivate Creates an activation object for a Windows Runtime class. |
MFCreateMediaSession Creates the Media Session in the application's process. |
MFCreateMediaType Creates an empty media type. |
MFCreateMediaTypeFromProperties Create an IMFMediaType from properties. |
MFCreateMediaTypeFromRepresentation Creates a Media Foundation media type from another format representation. |
MFCreateMemoryBuffer Allocates system memory and creates a media buffer to manage it. |
MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStream Creates a Microsoft Media Foundation byte stream that wraps an IStream pointer. |
MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStreamEx Creates a Microsoft Media Foundation byte stream that wraps an IRandomAccessStream object. |
MFCreateMFByteStreamWrapper Creates a wrapper for a byte stream. |
MFCreateMFVideoFormatFromMFMediaType Creates an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure from a video media type. |
MFCreateMP3MediaSink Creates the MP3 media sink. |
MFCreateMPEG4MediaSink Creates a media sink for authoring MP4 files. |
MFCreateMuxSink Creates a generic media sink that wraps a multiplexer Microsoft Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
MFCreateMuxStreamAttributes Creates an IMFAttributes describing the content of multiplexed substreams. |
MFCreateMuxStreamMediaType Creates an IMFMediaType describing the media types of multiplexed substreams. |
MFCreateMuxStreamSample Creates an IMFSample containing the samples of multiplexed substreams. |
MFCreateNetSchemePlugin Creates the scheme handler for the network source. |
MFCreatePMPMediaSession Creates an instance of the Media Session inside a Protected Media Path (PMP) process. |
MFCreatePMPServer Creates the protected media path (PMP) server object. |
MFCreatePresentationClock Creates the presentation clock. |
MFCreatePresentationDescriptor Creates a presentation descriptor. |
MFCreatePresentationDescriptorFromASFProfile Creates a presentation descriptor from an ASF profile object. |
MFCreatePropertiesFromMediaType Creates properties from a IMFMediaType. |
MFCreateProtectedEnvironmentAccess Creates an IMFProtectedEnvironmentAccess object that allows content protection systems to perform a handshake with the protected environment. |
MFCreateProxyLocator Creates a default proxy locator. |
MFCreateRelativePanelWatcher Creates a new instance of the IMFRelativePanelWatcher interface |
MFCreateRemoteDesktopPlugin Creates the remote desktop plug-in object. Use this object if the application is running in a Terminal Services client session. |
MFCreateSample Creates an empty media sample. |
MFCreateSampleCopierMFT Creates an instance of the sample copier transform. |
MFCreateSampleGrabberSinkActivate Creates an activation object for the sample grabber media sink. |
MFCreateSensorActivityMonitor Initializes a new instance of the IMFSensorActivityMonitor interface. |
MFCreateSensorGroup Creates an instance of the IMFSensorGroup interface based on the provided symbolic link name. |
MFCreateSensorProfile Creates a sensor profile, based on the specified type, index, and optional constraints. |
MFCreateSensorProfileCollection Creates a sensor profile collection. |
MFCreateSensorStream Creates an instance of the IMFSensorStream interface. |
MFCreateSequencerSegmentOffset Creates a PROPVARIANT that can be used to seek within a sequencer source presentation. |
MFCreateSequencerSource Creates the sequencer source. |
MFCreateSimpleTypeHandler Creates a media-type handler that supports a single media type at a time. |
MFCreateSinkWriterFromMediaSink Creates the sink writer from a media sink. |
MFCreateSinkWriterFromURL Creates the sink writer from a URL or byte stream. |
MFCreateSourceReaderFromByteStream Creates the source reader from a byte stream. |
MFCreateSourceReaderFromMediaSource Creates the source reader from a media source. |
MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL Creates the source reader from a URL. |
MFCreateSourceResolver Creates the source resolver, which is used to create a media source from a URL or byte stream. |
MFCreateStandardQualityManager Creates the default implementation of the quality manager. |
MFCreateStreamDescriptor Creates a stream descriptor. |
MFCreateStreamOnMFByteStream Returns an IStream pointer that wraps a Microsoft Media Foundation byte stream. |
MFCreateStreamOnMFByteStreamEx Creates an IRandomAccessStream object that wraps a Microsoft Media Foundation byte stream. |
MFCreateSystemTimeSource Creates a presentation time source that is based on the system time. |
MFCreateTempFile Creates a byte stream that is backed by a temporary local file. |
MFCreateTopoLoader Creates a new instance of the topology loader. |
MFCreateTopology Creates a topology object. |
MFCreateTopologyNode Creates a topology node. |
MFCreateTrackedSample Creates an IMFTrackedSample object that tracks the reference counts on a video media sample. |
MFCreateTranscodeProfile Creates an empty transcode profile object. |
MFCreateTranscodeSinkActivate Creates the transcode sink activation object. |
MFCreateTranscodeTopology Creates a partial transcode topology. |
MFCreateTranscodeTopologyFromByteStream Creates a topology for transcoding to a byte stream. |
MFCreateTransformActivate Creates a generic activation object for Media Foundation transforms (MFTs). |
MFCreateVideoMediaType Creates a video media type from an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure. |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromBitMapInfoHeader This function is not implemented. (MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromBitMapInfoHeader) |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromBitMapInfoHeaderEx Creates a video media type from a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure. |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromSubtype Creates a partial video media type with a specified subtype. |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader Creates a media type from a KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader2 Creates a media type from a KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure. |
MFCreateVideoRendererActivate Creates an activation object for the enhanced video renderer (EVR) media sink. |
MFCreateVideoSampleAllocatorEx Creates an object that allocates video samples that are compatible with Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI). |
MFCreateVirtualCamera Creates a virtual camera object which can be used by the caller to register, unregister, or remove the virtual camera from the system. |
MFCreateWaveFormatExFromMFMediaType Converts a Media Foundation audio media type to a WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
MFCreateWAVEMediaSink Creates an WAVE archive sink. The WAVE archive sink takes audio and writes it to an .wav file. |
MFCreateWICBitmapBuffer Creates a media buffer object that manages a Windows Imaging Component (WIC). |
MFCreateWMAEncoderActivate Creates an activation object that can be used to create a Windows Media Audio (WMA) encoder. |
MFCreateWMVEncoderActivate Creates an activation object that can be used to create a Windows Media Video (WMV) encoder. |
MFDeserializeAttributesFromStream Loads attributes from a stream into an attribute store. |
MFDeserializePresentationDescriptor Deserializes a presentation descriptor from a byte array. |
MFEndCreateFile Completes an asynchronous request to create a byte stream from a file. |
MFEndRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS Completes an asynchronous request to associate a work queue with a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. (MFEndRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS) |
MFEndUnregisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS Completes an asynchronous request to unregister a work queue from a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
MFEnumDeviceSources Enumerates a list of audio or video capture devices. |
MFFrameRateToAverageTimePerFrame Converts a video frame rate into a frame duration. |
MFGetAttribute2UINT32asUINT64 Gets an attribute whose value is two UINT32 values packed into a UINT64. |
MFGetAttributeDouble Returns a double value from an attribute store, or a default value if the attribute is not present. |
MFGetAttributeRatio Retrieves an attribute whose value is a ratio. |
MFGetAttributesAsBlob Converts the contents of an attribute store to a byte array. |
MFGetAttributesAsBlobSize Retrieves the size of the buffer needed for the MFGetAttributesAsBlob function. |
MFGetAttributeSize Retrieves an attribute whose value is a size, expressed as a width and height. |
MFGetAttributeString Gets a string value from an attribute store. |
MFGetAttributeUINT32 Returns a UINT32 value from an attribute store, or a default value if the attribute is not present. |
MFGetAttributeUINT64 Returns a UINT64 value from an attribute store, or a default value if the attribute is not present. |
MFGetContentProtectionSystemCLSID Gets the class identifier for a content protection system. |
MFGetLocalId Gets the local system ID. |
MFGetMFTMerit Gets the merit value of a hardware codec. |
MFGetPlaneSize Retrieves the image size, in bytes, for an uncompressed video format. (MFGetPlaneSize) |
MFGetPluginControl Gets a pointer to the Microsoft Media Foundation plug-in manager. |
MFGetService Queries an object for a specified service interface. (MFGetService) |
MFGetStrideForBitmapInfoHeader Calculates the minimum surface stride for a video format. |
MFGetSupportedMimeTypes Retrieves the MIME types that are registered for the source resolver. |
MFGetSupportedSchemes Retrieves the URL schemes that are registered for the source resolver. |
MFGetSystemId Returns an IMFSystemId object for retrieving system id data. |
MFGetSystemTime Returns the system time. |
MFGetTimerPeriodicity Retrieves the timer interval for the MFAddPeriodicCallback function. |
MFGetTopoNodeCurrentType Gets the media type for a stream associated with a topology node. |
MFGetUncompressedVideoFormat Returns the FOURCC or D3DFORMAT value for an uncompressed video format. |
MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSClass Retrieves the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) class currently associated with this work queue. (MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSClass) |
MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSPriority Gets the relative thread priority of a work queue. (MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSPriority) |
MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSTaskId Retrieves the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task identifier currently associated with this work queue. (MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSTaskId) |
MFHeapAlloc Allocates a block of memory. (MFHeapAlloc) |
MFHeapFree Frees a block of memory that was allocated by calling the MFHeapAlloc function. |
MFInitAMMediaTypeFromMFMediaType Initializes a DirectShow AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure from a Media Foundation media type. |
MFInitAttributesFromBlob Initializes the contents of an attribute store from a byte array. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromAMMediaType Initializes a media type from a DirectShow AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromMFVideoFormat Initializes a media type from an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromMPEG1VideoInfo Initializes a media type from a DirectShow MPEG1VIDEOINFO structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromMPEG2VideoInfo Initializes a media type from a DirectShow MPEG2VIDEOINFO structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader Initializes a media type from a DirectShow VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader2 Initializes a media type from a DirectShow VIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromWaveFormatEx Initializes a media type from a WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
MFInitVideoFormat Initializes an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure for a standard video format such as DVD, analog television, or ATSC digital television. |
MFInitVideoFormat_RGB Initializes an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure for an uncompressed RGB video format. |
MFInvokeCallback Invokes a callback method to complete an asynchronous operation. (MFInvokeCallback) |
MFIsContentProtectionDeviceSupported Checks whether a hardware security processor is supported for the specified media protection system. |
MFIsFormatYUV Queries whether a FOURCC code or D3DFORMAT value is a YUV format. |
MFIsVirtualCameraTypeSupported Returns a value indicating if a particular virtual camera is supported on the platform. |
MFllMulDiv Calculates ((a * b) + d) / c, where each term is a 64-bit signed value. |
MFLoadSignedLibrary Loads a dynamic link library that is signed for the protected environment. |
MFLockDXGIDeviceManager Locks the shared Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) Device Manager. |
MFLockPlatform Blocks the MFShutdown function. |
MFLockSharedWorkQueue Obtains and locks a shared work queue. (MFLockSharedWorkQueue) |
MFLockWorkQueue Locks a work queue. (MFLockWorkQueue) |
MFMapDX9FormatToDXGIFormat Converts a Microsoft Direct3D 9 format identifier to a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) format identifier. |
MFMapDXGIFormatToDX9Format Converts a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) format identifier to a Microsoft Direct3D 9 format identifier. |
MFPERIODICCALLBACK Callback function for the MFAddPeriodicCallback function. |
MFPutWaitingWorkItem Queues a work item that waits for an event to be signaled. (MFPutWaitingWorkItem) |
MFPutWorkItem Puts an asynchronous operation on a work queue. (MFPutWorkItem) |
MFPutWorkItem2 Puts an asynchronous operation on a work queue, with a specified priority. (MFPutWorkItem2) |
MFPutWorkItemEx Puts an asynchronous operation on a work queue. (MFPutWorkItemEx) |
MFPutWorkItemEx2 Puts an asynchronous operation on a work queue, with a specified priority. (MFPutWorkItemEx2) |
MFRegisterLocalByteStreamHandler Registers a byte-stream handler in the caller's process. |
MFRegisterLocalSchemeHandler Registers a scheme handler in the caller's process. |
MFRegisterPlatformWithMMCSS Registers the standard Microsoft Media Foundation platform work queues with the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). |
MFRemovePeriodicCallback Cancels a callback function that was set by the MFAddPeriodicCallback function. |
MFRequireProtectedEnvironment Queries whether a media presentation requires the Protected Media Path (PMP). |
MFScheduleWorkItem Schedules an asynchronous operation to be completed after a specified interval. (MFScheduleWorkItem) |
MFScheduleWorkItemEx Schedules an asynchronous operation to be completed after a specified interval. (MFScheduleWorkItemEx) |
MFSerializeAttributesToStream Writes the contents of an attribute store to a stream. |
MFSerializePresentationDescriptor Serializes a presentation descriptor to a byte array. |
MFSetAttribute2UINT32asUINT64 Packs two UINT32 values into a UINT64 attribute value. |
MFSetAttributeRatio Sets a ratio as a 64-bit attribute value. |
MFSetAttributeSize Sets width and height as a single 64-bit attribute value. |
MFShutdown Shuts down the Microsoft Media Foundation platform. |
MFShutdownObject Shuts down a Media Foundation object and releases all resources associated with the object. (MFShutdownObject) |
MFSplitSample Split up a combined media sample back into individual samples. |
MFStartup Initializes Microsoft Media Foundation. |
MFTEnum Enumerates Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) in the registry. |
MFTEnum2 Gets a list of Microsoft Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) that match specified search criteria. |
MFTEnumEx Gets a list of Microsoft Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) that match specified search criteria. This function extends the MFTEnum function. |
MFTGetInfo Gets information from the registry about a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
MFTranscodeGetAudioOutputAvailableTypes Gets a list of output formats from an audio encoder. |
MFTRegister Adds information about a Media Foundation transform (MFT) to the registry. |
MFTRegisterLocal Registers a Media Foundation transform (MFT) in the caller's process. (MFTRegisterLocal) |
MFTRegisterLocalByCLSID Registers a Media Foundation transform (MFT) in the caller's process. (MFTRegisterLocalByCLSID) |
MFTUnregister Unregisters a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
MFTUnregisterLocal Unregisters one or more Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) from the caller's process. |
MFTUnregisterLocalByCLSID Unregisters a Media Foundation transform (MFT) from the caller's process. |
MFUnlockDXGIDeviceManager Unlocks the shared Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) Device Manager. |
MFUnlockPlatform Unlocks the Media Foundation platform after it was locked by a call to the MFLockPlatform function. |
MFUnlockWorkQueue Unlocks a work queue. (MFUnlockWorkQueue) |
MFUnregisterPlatformFromMMCSS Unregisters the Microsoft Media Foundation platform work queues from a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
MFUnwrapMediaType Retrieves a media type that was wrapped in another media type by the MFWrapMediaType function. |
MFValidateMediaTypeSize Validates the size of a buffer for a video format block. |
MFWrapMediaType Creates a media type that wraps another media type. |
MonitorEnable Requests notification when the enabling action is completed. |
NeedKey Notifies the application that a key or keys are needed along with any initialization data. |
