Basic auth to /hpc/ API
I'm having trouble with the HPC REST API with HPC Pack 2019 update 1 when I use a particular AD account using the REST API.
The REST API works fine with my account, just not this dedicated AD account.
This account works when I clear my cached credentials in cluster manager and launch a job from there.
I have tried it with a separate grid running on HPC Pack 2019 (pre-update) and the REST API works fine with this account.
For example,
curl -k -v https://(head node running 2019).(my url).com/hpc/cluster/nodes -u "(redacted username):(redacted password)"
responds with the node info XML
curl -k -v https://(head node running 2019u1).(my url).com/hpc/cluster/nodes -u "(redacted username):(redacted password)"
responds with 401 unauthorized.
Normally accounts are given permission via an AD group, but I've tried manually adding it in Cluster Manager.
Is there some way to check what's going on here? How would I debug this?