Mobile Phone Single Sign on Solution for Microsoft Teams on Shared Devices

Stony Brook KG 80 Reputation points

In Healthcare, we have mobile phones that nurses use for various apps. The nurses are sharing the mobile device where one uses on the morning shift, the afternoon shift the phone charges, and the evening shift a different nurse uses the device. Does anyone know of a solution that would Sign the Nurses In and/or Out of Microsoft Teams? We need a Single Sign on Solution that would allow the device to be shared but automate the sign-in the Microsoft Teams but more importantly, sign them out of their Teams account when they are done. In our situation we are referring to a customized Android Device from a third-party vendor that actually does sign the nurses into their applications. However, there is no protocol to include Teams in that process.
There may not be any hope for these types of customized devices, but, if anyone knows of an application that can allow users to share a phone with their own credential for Microsoft Products that would be great. But it must work for Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft Teams Phone
Microsoft Teams Phone
Teams Phone enables call-control and Private Branch Exchange (PBX) capabilities in the Microsoft 365 cloud with Microsoft Teams.
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