NegotiateAuthenticatedChannelKeyExchange Establishes a session key for an authenticated channel. |
NegotiateCryptoSessionKeyExchange Establishes the session key for a cryptographic session. |
NegotiateKeyExchange Establishes a session key for the authenticated channel. |
NegotiateKeyExchange Establishes the session key for the cryptographic session. |
NotifyEndOfSegment Notifies the media sink that a stream has reached the end of a segment. |
NotifyPreroll Notifies the media sink that the presentation clock is about to start. |
NotifyPresentationClock Called when the Media Session selects a presentation clock. |
NotifyProcessInput Called when the media processor is about to deliver an input sample to a pipeline component. |
NotifyProcessOutput Called after the media processor gets an output sample from a pipeline component. |
NotifyPrune Called when allocator samples are released for pruning by the allocator, or when the allocator is removed. |
NotifyQualityEvent Forwards an MEQualityNotify event from the media sink. |
NotifyQualityEvent Called when a pipeline component sends an MEQualityNotify event. |
NotifyRelease Called when a video sample is returned to the allocator. |
NotifyTopology Called when the Media Session is about to start playing a new topology. |
OnAbort Used to indicate that the source buffer has been aborted. |
OnActivitiesReport Raised by the media pipeline when a new IMFSensorActivitiesReport is available. |
OnAddSourceBuffer Indicates that a IMFSourceBuffer has been added. |
OnChange Raised when a camera control value is changed. |
OnClockPause Called when the presentation clock pauses. |
OnClockRestart Called when the presentation clock restarts from the same position while paused. |
OnClockSetRate Called when the rate changes on the presentation clock. |
OnClockStart Called when the presentation clock starts. |
OnClockStop Called when the presentation clock stops. |
OnError Raised when an unrecoverable error occurs within the associated IMFCameraControlMonitor. |
OnError Used to indicate that an error has occurred with the source buffer. |
OnEvent Called by the capture engine to notify the application of a capture event. |
OnEvent Called when the source reader receives certain events from the media source. |
OnFinalize Called when the IMFSinkWriter::Finalize method completes. |
OnFlush Called when the IMFSourceReader::Flush method completes. |
OnMarker Called when the IMFSinkWriter::PlaceMarker method completes. |
OnOcclusionStateReport Called by the system when the camera occlusion state changes. |
OnProcessSample Called when the sample-grabber sink receives a new media sample. (IMFSampleGrabberSinkCallback.OnProcessSample) |
OnProcessSampleEx Called when the sample-grabber sink receives a new media sample. (IMFSampleGrabberSinkCallback2.OnProcessSampleEx) |
OnReadSample Called when the IMFSourceReader::ReadSample method completes. |
OnRedirect Called when the byte stream redirects to a URL. |
OnRemoveSourceBuffer Indicates that a IMFSourceBuffer has been removed. |
OnSample Called when the capture sink receives a sample. |
OnSendingRequest Called when the byte stream requests a URL. |
OnServerCertificate Called by Media Foundation when the server SSL certificate has been received; indicates whether the server certificate is accepted. |
OnSetPresentationClock Called when the presentation clock is set on the sample-grabber sink. |
OnShutdown Called when the sample-grabber sink is shut down. |
OnSourceClose Used to indicate that the media source has closed. |
OnSourceEnded Used to indicate that the media source has ended. |
OnSourceEvent Called by the network source when the open operation begins or ends. |
OnSourceOpen Used to indicate that the media source has opened. |
OnStreamError Called when an asynchronous error occurs with the IMFSinkWriter. |
OnStreamError Called when an asynchronous error occurs with the IMFSourceReader. |
OnSynchronizedEvent Called by the capture sink when the format of the sample is changed. |
OnTransformChange Called when the transform chain in the IMFSourceReader is built or modified. (IMFSinkWriterCallback2.OnTransformChange) |
OnTransformChange Called when the transform chain in the IMFSourceReader is built or modified. (IMFSourceReaderCallback2.OnTransformChange) |
OnUpdate Used to indicate that the source buffer is updating. |
OnUpdateEnd Used to indicate that the source buffer has finished updating. |
OnUpdateStart Used to indicate that the source buffer has started updating. |
OnVideoStreamTick Queries the Media Engine to find out whether a new video frame is ready. |
OpenDeviceHandle Gets a handle to the Microsoft Direct3D device. |
OpenDeviceHandle Gets a handle to the Direct3D device. |
OPMGetVideoOutputForTarget Returns a video output object for the VidPN target on the specified adapter. |
OPMGetVideoOutputsFromHMONITOR Creates an Output Protection Manager (OPM) object for each physical monitor that is associated with a particular HMONITOR handle. |
OPMGetVideoOutputsFromIDirect3DDevice9Object Creates an Output Protection Manager (OPM) object for each physical monitor that is associated with a particular Direct3D device. |
Pack2UINT32AsUINT64 Packs two UINT32 values into a UINT64 value. |
PackRatio Packs two UINT32 values, which represent a ratio, into a UINT64 value. |
PackSize Packs a UINT32 width value and a UINT32 height value into a UINT64 value that represents a size. |
ParseData Sends packetized Advanced Systems Format (ASF) data to the ASF splitter for processing. |
ParseHeader Parses the information in an ASF header and uses that information to set values in the ContentInfo object. You can pass the entire header in a single buffer or send it in several pieces. |
Pause Pauses the Media Session. |
Pause Pauses all active streams in the media source. |
Pause Pauses the presentation clock. While the clock is paused, the clock time does not advance, and the clock's IMFPresentationClock::GetTime returns the time at which the clock was paused. |
Pause Pauses playback. (IMFMediaEngine.Pause) |
PDXVAHDSW_CreateDevice Creates an instance of a software plug-in Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
PDXVAHDSW_CreateVideoProcessor Creates a software Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor plug-in. |
PDXVAHDSW_DestroyDevice Destroys an instance of a software plug-in Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
PDXVAHDSW_DestroyVideoProcessor Destroys a software Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessBltStatePrivate Gets a private blit state from a software Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessorCaps Gets the capabilities of one or more software Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processors. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessorCustomRates Gets the custom rates that a software Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor supports. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessorDeviceCaps Gets the capabilities of a software plug-in Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessorFilterRange Gets the supported range of image filter values from a software plug-in Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessorInputFormats Gets the input formats that are supported by a software plug-in Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessorOutputFormats Gets the output formats that are supported by a software plug-in Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessStreamStatePrivate Gets a private stream state from a software Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor. |
PDXVAHDSW_Plugin Pointer to a function that initializes a software plug-in device for Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
PDXVAHDSW_ProposeVideoPrivateFormat Gets a private surface format from a software plug-in Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
PDXVAHDSW_SetVideoProcessBltState Sets a state parameter for blit operations by a software Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor. |
PDXVAHDSW_SetVideoProcessStreamState Sets a state parameter for an input stream on a software Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor. |
PDXVAHDSW_VideoProcessBltHD Performs a video processing blit. |
PlaceEncodingParameters Dynamically updates the encoder configuration with a collection of new encoder settings. |
PlaceMarker Places a marker in the stream. |
PlaceMarker Places a marker in the specified stream. |
Play Starts playback. (IMFMediaEngine.Play) |
Prepare Prepares the capture sink by loading any required pipeline components, such as encoders, video processors, and media sinks. |
ProcessEvent Sends an event to an input stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
ProcessFrames Records a video processing operation to the command list, operating on one or more input samples and writing the result to an output surface. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList::ProcessFrames) |
ProcessFrames1 Records a video processing operation to the command list, operating on one or more input samples and writing the result to an output surface. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList1::ProcessFrames1) |
ProcessInput Delivers data to an input stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
ProcessLicenseRequest Gets the license response for the specified request. |
ProcessMessage Sends a message to the Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
ProcessOutput Generates output from the current input data. |
ProcessSample Delivers a sample to the stream. The media sink processes the sample. |
ProcessSample Delivers input samples to the multiplexer. |
Query Sends a query to the authenticated channel. |
QueryAuthenticatedChannel Sends a query to an authenticated channel. |
QueryHeader Invoked by Microsoft Media Foundation to retrieve the values of specified HTTP headers from the response to a previously sent HTTP or HTTPS request. |
QueueEvent Puts a new event in the object's queue. |
QueueEvent Puts an event in the queue. |
QueueEventParamUnk Creates an event, sets an IUnknown pointer as the event data, and puts the event in the queue. |
QueueEventParamVar Creates an event, sets a PROPVARIANT as the event data, and puts the event in the queue.Call this method inside your implementation of IMFMediaEventGenerator::QueueEvent. |
Read Reads data from the stream. |
ReadGRL Gets the Global Revocation List (GLR). |
ReadSample Reads the next sample from the media source. |
RecommendVideoDecoderDownsampleParameters Allows the driver to recommend optimal output downsample parameters from the input parameters. |
RegisterForEvent The RegisterForEvent method registers the application to receive events from the codec. (ICodecAPI::RegisterForEvent) |
RegisterMFTs Registers one or more Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) in the caller's process. |
RegisterNotifications Registers a timed-text notify object. |
RegisterProxyResult Keeps a record of the success or failure of using the current proxy. |
RegisterThreads Notifies the object to register its worker threads with the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). (IMFRealTimeClient.RegisterThreads) |
RegisterThreadsEx Notifies the object to register its worker threads with the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). (IMFRealTimeClientEx.RegisterThreadsEx) |
RegisterVideoProcessorSoftwareDevice Registers a software video processing device. |
ReleaseBuffer Releases a buffer that was obtained by calling IDirectXVideoDecoder::GetBuffer. |
ReleaseDecoderBuffer Releases a buffer that was obtained by calling the ID3D11VideoContext::GetDecoderBuffer method. |
Remove Removes the media segments defined by the specified time range from the IMFSourceBuffer. |
Remove Removes all licenses and keys associated with the session. |
Remove Disables and unregisters the virtual camera from the system. |
RemoveAllBuffers Removes all of the buffers from the sample. |
RemoveAllControls Removes all controls from the camera control collection. |
RemoveAllEffects Removes all effects from a capture stream. |
RemoveAllEffects Removes all audio and video effects. |
RemoveAllElements Removes all items from the collection. |
RemoveAllElements Removes all of the source elements from the list. |
RemoveAllPayloadExtensions Removes all payload extensions that are configured for the stream. |
RemoveAllStreams Removes all streams from the capture sink. |
RemoveAllTransformsForStream Removes all of the Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) for a specified stream, with the exception of the decoder. |
RemoveClockStateSink Unregisters an object that is receiving state-change notifications from the clock. |
RemoveControl Removes the control with the specified control set and ID from the camera control collection. |
RemoveControlSubscription Removes a camera control from the list of controls for which IMFCameraControlNotify::OnChange notifications will be raised. |
RemoveEffect Removes an effect from a capture stream. |
RemoveElement Removes an object from the collection. |
RemoveMutualExclusion Removes an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) mutual exclusion object from the profile. |
RemoveNode Removes a node from the topology. |
RemoveProfile Removes the specified profile based on the specified profile ID. |
RemoveRecord Removes a record from the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) mutual exclusion object. |
RemoveSourceBuffer Removes the specified source buffer from the collection of source buffers managed by the IMFMediaSourceExtension object. |
RemoveStream Removes a stream from the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) profile object. |
RemoveStream Note This interface is not implemented in this version of Media Foundation. Removes a stream from the stream priority list. |
RemoveStreamConfiguration Unregisters a stream configuration, which defines a set of substreams that can be included the multiplexed output. |
RemoveStreamFromRecord Removes a stream number from a record in the Advanced Systems Format mutual exclusion object. |
RemoveStreamPrioritization IMFASFProfile::RemoveStreamPrioritization method |
RemoveStreamSink Removes a stream sink from the media sink. |
RemoveTocByType The RemoveTocByType method removes all tables of contents of a specified type from the TOC Parser object. |
RemoveTrack Removes the timed-text track with the specified identifier. |
RequestAccess Requests permission to perform a specified action on the stream. |
RequestSample Requests a sample from the media source. |
Reset Resets a command list back to its initial state as if a new command list was just created. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::Reset) |
Reset Resets a command list back to its initial state as if a new command list was just created. (ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::Reset) |
Reset Resets a command list back to its initial state as if a new command list was just created. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList::Reset) |
Reset Resets the input trust authority (ITA) to its initial state. |
Reset Resets the timed-text-notify object. |
Reset The IMFD3D12SynchronizationObject::Reset function resets the synchronization object state, allowing the allocator to reuse the synchronization object and the associated D3D12 resource. |
ResetDevice Sets the Microsoft Direct3D device or notifies the device manager that the Direct3D device was reset. |
ResetDevice Sets the Direct3D device or notifies the device manager that the Direct3D device was reset. |
ResetProtocolRolloverSettings Not implemented in this release. (IMFNetSchemeHandlerConfig.ResetProtocolRolloverSettings) |
ResolveEncoderOutputMetadata Resolves the output metadata from a call to ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList2::EncodeFrame to a readable format. |
ResolveMotionVectorHeap Translates the motion vector output of the EstimateMotion method from hardware-dependent formats into a consistent format defined by the video motion estimation APIs. |
ResolveQueryData Extracts data from a query. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::ResolveQueryData) |
ResolveQueryData Extracts data from a query. (ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::ResolveQueryData) |
ResolveQueryData Extracts data from a query. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList::ResolveQueryData) |
ResourceBarrier Notifies the driver that it needs to synchronize multiple accesses to resources. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::ResourceBarrier) |
ResourceBarrier Notifies the driver that it needs to synchronize multiple accesses to resources. (ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::ResourceBarrier) |
ResourceBarrier Notifies the driver that it needs to synchronize multiple accesses to resources. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList::ResourceBarrier) |
SaveDefaults Saves the provided collection of camera control default values. |
SaveReference Stores the data needed to marshal an interface across a process boundary. |
Seek Moves the current position in the stream by a specified offset. |
SelectStream Selects a stream in the presentation. |
SelectStreams Sets the streams to be parsed by the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) splitter. |
SelectTrack Selects or deselects a track of text in the timed-text component. |
SendCameraProperty A wrapper around the internal IKsControl::KsProperty method. |
SendStreamTick Indicates a gap in an input stream. |
SetAllDefaults The SetAllDefaults method resets all codec properties to their default values. (ICodecAPI::SetAllDefaults) |
