I'm running Teams version on Ubuntu 22.04.
When I open Teams for the first time after restarting my computer, my chat screens are all blank. If I close the Teams process and open it a second time, my chats will reappear.
Teams does work. But this is a cumbersome workaround, so I did some research and found this:
This person had a similar problem and was advised to clear the cache found under ~/.config/Microsoft/Microsoft\ Teams. I don't see that folder path in my installation, but I found a cache folder under ~/.config/Microsoft/Microsoft Teams/Cache/ and cleared its contents.
I then rebooted my computer and started Teams. All my chats appeared the first time. Problem solved - I thought.
But I started my computer this morning, and Teams again failed to display my chats. I checked the cache folder, and it was populated again. So I have some questions:
- Why is Teams caching so much?
- Why doesn't it clean up its cache?
- How does it manage to break itself with this cache?
- Is there a configuration option that could prevent this issue?
I found this config file:
~/.config/Microsoft/Microsoft Teams/settings.json
There are a lot of keys in here that reference caching. Might changing one of these do the trick?
Now, I could simply create a crontab entry that clears the Teams cache folder on every boot. It's a workaround, and I'll probably use it, but it's not ideal.
I thought you should know that this problem still occurs for some users. If you have any insight, I'd love to hear it.