SetAllDefaultsWithNotify The SetAllDefaultsWithNotify method resets all codec properties to their default values, and returns a list of the properties that changed. (ICodecAPI::SetAllDefaultsWithNotify) |
SetAllocator Sets the owner for the sample. |
SetAllSettings The SetAllSettings method reads codec properties from a stream and sets them on the codec. (ICodecAPI::SetAllSettings) |
SetAllSettingsWithNotify The SetAllSettingsWithNotify method reads codec properties from a stream, sets them on the codec, and returns a list of the properties that changed. (ICodecAPI::SetAllSettingsWithNotify) |
SetAllVolumes Sets the individual volume levels for all of the channels in the audio stream. |
SetAppendWindowEnd Sets the timestamp for the end of the append window. |
SetAppendWindowStart Sets the timestamp for the start of the append window. |
SetApplicationCertificate Sets the application's certificate. |
SetAudioAttributes Sets audio stream configuration settings in the transcode profile. |
SetAudioEndpointRole Sets the audio device endpoint used for the next call to SetSource or Load. |
SetAudioStreamCategory Sets the audio stream category for the next call to SetSource or Load. |
SetAutoPlay Specifies whether the Media Engine automatically begins playback. |
SetBalance Sets the audio balance. (IMFMediaEngineEx.SetBalance) |
SetBlob Associates a byte array with a key. |
SetBorderColor Sets the border color. |
SetBufferFullnessBits Not implemented in this release. (IWMCodecLeakyBucket.SetBufferFullnessBits) |
SetBufferingParams Sets the buffering parameters. |
SetBufferSizeBits Sets the buffer size in bits. |
SetCacheLimit Limits the cache size. |
SetCallback Sets the callback object that receives notification whenever a video sample is returned to the allocator. |
SetChannelVolume Sets the volume level for a specified channel in the audio stream. |
SetClipRegion Sets the source rectangle. (IWMResizerProps.SetClipRegion) |
SetConstrictionSize Specifies the amount of downsampling to perform on the output. |
SetContainerAttributes Sets container configuration settings in the transcode profile. |
SetContentEnabler Allows the caller to specify the IMFContentEnabler interface that shall be used by the Content Decryption Module (CDM). |
SetContentProtectionManager Sets the content protection manager (CPM). |
SetContext The SetContext method associates a caller-supplied context block with the table of contents. |
SetCueTimeOffset Sets the offset to the cue time. |
SetCurrentDeviceMediaType Sets the output format for a capture stream. |
SetCurrentLength Sets the length of the valid data in the buffer. |
SetCurrentMediaType Sets the object's media type. |
SetCurrentMediaType Sets the media type for a stream. |
SetCurrentPosition Sets the current read or write position. |
SetCurrentPosition Seeks to a new position in the media source. |
SetCurrentTime Seeks to a new playback position. |
SetCurrentTimeEx Seeks to a new playback position using the specified MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_SEEK_MODE. |
SetCustomSink Sets a custom media sink for preview. |
SetCustomSink Sets a custom media sink for recording. |
SetD3DManager Sets a pointer to the Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) Device Manager on the media source. |
SetDefaultAllocator Sets the default sample allocator to use for the specified output stream. |
SetDefaultPlaybackRate Sets the default playback rate. |
SetDescription The SetDescription method associates a description with the table of contents. |
SetDescriptionData The SetDescriptionData method associates a caller-supplied data block with the entry. |
SetDescriptor The SetDescriptor method associates a descriptor with the table of contents. |
SetDescriptor The SetDescriptor method associates a descriptor with the entry. |
SetDestinationRectangle Sets the destination rectangle. |
SetDirectxDeviceManager Sets the DirectX Device Manager. |
SetDirectXManager Specifies the Direct3D device manager for the video media sink to use. |
SetDisabled Adds a class identifier (CLSID) to the blocked list, or removes a CLSID from the list. (IMFPluginControl.SetDisabled) |
SetDisplayName Sets the display name of the audio session. The Windows volume control displays this name. |
SetDouble Associates a double value with a key. |
SetDropMode Sets the drop mode. In drop mode, a component drops samples, more or less aggressively depending on the level of the drop mode. |
SetDuration Sets the duration of the media source in 100-nanosecond units. |
SetEndOfStream Indicate that the end of the media stream has been reached. |
SetErrorCode Sets the current error code. |
SetErrorCode Sets the error code. |
SetExtendedErrorCode Sets the extended error code. |
SetFlags Sets the flags for a property on the capture device. |
SetFlags Sets indexer options. |
SetFlags Sets multiplexer options. |
SetFlags Sets option flags on the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) splitter. |
SetFullCroppingParam Sets the source and destination rectangles. (IWMColorConvProps.SetFullCroppingParam) |
SetFullCropRegion Sets the source and destination rectangles. (IWMResizerProps.SetFullCropRegion) |
SetGood Reports whether the credential object provided successfully passed the authentication challenge. |
SetGood Specifies whether the user's credentials succeeded in the authentication challenge. The network source calls this method to informs the application whether the user's credentials were authenticated. |
SetGroupingParam Assigns the audio session to a group of sessions. |
SetGUID Associates a GUID value with a key. |
SetHalfFilterLength Specifies the quality of the output. |
SetHurryup Sets the speed mode of the video decoder. |
SetIconPath Sets the icon resource for the audio session. The Windows volume control displays this icon. |
SetID Sets the ID of the spatial audio object represented by the buffer. |
SetInBandEnabled Enables or disables inband mode. |
SetIndexByteStreams Adds byte streams to be indexed. |
SetIndexStatus Configures the index for a stream. |
SetInputMediaType Sets the input format for a stream on the sink writer. |
SetInputPrefType Sets the preferred media type for an input stream on this node. |
SetInputType Sets, tests, or clears the media type for an input stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
SetInterlaceMode The SetInterlaceMode method specifies whether the input video stream is interlaced. |
SetItem Adds an attribute value with a specified key. |
SetKeyFrame Specifies that the current frame will be encoded as a key frame. |
SetLabel Sets the label of a timed-text track. |
SetLanguage Sets the language for setting and retrieving metadata. |
SetLength Sets the length of the stream. |
SetLoop Specifies whether the Media Engine loops playback. |
SetMarker For internal use only. Not intended to be called directly. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::SetMarker) |
SetMarker For internal use only. Not intended to be called directly. (ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::SetMarker) |
SetMarker For internal use only. Not intended to be called directly |
SetMasterVolume Sets the master volume level. |
SetMediaKeys Sets the media keys object to use with the media engine. |
SetMediaType Sets the media type for the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) stream configuration object. |
SetMirror Specifies whether to flip the video image. |
SetMirrorState Enables or disables mirroring of the video preview stream. (IMFCapturePreviewSink.SetMirrorState) |
SetMirrorState Enables or disables mirroring of the video preview stream. (IMFCaptureSource.SetMirrorState) |
SetMode Specifies whether the input video stream is interlaced. |
SetMute Mutes or unmutes the audio. (IMFSimpleAudioVolume.SetMute) |
SetMuted Mutes or unmutes the audio. (IMFMediaEngine.SetMuted) |
SetNativeMediaType Sets the native media type for a stream on the media source. |
SetObject Sets the object associated with this node. |
SetOPMWindow Specifies the window that should receive output link protections. |
SetOutputBounds Sets the range of time stamps the client needs for output. |
SetOutputByteStream Sets an output byte stream for the transcode media sink. |
SetOutputByteStream Specifies a byte stream that will receive the still image data. |
SetOutputByteStream Specifies a byte stream that will receive the data for the recording. |
SetOutputFile Sets the name of the encoded output file. |
SetOutputFileName Specifies the name of the output file for the still image. |
SetOutputFileName Specifies the name of the output file for the recording. |
SetOutputMediaType Dynamically sets the output media type of the record sink or preview sink. |
SetOutputMutexSelection Selects a mutual exclusion record to use for a mutual exclusion object associated with an output. |
SetOutputOverride Sets the selection status of an output, overriding other selection criteria. |
SetOutputPrefType Sets the preferred media type for an output stream on this node. |
SetOutputType Sets, tests, or clears the media type for an output stream on this Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
SetPartialOutputType Gives the codec the output media type without the codec data. This enables the codec to generate the private data. |
SetPassword Sets the password. |
SetPlaybackRate Sets the current playback rate. |
SetPMPHost Provides a pointer to the IMFPMPHost interface. |
SetPMPHost Sets a pointer to the IMFPMPHostApp interface allowing a media source to create objects in the PMP process. |
SetPMPHostApp Allows the caller to specify the IMFPMPHostApp interface, which represents a protected process. |
SetPolicy Sets one or more policy objects on the output trust authority (OTA). |
SetPolicy Sets the policy for which media sources and transforms are enumerated. |
SetPredication Specifies that subsequent commands should not be performed if the predicate value passes the specified operation. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::SetPredication) |
SetPredication Specifies that subsequent commands should not be performed if the predicate value passes the specified operation. (ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::SetPredication) |
SetPredication Specifies that subsequent commands should not be performed if the predicate value passes the specified operation. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList::SetPredication) |
SetPreferredClsid Adds a class identifier (CLSID) to the preferred list or removes a CLSID from the list. (IMFPluginControl.SetPreferredClsid) |
SetPreload Sets the preload flag. |
SetPresentationClock Called by the media pipeline to provide the app with an instance of IMFPresentationClock. |
SetPresentationClock Sets the presentation clock on the media sink. |
SetPrivateData Sets private data on the video device and associates that data with a GUID. |
SetPrivateDataInterface Sets a private IUnknown pointer on the video device and associates that pointer with a GUID. |
SetProfile Sets the transcoding profile on the transcode sink activation object. |
SetProfile Uses profile data from a profile object to configure settings in the ContentInfo object. |
SetProperty Sets the value of a metadata property. |
SetProtectedResourceSession Specifies whether or not protected resources can be accessed by subsequent commands in the video decode command list. |
SetProtectedResourceSession Specifies whether or not protected resources can be accessed by subsequent commands in the video encode command list. |
SetProtectedResourceSession Specifies whether or not protected resources can be accessed by subsequent commands in the video process command list. |
SetQualityLevel Sets the quality level. The quality level determines how the component consumes or produces samples. |
SetRate Sets the playback rate. (IMFRateControl.SetRate) |
SetRealTimeMode Sets the real time mode used for the next call to SetSource or Load. |
SetReconstructedVideoFrame Note This method is obsolete and should not be used. Restores the current reconstructed video frame. |
SetRenderHandle Specifies a window for preview. |
SetRenderSurface Specifies a Microsoft DirectComposition visual for preview. |
SetResizerQuality Specifies whether to use an algorithm that produces higher-quality video, or a faster algorithm. |
SetRotation Specifies whether to rotate the video to the correct orientation. |
SetRotation Rotates the video preview stream. |
SetRotation Rotates the recorded video stream. |
SetRotationOverride Overrides the rotation operation that is performed in the video processor. |
SetSample Sets the sample for the media stream source. |
SetSampleCallback Sets a callback to receive the still-image data. |
SetSampleCallback Sets a callback to receive the preview data for one stream. |
SetSampleCallback Sets a callback to receive the recording data for one stream. |
SetSampleDuration Sets the duration of the sample. |
SetSampleFlags Sets flags associated with the sample.Currently no flags are defined. |
SetSampleTime Sets the presentation time of the sample. |
SetSelectedStyle Sets the current style on the SAMI media source. |
SetSensorDeviceMode Sets a value that specifies the sharing mode of the sensor device to either controller or shared. |
SetServer Called by Microsoft Media Foundation to specify parameters common to all requests created by this instance of IMFHttpDownloadSession. |
SetServerCertificate Provides a server certificate to be used to encrypt messages to the license server. |
SetSource Sets the URL of a media resource. |
SetSource Sets the source stream. |
SetSourceElements Sets a list of media sources. |
SetSourceFromByteStream Opens a media resource from a byte stream. |
SetSourceRectangle Sets the source rectangle. (IMFVideoProcessorControl.SetSourceRectangle) |
SetStatus Sets the status of the asynchronous operation. (IMFAsyncResult.SetStatus) |
SetStereo3DFramePackingMode For stereoscopic 3D video, sets the layout of the two views within a video frame. |
SetStereo3DRenderMode For stereoscopic 3D video, specifies how the Media Engine renders the 3D video content. |
SetStream Adds a stream to the profile or reconfigures an existing stream. |
SetStreamNumber Assigns a stream number to the stream. |
SetStreamSelection Selects or deselects a stream for playback. |
SetStreamSelection Selects or deselects one or more streams. |
SetStreamSelectorFlags Sets options for the stream selector. |
SetString Associates a wide-character string with a key. |
SetSubEntries The SetSubEntries identifies a set of entries as being subentries of this entry. |
SetSurfaceType Sets the video surface type that a decoder will use for DirectX Video Acceleration (DVXA) 2.0. |
SetSyncTolerance Sets the maximum time by which samples from various streams can be out of synchronization. |
SetTargetMediaType Dynamically changes the target media type that Sink Writer is encoding to. |
SetTimelineMarkerTimer Specifies a presentation time when the Media Engine will send a marker event. |
SetTimer Sets a timer that invokes a callback at the specified time. |
SetTimeSource Sets the time source for the presentation clock. The time source is the object that drives the clock by providing the current time. |
SetTimeStampOffset Sets the timestamp offset for media segments appended to the IMFSourceBuffer. |
SetTitle The SetTitle method sets the title of the entry. |
SetTopology Sets a topology on the Media Session. |
SetTopoNodeID Sets the identifier for the node. |
SetType Sets the type of mutual exclusion that is represented by the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) mutual exclusion object. |
SetType Sets the type of the spatial audio object represented by the buffer. |
SetUINT32 Associates a UINT32 value with a key. |
SetUINT64 Associates a UINT64 value with a key. |
SetUnknown Associates an IUnknown pointer with a key. |
SetUnknown Stores an arbitrary IUnknown pointer in the media buffer object. |
Setup Sets up the IMFSystemId. |
SetupSession Passes the encrypted session key to the client. |
SetUser Sets the user name. |
SetUserChannelMtx Specifies the channel matrix. |
SetUserOptions Specifies how user credentials are stored. |
SetUseSampleExtensions Configures whether the codec supports sample extensions. |
SetValue The SetValue method sets the value of a codec property. (ICodecAPI::SetValue) |
SetValueWithNotify The SetValueWithNotify method sets a property on a codec and returns a list of other properties that changed as a result. (ICodecAPI::SetValueWithNotify) |
SetVideoAttributes Sets video stream configuration settings in the transcode profile. |
SetVideoProcessBltState Sets a state parameter for a blit operation by a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
SetVideoProcessStreamState Sets a state parameter for an input stream on a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
SetVolume Sets the audio volume level. |
SetWorkQueue Specifies the work queue for the topology branch that contains this object. |
SetWorkQueueEx Specifies the work queue that this object should use for asynchronous work items. |
ShareResources Enables the Media Engine to access protected content while in frame-server mode. |
ShouldDelayTheLoadEvent Gets a value indicating if the connecting to Web audio should delay the page's load event. |
ShouldTransferSource Specifies whether or not the source should be transferred. |
Shutdown The IMFCameraControlMonitor::Shutdown function shuts down the camera control monitor and cleans up associated resources. |
Shutdown Shuts down the Media Session and releases all the resources used by the Media Session. |
Shutdown Shuts down the media sink and releases the resources it is using. |
Shutdown Shuts down the media source and releases the resources it is using. |
Shutdown Called when the Media Session is shutting down. |
Shutdown Shuts down a Media Foundation object and releases all resources associated with the object. (IMFShutdown.Shutdown) |
Shutdown Shuts down the event queue. |
Shutdown Shuts down the Media Engine and releases the resources it is using. |
Shutdown The IMFMediaKeys::Shutdown (mfmediaengine.h) method shuts down the associated Content Decryption Module (CDM). |
Shutdown Shuts down the image sharing engine. |
Shutdown Shuts down the sync object. |
Shutdown Releases all of the virtual camera's internal resources. |
ShutdownObject Shuts down the created object. |
SignalEventOnFinalResourceRelease Stores an event handle that will be set when the associated D3D12 resource is free and can be recycled, reused, or destroyed. |
SignalEventOnResourceReady Stores an event handle that will be set when the D3D12 resource is ready. |
Start Starts the camera control monitor, raising IMFCameraControlNotify::OnChange events for changes to controls registered with IMFCameraControlMonitor::AddControlSubscription. |
Start Starts the camera occlusion state monitor. |
Start Starts the Media Session. |
Start Starts, seeks, or restarts the media source by specifying where to start playback. |
Start Starts the presentation clock. |
Start Starts the sensor activity monitor. |
Start Creates and registers the virtual camera. |
StartInitialization Begins the initialization sequence for an Output Protection Manager (OPM) session. |
StartPreview Starts preview. |
StartRecord Starts recording audio and/or video to a file. |
StartSessionKeyRefresh Gets a random number that can be used to refresh the session key. (ID3D11VideoContext.StartSessionKeyRefresh) |
StartSessionKeyRefresh Gets a random number that can be used to refresh the session key. (IDirect3DCryptoSession9.StartSessionKeyRefresh) |
StartStreaming Called by the streaming media client before the Media Session starts streaming to specify the byte offset or the time offset. |
Stop Stops the camera control monitor. |
Stop Stops the camera occlusion state monitor. |
Stop Stops the Media Session. |
Stop Stops all active streams in the media source. |
Stop Stops the presentation clock. While the clock is stopped, the clock time does not advance, and the clock's IMFPresentationClock::GetTime method returns zero. |
Stop Stops the sensor activity monitor. |
Stop Disables the registered virtual camera, blocking apps from being able to enumerate or activate the virtual camera. |
StopBackgroundTransfer Stops the background transfer of data to the local cache. |
StopBuffering Stops any buffering that is in progress. |
StopPreview Stops preview. |
StopRecord Stops recording. |
SubmitDecoderBuffers Submits one or more buffers for decoding. (ID3D11VideoContext.SubmitDecoderBuffers) |
SubmitDecoderBuffers1 Submits one or more buffers for decoding. (ID3D11VideoContext1.SubmitDecoderBuffers1) |
TakePhoto Captures a still image from the video stream. |
TestDevice Tests whether a Microsoft Direct3D device handle is valid. |
TestDevice Tests whether a Direct3D device handle is valid. |
TimeSeek Seeks to a new position in the byte stream. |
TrackAdded Called when a text track is added. |
TrackRemoved Called when a text track is removed. |
TrackSelected Called when a track is selected or deselected. |
TransferVideoFrame Copies the current video frame to a DXGI surface or WIC bitmap. |
TransferVideoFrame Copies a protected video frame to a DXGI surface. |
UninitializeSampleAllocator Releases all of the video samples that have been allocated. |
Unlock Unlocks a Media Foundation transform (MFT) so that the application can use it. |
Unlock Unlocks a buffer that was previously locked. Call this method once for every call to IMFMediaBuffer::Lock. |
Unlock2D Unlocks a buffer that was previously locked. Call this method once for each call to IMF2DBuffer::Lock2D. |
UnlockControlData Unlocks the control data buffer unlocked with a call to LockControlData. |
UnlockDevice Unlocks the Microsoft Direct3D device. |
UnlockDevice Unlocks the Direct3D device. |
UnlockPayload Unlocks the raw payload contained in the capture device control. |
UnlockProcess Decrements the lock count on the protected media path (PMP) process. Call this method once for each call to IMFPMPHost::LockProcess. |
UnlockProcess Decrements the lock count on the protected media path (PMP) process. Call this method once for each call to IMFPMPHostApp::LockProcess. |
UnlockProcess Decrements the lock count on the protected media path (PMP) process. Call this method once for each call to IMFPMPServer::LockProcess. |
UnlockStore Unlocks the attribute store after a call to the IMFAttributes::LockStore method. While the object is unlocked, multiple threads can access the object's attributes. |
Unpack2UINT32AsUINT64 Gets the low-order and high-order UINT32 values from a UINT64 value. |
UnpackRatio Gets the low-order and high-order UINT32 values from a UINT64 value that represents a ratio. |
UnpackSize Gets the low-order and high-order UINT32 values from a UINT64 value that represents a size. |
UnregisterForEvent The UnregisterForEvent method unregisters the application for a specified encoder event. (ICodecAPI::UnregisterForEvent) |
UnregisterThreads Notifies the object to unregister its worker threads from the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). (IMFRealTimeClient.UnregisterThreads) |
UnregisterThreads Notifies the object to unregister its worker threads from the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). (IMFRealTimeClientEx.UnregisterThreads) |
Update Passes in a key value with any associated data required by the Content Decryption Module for the given key system. |
Update Provides messages, including licenses, to the Content Decryption Module (CDM) session. |
UpdateAccess Notifies the input trust authority (ITA) when the number of output trust authorities (OTAs) that will perform a specified action has changed. |
UpdateNodeAttributes Updates the attributes of one or more nodes in the current topology. |
UpdateTopology Modifies a topology for use in a Terminal Services environment. (IMFRemoteDesktopPlugin.UpdateTopology) |
UpdateTopology Updates a topology in the queue. |
UpdateTopologyFlags Updates the flags for a topology in the queue. |
UpdateVideo Updates the video frame. (IMFCapturePreviewSink.UpdateVideo) |
UpdateVideoStream Updates the source rectangle, destination rectangle, and border color for the video. |
VideoProcessBlt Performs a video process operation on one or more input samples and writes the result to a Direct3D9 surface. |
VideoProcessBltHD Performs a video processing blit on one or more input samples and writes the result to a Microsoft Direct3D surface. |
VideoProcessorBlt Performs a video processing operation on one or more input samples and writes the result to a Direct3D surface. |
VideoProcessorGetBehaviorHints Returns driver hints that indicate which of the video processor operations are best performed using multi-plane overlay hardware rather than ID3D11VideoContext::VideoProcessorBlt method. |
VideoProcessorGetOutputAlphaFillMode Gets the current alpha fill mode for the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetOutputBackgroundColor Gets the current background color for the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetOutputColorSpace Gets the current output color space for the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetOutputColorSpace1 Gets the color space information for the video processor output surface. |
VideoProcessorGetOutputConstriction Gets the current level of downsampling that is performed by the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetOutputExtension Gets private state data from the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetOutputHDRMetaData Gets the HDR metadata describing the display on which the content will be presented. |
VideoProcessorGetOutputShaderUsage Gets a value indicating whether the output surface from a call to ID3D11VideoContext::VideoProcessorBlt can be read by Direct3D shaders. |
VideoProcessorGetOutputStereoMode Queries whether the video processor produces stereo video frames. |
VideoProcessorGetOutputTargetRect Gets the current target rectangle for the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamAlpha Gets the planar alpha for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamAutoProcessingMode Queries whether automatic processing features of the video processor are enabled. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamColorSpace Gets the color space for an input stream of the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamColorSpace1 Gets the color space information for the video processor input stream. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamDestRect Gets the destination rectangle for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamExtension Gets a driver-specific state for a video processing stream. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamFilter Gets the image filter settings for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamFrameFormat Gets the format of an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamHDRMetaData Gets the HDR metadata associated with the video stream. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamLumaKey Gets the luma key for an input stream of the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamMirror Gets values that indicate whether the video processor input stream is being flipped vertically or horizontally. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamOutputRate Gets the rate at which the video processor produces output frames for an input stream. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamPalette Gets the color-palette entries for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamPixelAspectRatio Gets the pixel aspect ratio for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamRotation Gets the stream rotation for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamSourceRect Gets the source rectangle for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorGetStreamStereoFormat Gets the stereo 3D format for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetOutputAlphaFillMode Sets the alpha fill mode for data that the video processor writes to the render target. |
VideoProcessorSetOutputBackgroundColor Sets the background color for the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetOutputColorSpace Sets the output color space for the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetOutputColorSpace1 Sets the color space information for the video processor output surface. |
VideoProcessorSetOutputConstriction Sets the amount of downsampling to perform on the output. |
VideoProcessorSetOutputExtension Sets a driver-specific video processing state. |
VideoProcessorSetOutputHDRMetaData Sets the HDR metadata describing the display on which the content will be presented. |
VideoProcessorSetOutputShaderUsage Sets a value indicating whether the output surface from a call to ID3D11VideoContext::VideoProcessorBlt will be read by Direct3D shaders. |
VideoProcessorSetOutputStereoMode Specifies whether the video processor produces stereo video frames. |
VideoProcessorSetOutputTargetRect Sets the target rectangle for the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamAlpha Sets the planar alpha for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamAutoProcessingMode Enables or disables automatic processing features on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamColorSpace Sets the color space for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamColorSpace1 Sets the color space information for the video processor input stream. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamDestRect Sets the destination rectangle for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamExtension Sets a driver-specific state on a video processing stream. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamFilter Enables or disables an image filter for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamFrameFormat Specifies whether an input stream on the video processor contains interlaced or progressive frames. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamHDRMetaData Sets the HDR metadata associated with the video stream. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamLumaKey Sets the luma key for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamMirror Specifies whether the video processor input stream should be flipped vertically or horizontally. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamOutputRate Sets the rate at which the video processor produces output frames for an input stream. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamPalette Sets the color-palette entries for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamPixelAspectRatio Sets the pixel aspect ratio for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamRotation Sets the stream rotation for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamSourceRect Sets the source rectangle for an input stream on the video processor. |
VideoProcessorSetStreamStereoFormat Enables or disables stereo 3D video for an input stream on the video processor. |
WaitOnSignal Blocks until the time out specified timeout interval has elapsed or the synchronization object was signaled. |
Write Writes data to the stream. |
WriteBufferImmediate Writes a number of 32-bit immediate values to the specified buffer locations directly from the command stream. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::WriteBufferImmediate) |
WriteBufferImmediate Writes a number of 32-bit immediate values to the specified buffer locations directly from the command stream. (ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::WriteBufferImmediate) |
WriteBufferImmediate Writes a number of 32-bit immediate values to the specified buffer locations directly from the command stream. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList::WriteBufferImmediate) |
WriteSample Delivers a sample to the sink writer. |
IAdvancedMediaCapture Enables advanced media capture. |
IAdvancedMediaCaptureInitializationSettings Provides initialization settings for advanced media capture. |
IAdvancedMediaCaptureSettings Provides settings for advanced media capture. |
ICodecAPI The ICodecAPI interface sets and retrieves settings on an encoder or decoder filter, and defines a generic mechanism for setting properties on a codec. |
ID3D11AuthenticatedChannel Provides a communication channel with the graphics driver or the Microsoft Direct3D runtime. |
ID3D11CryptoSession Represents a cryptographic session. |
ID3D11VideoContext Provides the video functionality of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. (ID3D11VideoContext) |
ID3D11VideoContext1 Provides the video functionality of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. (ID3D11VideoContext1) |
ID3D11VideoContext2 Provides the video functionality of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. (ID3D11VideoContext2) |
ID3D11VideoDecoder Represents a hardware-accelerated video decoder for Microsoft Direct3D 11. |
ID3D11VideoDecoderOutputView Identifies the output surfaces that can be accessed during video decoding. |
ID3D11VideoDevice Provides the video decoding and video processing capabilities of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. (ID3D11VideoDevice) |
ID3D11VideoDevice1 Provides the video decoding and video processing capabilities of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. (ID3D11VideoDevice1) |
ID3D11VideoProcessor Represents a video processor for Microsoft Direct3D 11. |
ID3D11VideoProcessorEnumerator Enumerates the video processor capabilities of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. (ID3D11VideoProcessorEnumerator) |
ID3D11VideoProcessorEnumerator1 Enumerates the video processor capabilities of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. (ID3D11VideoProcessorEnumerator1) |
ID3D11VideoProcessorInputView Identifies the input surfaces that can be accessed during video processing. |
ID3D11VideoProcessorOutputView Identifies the output surfaces that can be accessed during video processing. |
ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for video decoding. |
ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList1 Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for video decoding. This interface inherits from ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList and adds support for video decode histograms. |
ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList2 Adds support for video extension commands. (ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList2) |
ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList3 Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for video decoding. |
ID3D12VideoDecoder Represents a Direct3D 12 video decoder. |
ID3D12VideoDecoder1 Represents a Direct3D 12 video decoder that contains resolution-independent resources and state for performing the decode operation. Adds support for protected resources. |
ID3D12VideoDecoderHeap Represents a Direct3D 12 video decoder heap. |
ID3D12VideoDevice Provides video decoding and processing capabilities of a Microsoft Direct3D 12 device including the ability to query video capabilities and instantiating video decoders and processors. |
ID3D12VideoDevice1 Adds support for motion estimation. |
ID3D12VideoDevice2 Adds support for protected resources. |
ID3D12VideoDevice3 Extends the ID3D12VideoDevice interface to add support video encoding capabilities. |
ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for video encoding, including motion estimation. |
ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList1 This interface inherits from ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList and adds support for video extension commands. |
ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList2 This interface inherits from ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList1 and adds methods for encoding video and resolving encode operation metadata. |
ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList3 Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for video encoding. |
ID3D12VideoEncoder Represents a Direct3D 12 video encoder. |
ID3D12VideoEncoderHeap Represents a Direct3D 12 video encoder heap. |
ID3D12VideoExtensionCommand A reference counted object representing the video extension command. |
ID3D12VideoMotionEstimator This interface maintains context for video motion estimation operations. |
ID3D12VideoMotionVectorHeap Represents a heap in which estimated motion vectors are stored. |
ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for video processing. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList) |
ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList1 Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for video processing. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList1) |
ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList2 Adds support for video extension commands. (ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList2) |
ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList3 Encapsulates a list of graphics commands for video processing. |
ID3D12VideoProcessor Provides methods for getting information about the parameters to the call to ID3D12VideoDevice::CreateVideoProcessor that created the video processor. |
ID3D12VideoProcessor1 Inherits from ID3D12VideoProcessor and provides support for protected resources. |
IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension Queries the overlay hardware capabilities of a Direct3D device. (IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension) |
IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 Provides a communication channel with the graphics driver or the Direct3D runtime.To get a pointer to this interface, call IDirect3DDevice9Video::CreateAuthenticatedChannel. |
IDirect3DCryptoSession9 Represents a cryptographic session.To get a pointer to this interface, call IDirect3DDevice9Video::CreateCryptoSession. |
IDirect3DDevice9Video Enables an application to use content protection and encryption services implemented by a graphics driver.To get a pointer to this interface, call QueryInterface on a D3D9Ex device. |
IDirect3DDeviceManager9 Enables two threads to share the same Direct3D 9 device, and provides access to the DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) features of the device. |
IDirectXVideoAccelerationService Provides DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) services from a Direct3D device. |
IDirectXVideoDecoder Represents a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) video decoder device. |
IDirectXVideoDecoderService Provides access to DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) decoder services. |
IDirectXVideoMemoryConfiguration Sets the type of video memory for uncompressed video surfaces. |
IDirectXVideoProcessor Represents a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) video processor device. |
IDirectXVideoProcessorService Provides access to DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) video processing services. |
IDXVAHD_Device Represents a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
IDXVAHD_VideoProcessor Represents a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor. |
IMF2DBuffer Represents a buffer that contains a two-dimensional surface, such as a video frame. (IMF2DBuffer) |
IMF2DBuffer2 Represents a buffer that contains a two-dimensional surface, such as a video frame. (IMF2DBuffer2) |
IMFActivate Enables the application to defer the creation of an object. |
IMFASFContentInfo Provides methods to work with the header section of files conforming to the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) specification. |
IMFASFIndexer Provides methods to work with indexes in Systems Format (ASF) files. |
IMFASFMultiplexer Provides methods to create Advanced Systems Format (ASF) data packets. |
IMFASFMutualExclusion Configures an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) mutual exclusion object, which manages information about a group of streams in an ASF profile that are mutually exclusive. |
IMFASFProfile Manages an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) profile. |
IMFASFSplitter Provides methods to read data from an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) file. |
IMFASFStreamConfig Configures the settings of a stream in an ASF file. |
IMFASFStreamPrioritization Not implemented. (IMFASFStreamPrioritization) |
IMFASFStreamSelector Selects streams in an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) file, based on the mutual exclusion information in the ASF header. |
IMFAsyncCallback Callback interface to notify the application when an asynchronous method completes. (IMFAsyncCallback) |
IMFAsyncCallbackLogging Provides logging information about the parent object the async callback is associated with. |
IMFAsyncResult Provides information about the result of an asynchronous operation. (IMFAsyncResult) |
IMFAttributes Provides a generic way to store key/value pairs on an object. |
IMFAudioMediaType IMFAudioMediaType is no longer available for use as of Windows 7. |
IMFAudioPolicy Configures the audio session that is associated with the streaming audio renderer (SAR). |
IMFAudioStreamVolume Controls the volume levels of individual audio channels. |
IMFBufferListNotify Enables IMFSourceBufferList object to notify its clients of important state changes. |
IMFByteStream Represents a byte stream from some data source, which might be a local file, a network file, or some other source. |
IMFByteStreamBuffering Controls how a byte stream buffers data from a network. |
IMFByteStreamCacheControl Controls how a network byte stream transfers data to a local cache. (IMFByteStreamCacheControl) |
IMFByteStreamCacheControl2 Controls how a network byte stream transfers data to a local cache. (IMFByteStreamCacheControl2) |
IMFByteStreamHandler Creates a media source from a byte stream. |
IMFByteStreamProxyClassFactory Creates a proxy to a byte stream. (IMFByteStreamProxyClassFactory) |
IMFByteStreamTimeSeek Seeks a byte stream by time position. |
IMFCameraConfigurationManager The IMFCameraConfigurationManager interface can be created by calling the COM function CoCreateInstance, and passing the CLSID_CameraConfigurationManager as the CLSID parameter. |
IMFCameraControlDefaults Provides methods for specifying camera control default values. |
IMFCameraControlDefaultsCollection Represents a collection of camera controls. |
IMFCameraControlMonitor Represents a camera control monitor that is used to subscribe and unsubscribe to notifications when the state of a camera control changes. |
IMFCameraControlNotify Represents the notification callback for changes to camera controls. |
IMFCameraOcclusionStateMonitor Monitors the occlusion state of a camera device. |
IMFCameraOcclusionStateReport Provides the camera occlusion state associated with a state change detected by an IMFCameraOcclusionStateMonitor. |
IMFCameraOcclusionStateReportCallback Implemented by applications to receive camera occlusion state change notifications. |
IMFCameraSyncObject Provides a synchronization mechanism between an app that creates and manages a virtual camera and the virtual camera source. |
IMFCaptureEngine Controls one or more capture devices. |
IMFCaptureEngineClassFactory Creates an instance of the capture engine. (IMFCaptureEngineClassFactory) |
IMFCaptureEngineOnEventCallback Callback interface for receiving events from the capture engine. |
IMFCaptureEngineOnSampleCallback Callback interface to receive data from the capture engine. |
IMFCaptureEngineOnSampleCallback2 Extensions for the IMFCaptureEngineOnSampleCallback callback interface that is used to receive data from the capture engine. |
IMFCapturePhotoSink Controls the photo sink. |
IMFCapturePreviewSink Controls the preview sink. |
IMFCaptureRecordSink Controls the recording sink. |
IMFCaptureSink Controls a capture sink, which is an object that receives one or more streams from a capture device. |
IMFCaptureSink2 Extends the IMFCaptureSink interface to provide functionality for dynamically setting the output media type of the record sink or preview sink. |
IMFCaptureSource Controls the capture source object. The capture source manages the audio and video capture devices. |
IMFCdmSuspendNotify Used to enable the client to notify the Content Decryption Module (CDM) when global resources should be brought into a consistent state prior to suspending. |
IMFClock Provides timing information from a clock in Microsoft Media Foundation. |
IMFClockConsumer Implemented by an app in order to get access to the IMFPresentationClock. |
IMFClockStateSink Receives state-change notifications from the presentation clock. |
IMFCollection Represents a generic collection of IUnknown pointers. |
IMFContentDecryptionModule Represents a Content Decryption Module (CDM) for a DRM key system. |
IMFContentDecryptionModuleAccess Provides access to a media key system. |
IMFContentDecryptionModuleFactory A factory interface for creating IMFContentDecryptionModuleAccess objects. |
IMFContentDecryptionModuleSession Provides access to the Content Decryption Module (CDM) for encrypted media extensions support. |
IMFContentDecryptionModuleSessionCallbacks Provides a callback mechanism for receiving key status change updates from an IMFContentDecryptionModuleSession. |
IMFContentDecryptorContext Allows a decryptor to manage hardware keys and decrypt hardware samples. |
IMFContentEnabler Implements one step that must be performed for the user to access media content. |
IMFContentProtectionDevice Allows a decryptor to communicate with the security processor that implements the hardware decryption for a protection system. |
IMFContentProtectionManager Enables playback of protected content by providing the application with a pointer to a content enabler object. |
IMFD3D12SynchronizationObject Allows a D3D12 resource allocator to manage the lifetime of a D3D12 resource. |
IMFD3D12SynchronizationObjectCommands Provides commands that allow a producer or a consumer of D3D12 resource to signal down-stream components when the resource is ready for use or can be released. |
IMFDLNASinkInit Initializes the Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) media sink. (IMFDLNASinkInit) |
IMFDRMNetHelper Configures Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) for Network Devices on a network sink. |
IMFDXGIBuffer Represents a buffer that contains a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI)surface. |
IMFDXGIDeviceManager Enables two threads to share the same Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. |
IMFDXGIDeviceManagerSource Provides functionality for getting the IMFDXGIDeviceManager from the Microsoft Media Foundation video rendering sink. |
IMFExtendedCameraControl This interface is used to configure the capture device's extended properties. |
IMFExtendedCameraController The IMFExtendedCameraController interface allows apps to retrieve an instance of IMFExtendedCameraControl, which is used to configure a capture device's extended properties. |
IMFExtendedDRMTypeSupport Provides methods for querying whether a specified content type is supported for a specified key system. |
IMFFieldOfUseMFTUnlock Enables an application to use a Media Foundation transform (MFT) that has restrictions on its use. |
IMFFinalizableMediaSink Optionally supported by media sinks to perform required tasks before shutdown. |
IMFGetService Queries an object for a specified service interface. (IMFGetService) |
IMFHttpDownloadRequest Applications implement this interface to override the default implementation of the HTTP and HTTPS protocols used by Microsoft Media Foundation. (IMFHttpDownloadRequest) |
IMFHttpDownloadSession Applications implement this interface to override the default implementation of the HTTP and HTTPS protocols used by Microsoft Media Foundation. (IMFHttpDownloadSession) |
IMFHttpDownloadSessionProvider Applications implement this interface in order to provide custom a custom HTTP or HTTPS download implementation. |
IMFImageSharingEngine Enables image sharing. |
IMFImageSharingEngineClassFactory Creates an instance of the IMFImageSharingEngine. |
IMFInputTrustAuthority Enables other components in the protected media path (PMP) to use the input protection system provided by an input trust authorities (ITA). |
IMFLocalMFTRegistration Registers Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) in the caller's process. |
IMFMediaBuffer Represents a block of memory that contains media data. |
IMFMediaEngine Enables an application to play audio or video files. |
IMFMediaEngineClassFactory Creates an instance of the Media Engine. |
IMFMediaEngineClassFactory2 Creates an instance of the IMFMediaKeys object. |
IMFMediaEngineClassFactory4 Provides the CreateContentDecryptionModuleFactory method for creating an instance of IMFContentDecryptionModuleFactory, a class factory for Content Decryption Module (CDM) objects for a specified key system. |
IMFMediaEngineClassFactoryEx Extension for the IMFMediaEngineClassFactory interface. |
IMFMediaEngineEME Implemented by the media engine to add encrypted media extensions methods. |
IMFMediaEngineEx Extends the IMFMediaEngine interface. |
IMFMediaEngineExtension Enables an application to load media resources in the Media Engine. |
IMFMediaEngineNeedKeyNotify Represents a callback to the media engine to notify key request data. |
IMFMediaEngineNotify Callback interface for the IMFMediaEngine interface. |
IMFMediaEngineOPMInfo Provides methods for getting information about the Output Protection Manager (OPM). |
IMFMediaEngineProtectedContent Enables the Media Engine to play protected video content. |
IMFMediaEngineSrcElements Provides the Media Engine with a list of media resources. |
IMFMediaEngineSrcElementsEx Extends the IMFMediaEngineSrcElements interface to provide additional capabilities. |
IMFMediaEngineSupportsSourceTransfer Enables the media source to be transferred between the media engine and the sharing engine for Play To. |
IMFMediaEngineWebSupport Enables playback of web audio. |
IMFMediaError Provides the current error status for the Media Engine. |
IMFMediaEvent Represents an event generated by a Media Foundation object. Use this interface to get information about the event. |
IMFMediaEventGenerator Retrieves events from any Media Foundation object that generates events. |
IMFMediaEventQueue Provides an event queue for applications that need to implement the IMFMediaEventGenerator interface. |
IMFMediaKeys Represents a media keys used for decrypting media data using a Digital Rights Management (DRM) key system. |
IMFMediaKeySession Represents a session with the Digital Rights Management (DRM) key system. |
IMFMediaKeySessionNotify Provides a mechanism for notifying the app about information regarding the media key session. |
IMFMediaSession Provides playback controls for protected and unprotected content. |
IMFMediaSharingEngine Enables media sharing. |
IMFMediaSharingEngineClassFactory Creates an instance of the IMFMediaSharingEngine. (IMFMediaSharingEngineClassFactory) |
IMFMediaSink Implemented by media sink objects. |
IMFMediaSinkPreroll Enables a media sink to receive samples before the presentation clock is started. |
IMFMediaSource Implemented by media source objects. |
IMFMediaSourceEx Extends the IMFMediaSource interface to provide additional capabilities for a media source. |
IMFMediaSourceExtension Provides functionality for the Media Source Extension (MSE). |
IMFMediaSourceExtensionNotify Provides functionality for raising events associated with IMFMediaSourceExtension. |
IMFMediaSourcePresentationProvider Provides notifications to the sequencer source. |
IMFMediaSourceTopologyProvider Enables an application to get a topology from the sequencer source. |
IMFMediaStream Represents one stream in a media source. |
IMFMediaStreamSourceSampleRequest Represents a request for a sample from a MediaStreamSource. |
IMFMediaTimeRange Represents a list of time ranges, where each range is defined by a start and end time. |
IMFMediaType Represents a description of a media format. |
IMFMediaTypeHandler Gets and sets media types on an object, such as a media source or media sink. |
IMFMetadata Manages metadata for an object. |
IMFMetadataProvider Gets metadata from a media source or other object. |
IMFMuxStreamAttributesManager Provides access to the IMFAttributes of the substreams of a multiplexed media source. |
IMFMuxStreamMediaTypeManager Enables the management of stream configurations for a multiplexed media source. A stream configuration defines a set of substreams that can be included the multiplexed output. |
IMFMuxStreamSampleManager Provides the ability to retrieve IMFSample objects for individual substreams within the output of a multiplexed media source. |
IMFNetCredential Sets and retrieves user-name and password information for authentication purposes. |
IMFNetCredentialCache Gets credentials from the credential cache. |
IMFNetCredentialManager Implemented by applications to provide user credentials for a network source. |
IMFNetCrossOriginSupport Implemented by clients that want to enforce a cross origin policy for HTML5 media downloads. |
IMFNetProxyLocator Determines the proxy to use when connecting to a server. |
IMFNetProxyLocatorFactory Creates a proxy locator object, which determines the proxy to use. |
IMFNetResourceFilter Notifies the application when a byte stream requests a URL, and enables the application to block URL redirection. |
IMFNetSchemeHandlerConfig Configures a network scheme plug-in. |
IMFObjectReferenceStream Marshals an interface pointer to and from a stream.Stream objects that support IStream can expose this interface to provide custom marshaling for interface pointers. |
IMFOutputPolicy Encapsulates a usage policy from an input trust authority (ITA). |
IMFOutputSchema Encapsulates information about an output protection system and its corresponding configuration data. |
IMFOutputTrustAuthority Encapsulates the functionality of one or more output protection systems that a trusted output supports. |
IMFPluginControl Controls how media sources and transforms are enumerated in Microsoft Media Foundation. (IMFPluginControl) |
IMFPluginControl2 Controls how media sources and transforms are enumerated in Microsoft Media Foundation. (IMFPluginControl2) |
IMFPMPClient Enables a media source to receive a pointer to the IMFPMPHost interface. |
IMFPMPClientApp Provides a mechanism for a media source to implement content protection functionality in a Windows Store apps. |
IMFPMPHost Enables a media source in the application process to create objects in the protected media path (PMP) process. |
IMFPMPHostApp Allows a media source to create a Windows Runtime object in the Protected Media Path (PMP) process. |
IMFPMPServer Enables two instances of the Media Session to share the same protected media path (PMP) process. |
IMFPresentationClock Represents a presentation clock, which is used to schedule when samples are rendered and to synchronize multiple streams. |
IMFPresentationDescriptor Describes the details of a presentation. A presentation is a set of related media streams that share a common presentation time. |
IMFPresentationTimeSource Provides the clock times for the presentation clock. |
IMFProtectedEnvironmentAccess Provides a method that allows content protection systems to perform a handshake with the protected environment. This is needed because the CreateFile and DeviceIoControl APIs are not available to Windows Store apps. |
IMFQualityAdvise Enables the quality manager to adjust the audio or video quality of a component in the pipeline. |
IMFQualityAdvise2 Enables a pipeline object to adjust its own audio or video quality, in response to quality messages. |
IMFQualityAdviseLimits Queries an object for the number of quality modes it supports. |
IMFQualityManager Adjusts playback quality. This interface is exposed by the quality manager. |
IMFRateControl Gets or sets the playback rate. |
IMFRateSupport Queries the range of playback rates that are supported, including reverse playback. |
IMFReadWriteClassFactory Creates an instance of either the sink writer or the source reader. |
IMFRealTimeClient Notifies a pipeline object to register itself with the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). (IMFRealTimeClient) |
IMFRealTimeClientEx Notifies a pipeline object to register itself with the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). (IMFRealTimeClientEx) |
IMFRelativePanelReport This interface is used to retrieve the current relative panel location for a display region. |
IMFRelativePanelWatcher Monitors the panel associated with a display, so that the app receives notifications when the relative location of the panel changes. |
IMFRemoteAsyncCallback Used by the Microsoft Media Foundation proxy/stub DLL to marshal certain asynchronous method calls across process boundaries.Applications do not use or implement this interface. |
IMFRemoteDesktopPlugin Modifies a topology for use in a Terminal Services environment. (IMFRemoteDesktopPlugin) |
IMFRemoteProxy Exposed by objects that act as a proxy for a remote object. |
IMFSAMIStyle Sets and retrieves Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI) styles on the SAMI Media Source. |
IMFSample Represents a media sample, which is a container object for media data. |
IMFSampleAllocatorControl Implemented by video capture sources and transforms. Allows the system to provide components with a sample allocator to allocate samples using memory that is accessible from within a container. |
IMFSampleGrabberSinkCallback Callback interface to get media data from the sample-grabber sink. |
IMFSampleGrabberSinkCallback2 Extends the IMFSampleGrabberSinkCallback interface. |
IMFSampleOutputStream Writes media samples to a byte stream. |
IMFSampleProtection Provides encryption for media data inside the protected media path (PMP). |
IMFSaveJob Persists media data from a source byte stream to an application-provided byte stream. |
IMFSchemeHandler Creates a media source or a byte stream from a URL. |
IMFSecureChannel Establishes a one-way secure channel between two objects. |
IMFSeekInfo For a particular seek position, gets the two nearest key frames. (IMFSeekInfo) |
IMFSensorActivitiesReport Provides access to IMFSensorActivityReport objects that describe the current activity of a sensor. |
IMFSensorActivitiesReportCallback Interface implemented by the client to receive callbacks when sensor activity reports are available. |
IMFSensorActivityMonitor Provides methods for controlling a sensor activity monitor. |
IMFSensorActivityReport Represents an activity report for a sensor. |
IMFSensorDevice Represents a sensor device that can belong to a sensor group, which is represented by the IMFSensorGroup interface. The term "device" in this context could refer to a physical device, a custom media source, or a frame provider. |
IMFSensorGroup Represents a group of sensor devices from which an IMFMediaSource can be created. |
IMFSensorProcessActivity Represents the activity of a process associated with a sensor. |
IMFSensorProfile Describes a media foundation sensor profile. |
IMFSensorProfileCollection Contains a collection of media foundation sensor profile objects. |
IMFSensorStream . (IMFSensorStream) |
IMFSensorTransformFactory The interface implemented by sensor transforms to allow the media pipeline to query requirements of the sensor transform and to create a runtime instance of the sensor transform. |
IMFSequencerSource Implemented by the Sequencer Source. |
IMFSharingEngineClassFactory Creates an instance of the media sharing engine. (IMFSharingEngineClassFactory) |
IMFShutdown Exposed by some Media Foundation objects that must be explicitly shut down. |
IMFSignedLibrary Provides a method that allows content protection systems to get the procedure address of a function in the signed library. This method provides the same functionality as GetProcAddress which is not available to Windows Store apps. |
IMFSimpleAudioVolume Controls the master volume level of the audio session associated with the streaming audio renderer (SAR) and the audio capture source. |
IMFSinkWriter Implemented by the Microsoft Media Foundation sink writer object. |
IMFSinkWriterCallback Callback interface for the Microsoft Media Foundation sink writer. |
IMFSinkWriterCallback2 Extends the IMFSinkWriterCallback interface. |
IMFSinkWriterEncoderConfig Provides additional functionality on the sink writer for dynamically changing the media type and encoder configuration. |
IMFSinkWriterEx Extends the IMFSinkWriter interface. |
IMFSourceBuffer Represents a buffer which contains media data for a IMFMediaSourceExtension. |
IMFSourceBufferList Represents a collection of IMFSourceBuffer objects. |
IMFSourceBufferNotify Provides functionality for raising events associated with IMFSourceBuffer. |
IMFSourceOpenMonitor Callback interface to receive notifications from a network source on the progress of an asynchronous open operation. |
IMFSourceReader Implemented by the Microsoft Media Foundation source reader object. |
IMFSourceReaderCallback Callback interface for the Microsoft Media Foundation source reader. |
IMFSourceReaderCallback2 Extends the IMFSourceReaderCallback interface. |
IMFSourceReaderEx Extends the IMFSourceReader interface. |
IMFSourceResolver Creates a media source from a URL or a byte stream. |
IMFSpatialAudioObjectBuffer Represents a section of audio data with associated positional and rendering metadata. Spatial audio objects are stored in IMFSpatialAudioSample instances, and allow passing of spatial audio information between Media Foundation components. |
IMFSpatialAudioSample Represents a multimedia sample with spatial sound information. Every IMFSpatialAudioSample contains one or more IMFSpatialAudioObjectBuffer objects. |
IMFSSLCertificateManager Implemented by a client and called by Microsoft Media Foundation to get the client Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate requested by the server. |
IMFStreamDescriptor Gets information about one stream in a media source. |
IMFStreamingSinkConfig Passes configuration information to the media sinks that are used for streaming the content. |
IMFStreamSink Represents a stream on a media sink object. |
IMFSystemId Provides a method that retrieves system id data. |
IMFTimecodeTranslate Converts between Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) time codes and 100-nanosecond time units. |
IMFTimedText A timed-text object represents a component of timed text. |
IMFTimedTextBinary Represents the data content of a timed-text object. |
IMFTimedTextCue Represents the timed-text-cue object. |
IMFTimedTextFormattedText Represents a block of formatted timed-text. |
IMFTimedTextNotify Interface that defines callbacks for Microsoft Media Foundation Timed Text notifications. |
IMFTimedTextRegion Represents the display region of a timed-text object. |
IMFTimedTextStyle Represents the style for timed text. |
IMFTimedTextTrack Represents a track of timed text. |
IMFTimedTextTrackList Represents a list of timed-text tracks. |
IMFTimer Provides a timer that invokes a callback at a specified time. |
IMFTopoLoader Converts a partial topology into a full topology. |
IMFTopology Represents a topology. A topology describes a collection of media sources, sinks, and transforms that are connected in a certain order. |
IMFTopologyNode Represents a node in a topology. |
IMFTopologyNodeAttributeEditor Updates the attributes of one or more nodes in the Media Session's current topology. |
IMFTrackedSample Tracks the reference counts on a video media sample. |
IMFTranscodeProfile Implemented by the transcode profile object. |
IMFTranscodeSinkInfoProvider Implemented by the transcode sink activation object. |
IMFTransform Implemented by all Media Foundation Transforms (MFTs). |
IMFTrustedInput Implemented by components that provide input trust authorities (ITAs). This interface is used to get the ITA for each of the component's streams. |
IMFTrustedOutput Implemented by components that provide output trust authorities (OTAs). |
IMFVideoCaptureSampleAllocator Allocates video samples for a video media sink with specialized functionality for video capture devices. |
IMFVideoMediaType Represents a description of a video format. |
IMFVideoProcessorControl Configures the Video Processor MFT. (IMFVideoProcessorControl) |
IMFVideoProcessorControl2 Configures the Video Processor MFT. (IMFVideoProcessorControl2) |
IMFVideoSampleAllocator Allocates video samples for a video media sink. |
IMFVideoSampleAllocatorCallback Enables an application to track video samples allocated by the enhanced video renderer (EVR). |
IMFVideoSampleAllocatorEx Allocates video samples that contain Microsoft Direct3D 11 texture surfaces. |
IMFVideoSampleAllocatorNotify The callback for the IMFVideoSampleAllocatorCallback interface. (IMFVideoSampleAllocatorNotify) |
IMFVideoSampleAllocatorNotifyEx The callback for the IMFVideoSampleAllocatorCallback interface. (IMFVideoSampleAllocatorNotifyEx) |
IMFVirtualCamera Represents a virtual camera that can be plugged into the Media Foundation frame server pipeline. |
IMFWorkQueueServices Controls the work queues created by the Media Session. |
IMFWorkQueueServicesEx Extends the IMFWorkQueueServices interface. |
IOPMVideoOutput Represents a video output for an Output Protection Manager (OPM) session. |
IPlayToControl Enables the PlayToConnection object to connect to a media element. |
IPlayToControlWithCapabilities Provides functionality for the IPlayToSource to determine the capabilities of the content. |
IPlayToSourceClassFactory Creates an instance of the PlayToSource object. |
IToc The IToc interface represents an individual table of contents. It provides methods for adding entries to, and removing entries from the table of contents. |
ITocCollection The ITocCollection represents a collection of tables of contents. It provides methods for adding, retrieving, and removing, tables of contents from the collection. |
ITocEntry The ITocEntry interface represents an individual entry in a table of contents. It provides methods for setting and retrieving descriptive information for the entry. |
ITocEntryList The ITocEntryList interface represents a list of entries in a table of contents. It provides methods for adding entries to, and removing entries from the list. |
ITocParser The ITocParser interface represents a TOC Parser object. It provides methods for storing tables of contents in a video file and retrieving tables of contents from a video file. |
IWMCodecLeakyBucket Configures the "leaky bucket" parameters on a video encoder. |
IWMCodecOutputTimestamp Gets the time stamp of the next video frame to be decoded. |
IWMCodecPrivateData Gets the private codec data that must be appended to the output media type. This codec data is required for properly decoding Windows Media Video content. |
IWMCodecProps Provides methods that retrieve format-specific codec properties. |
IWMCodecStrings Retrieves names and descriptive strings for codecs and formats. |
IWMColorConvProps Sets properties on the color converter DSP. |
IWMResamplerProps Sets properties on the audio resampler DSP. |
IWMResizerProps Sets properties on the video resizer DSP. |
IWMSampleExtensionSupport Configures codec support for sample extensions. |
IWMVideoDecoderHurryup Controls the speed of the video decoder. |
IWMVideoDecoderReconBuffer Note This interface is obsolete and should not be used. Manages reconstructed video frames. |
IWMVideoForceKeyFrame Forces the encoder to encode the current frame as a key frame. |
AecQualityMetrics_Struct Contains quality metrics for acoustic echo cancellation (AEC). This structure is used with the MFPKEY_WMAAECMA_RETRIEVE_TS_STATS property. |
ASF_FLAT_PICTURE Contains an image that is stored as metadata for a media source. This structure is used as the data item for the WM/Picture metadata attribute. |
ASF_FLAT_SYNCHRONISED_LYRICS Contains synchronized lyrics stored as metadata for a media source. This structure is used as the data item for the WM/Lyrics_Synchronised metadata attribute. |
ASF_INDEX_DESCRIPTOR Describes the indexing configuration for a stream and type of index. |
ASF_INDEX_IDENTIFIER Specifies an index for the ASF indexer object. |
ASF_MUX_STATISTICS Contains statistics about the progress of the ASF multiplexer. |
CodecAPIEventData The CodecAPIEventData structure contains event data for the EC_CODECAPI_EVENT event and is sent by codecs that support the ICodecAPI interface. |
D3D11_AES_CTR_IV Contains an initialization vector (IV) for 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard CTR mode (AES-CTR) block cipher encryption. (D3D11_AES_CTR_IV) |
D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_INPUT Contains input data for the ID3D11VideoContext::ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel method. |
D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_OUTPUT Contains the response from the ID3D11VideoContext::ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel method. |
D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_INPUT Contains input data for the ID3D11VideoContext::QueryAuthenticatedChannel method. |
D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT Contains a response from the ID3D11VideoContext::QueryAuthenticatedChannel method. |
D3D11_ENCRYPTED_BLOCK_INFO Specifies which bytes in a video surface are encrypted. |
D3D11_KEY_EXCHANGE_HW_PROTECTION_DATA Represents key exchange data for hardware content protection. |
D3D11_KEY_EXCHANGE_HW_PROTECTION_INPUT_DATA Represents key exchange input data for hardware content protection. |
D3D11_KEY_EXCHANGE_HW_PROTECTION_OUTPUT_DATA Represents key exchange output data for hardware content protection. |
D3D11_OMAC Contains a Message Authentication Code (MAC). |
D3D11_TEX2D_ARRAY_VPOV Identifies a texture resource for a video processor output view. (D3D11_TEX2D_ARRAY_VPOV) |
D3D11_TEX2D_VDOV Identifies the texture resource for a video decoder output view. |
D3D11_TEX2D_VPIV Identifies the texture resource for a video processor input view. |
D3D11_TEX2D_VPOV Identifies a texture resource for a video processor output view. (D3D11_TEX2D_VPOV) |
D3D11_VIDEO_COLOR Defines a color value for Microsoft Direct3D 11 video. |
D3D11_VIDEO_COLOR_RGBA Specifies an RGB color value. (D3D11_VIDEO_COLOR_RGBA) |
D3D11_VIDEO_COLOR_YCbCrA Specifies a YCbCr color value. (D3D11_VIDEO_COLOR_YCbCrA) |
D3D11_VIDEO_CONTENT_PROTECTION_CAPS Describes the content-protection capabilities of a graphics driver. |
D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BEGIN_FRAME_CRYPTO_SESSION Provides data to the ID3D11VideoContext::DecoderBeginFrame method. |
D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_DESC Describes a compressed buffer for decoding. (D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_DESC) |
D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_DESC1 Describes a compressed buffer for decoding. (D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_DESC1) |
D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_CONFIG Describes the configuration of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 decoder device for DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA). |
D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_DESC Describes a video stream for a Microsoft Direct3D 11 video decoder or video processor. |
D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_EXTENSION Contains driver-specific data for the ID3D11VideoContext::DecoderExtension method. |
D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_OUTPUT_VIEW_DESC Describes a video decoder output view. |
D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_SUB_SAMPLE_MAPPING_BLOCK Describes a sub sample mapping block. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_CAPS Describes the capabilities of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 video processor. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_COLOR_SPACE Specifies the color space for video processing. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_CONTENT_DESC Describes a video stream for a video processor. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_CUSTOM_RATE Specifies a custom rate for frame-rate conversion or inverse telecine (IVTC). (D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_CUSTOM_RATE) |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER_RANGE Defines the range of supported values for an image filter. (D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER_RANGE) |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_INPUT_VIEW_DESC Describes a video processor input view. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_OUTPUT_VIEW_DESC Describes a video processor output view. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_RATE_CONVERSION_CAPS Defines a group of video processor capabilities that are associated with frame-rate conversion, including deinterlacing and inverse telecine. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STREAM Contains stream-level data for the ID3D11VideoContext::VideoProcessorBlt method. |
D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STREAM_BEHAVIOR_HINT Provides information about the input streams passed into the ID3DVideoContext1::VideoProcessorGetBehaviorHints method. |
D3D11_VIDEO_SAMPLE_DESC Describes a video sample. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_DECODE_FORMATS Retrieves the list of supported formats. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM Provides data for calls to ID3D12VideoDevice::CheckFeatureSupport when the feature specified is D3D12_FEATURE_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_DECODE_SUPPORT Retrieves support information for video decoding. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_DECODER_HEAP_SIZE Describes the allocation size of a video decoder heap. (D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_DECODER_HEAP_SIZE) |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC Retrieves a value indicating if the specified codec is supported for video encoding. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT Retrieves a value indicating if the specified codec configuration support parameters are supported for the provided HEVC encoding configuration or retrieves the supported configuration for H.264 encoding. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_PICTURE_CONTROL_SUPPORT Retrieves the picture control support for the specified codec and profile. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_MODE Retrieves a value indicating if the specified frame subregion layout mode is supported for the specified code, profile, and level. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_HEAP_SIZE Retrieves a value indicating if the specified codec is supported for video encoding as well as the L0 and L1 sizes of the heap object. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_INPUT_FORMAT Retrieves a value indicating if the specified codec, profile, and format are supported for video encoding. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_INTRA_REFRESH_MODE Retrieves a value indicating if the specified intra refresh mode is supported for the specified codec, profile, and level. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_OUTPUT_RESOLUTION Retrieves the list of supported resolutions for the specified codec. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_OUTPUT_RESOLUTION_RATIOS_COUNT The D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_OUTPUT_RESOLUTION_RATIOS_COUNT structure (d3d12video.h) retrieves the number of supported resolution ratios for the specified codec. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_LEVEL Retrieves a value indicating if the specified profile is supported for video encoding. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_MODE Retrieves a value indicating if the specified rate control mode is supported for video encoding with the specified codec |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_RESOLUTION_SUPPORT_LIMITS Represents the video encoder resolution support limits for a D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_SUPPORT structure. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS Retrieves values indicating resource requirements for video encoding with the specified encoding configuration. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_ENCODER_SUPPORT Retrieves values indicating support for the specified video encoding features and configuration values. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_COUNT Retrieves the number of video extension commands. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_COUNT Retrieves the supported number of parameters for the specified parameter stage. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETERS Retrieves the list of video extension command parameters for the specified parameter stage. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_SIZE Checks the allocation size of a video extension command. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_SUPPORT Retrieves video extension command support using command-defined input and output structures. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMANDS Retrieves the list of video extension commands from the driver. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR Provides data for calls to ID3D12VideoDevice::CheckFeatureSupport when the feature specified is D3D12_FEATURE_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR. Retrieves the motion estimation capabilities for a video encoder. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_PROTECTED_RESOURCES Provides data for calls to ID3D12VideoDevice::CheckFeatureSupport when the feature specified is D3D12_FEATURE_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_PROTECTED_RESOURCES. Retrieves the protected resources support for video motion estimation. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SIZE Describes the allocation size of a video motion estimator heap. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_PROCESS_MAX_INPUT_STREAMS Retrieves the maximum number of enabled input streams supported by the video processor. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_PROCESS_REFERENCE_INFO Retrieves the number of past and future reference frames required for the specified deinterlace mode, filter, rate conversion, or auto processing features. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_PROCESS_SUPPORT Provides data for calls to ID3D12VideoDevice::CheckFeatureSupport when the feature specified is D3D12_FEATURE_VIDEO_PROCESS_SUPPORT. |
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_SIZE Describes the allocation size of a video decoder heap. (D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_SIZE) |
D3D12_QUERY_DATA_VIDEO_DECODE_STATISTICS Represents data for a video decode statistics query invoked by calling ID3D12VideoDecodeCommandList::EndQuery. |
D3D12_RESOLVE_VIDEO_MOTION_VECTOR_HEAP_INPUT Provides input data for calls to ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::ResolveMotionVectorHeap. |
D3D12_RESOLVE_VIDEO_MOTION_VECTOR_HEAP_OUTPUT Receives output data from calls to ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::ResolveMotionVectorHeap. |
D3D12_RESOURCE_COORDINATE Describes the coordinates of a resource. |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_COMPRESSED_BITSTREAM Represents a compressed bitstream from which video is decoded. |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONFIGURATION Describes the configuration for a video decoder. |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONVERSION_ARGUMENTS Specifies the parameters for decode output conversion. (D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONVERSION_ARGUMENTS) |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONVERSION_ARGUMENTS1 Specifies the parameters for decode output conversion. (D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONVERSION_ARGUMENTS1) |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_FRAME_ARGUMENT Represents the decode parameters for a frame. |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_INPUT_STREAM_ARGUMENTS Specifies the parameters for the input stream for a video decode operation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_OUTPUT_HISTOGRAM Represents the histogram output buffer for a single component. |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_OUTPUT_STREAM_ARGUMENTS Specifies the parameters for the output stream for a video decode operation. (D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_OUTPUT_STREAM_ARGUMENTS) |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_OUTPUT_STREAM_ARGUMENTS1 Specifies the parameters for the output stream for a video decode operation. (D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_OUTPUT_STREAM_ARGUMENTS1) |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_REFERENCE_FRAMES Contains the list of reference frames for the current decode operation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODER_DESC Describes a ID3D12VideoDecoder. |
D3D12_VIDEO_DECODER_HEAP_DESC Describes a ID3D12VideoDecoderHeap. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODE_REFERENCE_FRAMES Represents the reconstructed reference images for an encoding operation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION Represents a codec configuration structure for video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264 Represents codec configuration for H.264 encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC Represents codec configuration for HEVC encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT Represents a codec configuration support structure for video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_H264 Represents encoder codec configuration support for H.264 encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_HEVC Represents encoder codec configuration support for HEVC encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_PICTURE_CONTROL_SUPPORT Represents picture control support structure for multiple codecs. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_PICTURE_CONTROL_SUPPORT_H264 Represents picture control support settings for H.264 video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_PICTURE_CONTROL_SUPPORT_HEVC Represents picture control support settings for HEVC video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_COMPRESSED_BITSTREAM Encapsulates the compressed bitstream output for the encoding operation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_DESC Describes an ID3D12VideoEncoder. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_ENCODE_OPERATION_METADATA_BUFFER Represents a buffer containing metadata about an ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList2::EncodeFrame operation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_ENCODEFRAME_INPUT_ARGUMENTS Represents input arguments to ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList2::EncodeFrame. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_ENCODEFRAME_OUTPUT_ARGUMENTS Represents output arguments to ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList2::EncodeFrame. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_SUBREGION_METADATA Represents video encoder frame subregion metadata. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_HEAP_DESC Describes a ID3D12VideoEncoderHeap. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_INTRA_REFRESH Represents intra refresh settings for video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVEL_SETTING Represents a video encoder level setting. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVEL_TIER_CONSTRAINTS_HEVC Associates a level and a tier for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) level-setting configuration. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_OUTPUT_METADATA Represents metadata about an ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList2::EncodeFrame operation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_OUTPUT_METADATA_STATISTICS Represents encoding statistics about a ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList2::EncodeFrame operation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA Represents the picture level control elements for the associated EncodeFrame command for multiple codecs. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_H264 Represents the picture level control elements for the associated EncodeFrame command for H.264 encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_H264_REFERENCE_PICTURE_LIST_MODIFICATION_OPERATION Represents a picture list modification operation for H264 video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_H264_REFERENCE_PICTURE_MARKING_OPERATION Describes changes in the reference pictures as memory operations as a tuple of an operation identificator and associated parameters needed for the operation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_HEVC Represents the picture level control elements for the associated EncodeFrame command for HEVC encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_SUBREGIONS_LAYOUT_DATA Defines picture control subregions as slices for multiple codecs. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_SUBREGIONS_LAYOUT_DATA_SLICES Defines subregions as slices for codecs that support this partitioning mode. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_RESOLUTION_DESC Defines a video encoder picture resolution. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_RESOLUTION_RATIO_DESC Defines a resolution ratio as an irreducible fraction. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_DESC Describes an encoder profile. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL Represents a video encoder rate control configuration. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_CBR Represents a rate control structure definition for constant bitrate mode. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_CONFIGURATION_PARAMS Represents video encoder rate control structure definitions for a D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL structure. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_CQP Represents a rate control structure definition for constant quantization parameter mode. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_QVBR Represents a rate control structure definition for constant quality target with constrained bitrate. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_VBR Represents a rate control structure definition for variable bitrate mode. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RECONSTRUCTED_PICTURE Represents the reconstructed picture generated from the input frame passed to the encode operation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_REFERENCE_PICTURE_DESCRIPTOR_H264 Represents a reference picture descriptor for H.264 video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_REFERENCE_PICTURE_DESCRIPTOR_HEVC Represents a reference picture descriptor for HEVC video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RESOLVE_METADATA_INPUT_ARGUMENTS Represents input arguments for a call to ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList2::ResolveEncoderOutputMetadata. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RESOLVE_METADATA_OUTPUT_ARGUMENTS Represents output arguments for a call to ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList2::ResolveEncoderOutputMetadata. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SEQUENCE_CONTROL_DESC The D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SEQUENCE_CONTROL_DESC represents parameters for the input of the video encoding operation at a sequence level. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SEQUENCE_GOP_STRUCTURE Represents the GOP structure for multiple video codecs. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SEQUENCE_GOP_STRUCTURE_H264 Represents the GOP structure for H.264 video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SEQUENCE_GOP_STRUCTURE_HEVC Represents the GOP structure for HEVC video encoding. |
D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_DESC Describes a video extension command. (D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_DESC) |
D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_INFO Describes a video extension command. (D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_INFO) |
D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_INFO Describes a video extension command parameter. |
D3D12_VIDEO_FORMAT Defines the combination of a pixel format and color space for a resource content description. |
D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_DESC Describes a ID3D12VideoMotionEstimator. Pass this structure into ID3D12VideoDevice1::CreateVideoMotionEstimator to create an instance of ID3D12VideoMotionEstimator. |
D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_INPUT Specifies the input parameters for calls to ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::EstimateMotion. |
D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_OUTPUT Specifies the output parameters for calls to ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::EstimateMotion. |
D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_VECTOR_HEAP_DESC Describes a ID3D12VideoMotionEstimatorHeap. Pass this structure into ID3D12VideoDevice1::CreateVideoMotionEstimatorHeap to create an instance of ID3D12VideoMotionEstimatorHeap. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ALPHA_BLENDING Specifies alpha blending parameters for video processing. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER_RANGE Defines the range of supported values for an image filter. (D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER_RANGE) |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM Contains input information for the video processor blend functionality. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_ARGUMENTS Specifies input stream arguments for an input stream passed to ID3D12VideoCommandList::ProcessFrames. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_ARGUMENTS1 Specifies input stream arguments for an input stream passed to ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList1::ProcessFrames1, which supports changing the field type for each call. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_DESC Specifies the parameters for the input stream for a video process operation. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_RATE Provides information about the stream rate. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_LUMA_KEY Specifies the settings used for luma keying. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_OUTPUT_STREAM Represents the output stream for video processing commands. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_OUTPUT_STREAM_ARGUMENTS Specifies output stream arguments for the output passed to ID3D12VideoCommandList::ProcessFrames. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_OUTPUT_STREAM_DESC Specifies output stream arguments for the output passed to ID3D12VideoProcessCommandList::ProcessFrames. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_REFERENCE_SET Contains the reference frames needed to perform video processing. |
D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_TRANSFORM Specifies transform parameters for video processing. |
D3D12_VIDEO_SAMPLE Describes the width, height, format, and color space of a picture buffer. |
D3D12_VIDEO_SCALE_SUPPORT Describes the supported scaling range of output sizes for a video scaler. |
D3D12_VIDEO_SIZE_RANGE Describes the range of supported sizes for a video scaler. |
D3DCONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS Describes the content protection capabilities of a display driver. |
D3DOVERLAYCAPS Specifies hardware overlay capabilities for a Direct3D device. |
DEVICE_INFO Contains information about a media sharing device. |
DigitalWindowSetting Represents the bounds settings of the digital window for video capture. |
DXVA2_AES_CTR_IV Contains an initialization vector (IV) for 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard CTR mode (AES-CTR) block cipher encryption. (DXVA2_AES_CTR_IV) |
DXVA2_AYUVSample16 Defines a 16-bit AYUV pixel value. |
DXVA2_AYUVSample8 Defines an 8-bit AYUV pixel value. |
DXVA2_ConfigPictureDecode Describes the configuration of a DXVA decoder device. |
DXVA2_DecodeBufferDesc Describes a buffer sent from a decoder to a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) device. |
DXVA2_DecodeExecuteParams Contains parameters for the IDirectXVideoDecoder::Execute method. |
DXVA2_DecodeExtensionData Contains private data for the IDirectXVideoDecoder::Execute method. |
DXVA2_ExtendedFormat Describes the format of a video stream. |
DXVA2_FilterValues Contains parameters for a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) image filter. |
DXVA2_Fixed32 Defines a 32-bit fixed-point number. |
DXVA2_Frequency Defines a video frequency. |
DXVA2_ProcAmpValues Contains values for DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) video processing operations. |
DXVA2_ValueRange Defines the range of supported values for a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) operation. |
DXVA2_VideoDesc Describes a video stream for a DXVA decoder device or video processor device. |
DXVA2_VideoProcessBltParams Contains parameters for the IDirectXVideoProcessor::VideoProcessBlt method. |
DXVA2_VideoProcessorCaps Describes the capabilities of a DirectX Video Acceleration (DVXA) video processor mode. |
DXVA2_VideoSample Specifies an input sample for the IDirectXVideoProcessor::VideoProcessBlt method. |
DXVABufferInfo Specifies a buffer for the IDirect3DDXVADevice9::Execute method. |
DXVACompBufferInfo Specifies the requirements for compressed surfaces for DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA). |
DXVAHD_BLT_STATE_ALPHA_FILL_DATA Specifies how the output alpha values are calculated for blit operations when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_BLT_STATE_BACKGROUND_COLOR_DATA Specifies the background color for blit operations, when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_BLT_STATE_CONSTRICTION_DATA Specifies whether the output is downsampled in a blit operation, when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_BLT_STATE_OUTPUT_COLOR_SPACE_DATA Specifies the output color space for blit operations, when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_BLT_STATE_PRIVATE_DATA Contains data for a private blit state for Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_BLT_STATE_TARGET_RECT_DATA Specifies the target rectangle for blitting, when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_COLOR Defines a color value for DXVA-HD. |
DXVAHD_COLOR_RGBA Specifies an RGB color value. (DXVAHD_COLOR_RGBA) |
DXVAHD_COLOR_YCbCrA Specifies a YCbCr color value. (DXVAHD_COLOR_YCbCrA) |
DXVAHD_CONTENT_DESC Describes a video stream for a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor. |
DXVAHD_CUSTOM_RATE_DATA Specifies a custom rate for frame-rate conversion or inverse telecine (IVTC). (DXVAHD_CUSTOM_RATE_DATA) |
DXVAHD_FILTER_RANGE_DATA Defines the range of supported values for an image filter. (DXVAHD_FILTER_RANGE_DATA) |
DXVAHD_RATIONAL Contains a rational number (ratio). |
DXVAHD_STREAM_DATA Contains per-stream data for the IDXVAHD_VideoProcessor::VideoProcessBltHD method. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_ALPHA_DATA Specifies the planar alpha value for an input stream, when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_ASPECT_RATIO_DATA Specifies the pixel aspect ratio (PAR) for the source and destination rectangles. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_D3DFORMAT_DATA Specifies the format for an input stream, when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_DESTINATION_RECT_DATA Specifies the destination rectangle for an input stream, when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_FILTER_DATA Specifies the level for a filtering operation on a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) input stream. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_FRAME_FORMAT_DATA Specifies how a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) input stream is interlaced. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_INPUT_COLOR_SPACE_DATA Specifies the color space for a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) input stream. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_LUMA_KEY_DATA Specifies the luma key for an input stream, when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_OUTPUT_RATE_DATA Specifies the output frame rate for an input stream when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_PALETTE_DATA Contains the color palette entries for an input stream, when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_PRIVATE_DATA Contains data for a private stream state, for a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) input stream. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_PRIVATE_IVTC_DATA Contains inverse telecine (IVTC) statistics from a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_SOURCE_RECT_DATA Specifies the source rectangle for an input stream when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAHD_VPCAPS Specifies the capabilities of the Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor. |
DXVAHD_VPDEVCAPS Specifies the capabilities of a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
DXVAHDSW_CALLBACKS Contains pointers to functions implemented by a software plug-in for Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD). |
DXVAUncompDataInfo Specifies the dimensions and pixel format of the uncompressed surfaces for DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) video decoding. |
MACROBLOCK_DATA Provides data about a macroblock during video decoding. |
MF_BYTE_STREAM_CACHE_RANGE Specifies a range of bytes. |
MF_CAMERA_CONTROL_RANGE_INFO The MF_CAMERA_CONTROL_RANGE_INFO structure represents the accepted range, step value, and default value for a camera control. |
MF_FLOAT2 A vector with two components. |
MF_FLOAT3 A vector with three components. |
MF_LEAKY_BUCKET_PAIR Specifies the buffering requirements of a file. |
MF_QUATERNION A four dimensional vector, used to represent a rotation. |
MF_SINK_WRITER_STATISTICS Contains statistics about the performance of the sink writer. |
MF_TRANSCODE_SINK_INFO Contains information about the audio and video streams for the transcode sink activation object. |
MFARGB Describes an ARGB color value. |
MFASYNCRESULT Contains data that is needed to implement the IMFAsyncResult interface. |
MFAYUVSample Describes a 4:4:4:4 Y'Cb'Cr' sample. |
MFBYTESTREAM_BUFFERING_PARAMS Specifies the buffering parameters for a network byte stream. |
MFCameraExtrinsic_CalibratedTransform A transform describing the location of a camera relative to other cameras or an established external reference. |
MFCameraExtrinsics Describes the location of a camera relative to other cameras or an established external reference. |
MFCameraIntrinsic_DistortionModel Represents a polynomial lens distortion model. |
MFCameraIntrinsic_PinholeCameraModel Represents a pinhole camera model. |
MFCLOCK_PROPERTIES Defines the properties of a clock. |
MFCONTENTPROTECTIONDEVICE_INPUT_DATA Contains information about the data that you want to provide as input to a protection system function. |
MFCONTENTPROTECTIONDEVICE_OUTPUT_DATA Contains information about the data you received as output from a protection system function. |
MFCONTENTPROTECTIONDEVICE_REALTIMECLIENT_DATA Advises the secure processor of the Multimedia Class Scheduler service (MMCSS) parameters so that real-time tasks can be scheduled at the expected priority. |
MFFOLDDOWN_MATRIX Contains coefficients used to transform multichannel audio into a smaller number of audio channels. This process is called fold-down. |
MFINPUTTRUSTAUTHORITY_ACCESS_ACTION Describes an action requested by an output trust authority (OTA). The request is sent to an input trust authority (ITA). |
MFINPUTTRUSTAUTHORITY_ACCESS_PARAMS Contains parameters for the IMFInputTrustAuthority::BindAccess or IMFInputTrustAuthority::UpdateAccess method. |
MFMediaKeyStatus Represents the status of a Content Decryption Module (CDM) session key. |
MFMPEG2DLNASINKSTATS Contains encoding statistics from the Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) media sink. |
MFNetCredentialManagerGetParam Contains the authentication information for the credential manager. |
MFOffset Specifies an offset as a fixed-point real number. |
MFPaletteEntry Contains one palette entry in a color table. |
MFPinholeCameraIntrinsic_IntrinsicModel Represents a pinhole camera intrinsic model for a specified resolution. |
MFPinholeCameraIntrinsics Contains zero or 1 pinhole camera intrinsic models that describe how to project a 3D point in physical world onto the 2D image frame of a camera. |
MFRatio Represents a ratio. |
MFRR_COMPONENT_HASH_INFO Contains information about a revoked component. |
MFRR_COMPONENTS Contains information about one or more revoked components. |
MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO Contains information about an input stream on a Media Foundation transform (MFT). To get these values, call IMFTransform::GetInputStreamInfo. |
MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER Contains information about an output buffer for a Media Foundation transform. This structure is used in the IMFTransform::ProcessOutput method. |
MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO Contains information about an output stream on a Media Foundation transform (MFT). To get these values, call IMFTransform::GetOutputStreamInfo. |
MFT_REGISTER_TYPE_INFO Contains media type information for registering a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
MFT_REGISTRATION_INFO Contains parameters for the IMFLocalMFTRegistration::RegisterMFTs method. |
MFTOPONODE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE Specifies a new attribute value for a topology node. |
MFVideoArea Specifies a rectangular area within a video frame. |
MFVideoCompressedInfo Contains information about a video compression format. This structure is used in the MFVIDEOFORMAT structure. |
MFVIDEOFORMAT Describes a video format. |
MFVideoInfo Contains video format information that applies to both compressed and uncompressed formats.This structure is used in the MFVIDEOFORMAT structure. |
MFVideoNormalizedRect The MFVideoNormalizedRect (mfcaptureengine.h) structure defines a normalized rectangle, which is used to specify sub-rectangles in a video rectangle. |
MFVideoNormalizedRect The MFVideoNormalizedRect (mfmediaengine.h) structure defines a normalized rectangle, which is used to specify sub-rectangles in a video rectangle. |
MFVideoSurfaceInfo Contains information about an uncompressed video format. This structure is used in the MFVIDEOFORMAT structure. |
MT_ARBITRARY_HEADER Contains format data for a binary stream in an Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) file. |
MT_CUSTOM_VIDEO_PRIMARIES Defines custom color primaries for a video source. The color primaries define how to convert colors from RGB color space to CIE XYZ color space. |
OPM_ACTUAL_OUTPUT_FORMAT Contains the result of an OPM_GET_ACTUAL_OUTPUT_FORMAT query in Output Protection Manager (OPM). |
OPM_CONFIGURE_PARAMETERS Contains an Output Protection Manager (OPM) or Certified Output Protection Manager (COPP) command. |
OPM_COPP_COMPATIBLE_GET_INFO_PARAMETERS Contains parameters for the IOPMVideoOutput::COPPCompatibleGetInformation method. |
OPM_ENCRYPTED_INITIALIZATION_PARAMETERS Contains encrypted initialization parameters for an Output Protection Manager (OPM) session. (OPM_ENCRYPTED_INITIALIZATION_PARAMETERS). |
OPM_ENCRYPTED_INITIALIZATION_PARAMETERS The OPM_ENCRYPTED_INITIALIZATION_PARAMETERS (ksopmapi.h) structure contains initialization parameters for an Output Protection Manager (OPM) session. |
OPM_GET_CODEC_INFO_INFORMATION The OPM_GET_CODEC_INFO_INFORMATION (ksopmapi.h) structure contains the result from an OPM_GET_CODEC_INFO query. |
OPM_GET_CODEC_INFO_PARAMETERS The OPM_GET_CODEC_INFO_PARAMETERS (ksopmapi.h) structrue contains information for the OPM_GET_CODEC_INFO command. |
OPM_GET_INFO_PARAMETERS OPM_GET_INFO_PARAMETERS (opmapi.h) contains parameters for the IOPMVideoOutput::GetInformation method. |
OPM_GET_INFO_PARAMETERS The OPM_GET_INFO_PARAMETERS (ksopmapi.h) structure contains parameters for the IOPMVideoOutput::GetInformation method. |
OPM_HDCP_KEY_SELECTION_VECTOR Contains the key selection vector (KSV) for a High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) receiver. |
OPM_OMAC OPM_OMAC (opmapi.h) contains a Message Authentication Code (MAC) for an Output Protection Manager (OPM) message. |
OPM_OMAC The OPM_OMAC (ksopmapi.h) structure contains a Message Authentication Code (MAC) for an Output Protection Manager (OPM) message. |
OPM_OUTPUT_ID_DATA Contains the result from an OPM_GET_OUTPUT_ID status request. |
OPM_RANDOM_NUMBER OPM_RANDOM_NUMBER (opmapi.h) contains a 128-bit random number for use with Output Protection Manager (OPM). |
OPM_RANDOM_NUMBER The OPM_RANDOM_NUMBER (ksopmapi.h) structure contains a 128-bit random number for use with Output Protection Manager (OPM). |
OPM_REQUESTED_INFORMATION OPM_REQUESTED_INFORMATION (opmapi.h) contains the result of an Output Protection Manager (OPM) status request. |
OPM_REQUESTED_INFORMATION The OPM_REQUESTED_INFORMATION (ksopmapi.h) structure contains the result of an Output Protection Manager (OPM) status request. |
OPM_SET_ACP_AND_CGMSA_SIGNALING_PARAMETERS Contains information for the OPM_SET_ACP_AND_CGMSA_SIGNALING command in Output Protection Manager (OPM). |
OPM_SET_HDCP_SRM_PARAMETERS Contains parameters for the OPM_SET_HDCP_SRM command. |
OPM_SET_PROTECTION_LEVEL_PARAMETERS Contains data for the OPM_SET_PROTECTION_LEVEL command in Output Protection Manager (OPM). |
OPM_STANDARD_INFORMATION OPM_STANDARD_INFORMATION (opmapi.h) contains the result from an Output Protection Manager (OPM) status request. |
OPM_STANDARD_INFORMATION The OPM_STANDARD_INFORMATION (ksopmapi.h) structure contains the result from an Output Protection Manager (OPM) status request. |
ROI_AREA Defines a regions of interest. |
SENSORPROFILEID Describes a sensor profile ID. |
STREAM_MEDIUM Not for application use. |
TOC_DESCRIPTOR The TOC_DESCRIPTOR structure holds descriptive information for a table of contents. |
TOC_ENTRY_DESCRIPTOR The TOC_ENTRY_DESCRIPTOR structure holds descriptive information for an entry in a table of contents. |