Hello, please note that while Azure DevTest Labs is cheaper, it's NOT meant to run production workloads. It's meant exclusively for development and testing only. You'll be violating the usage terms if you run your production workloads on it. See the below screenshot from the documentation - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devtest-labs/devtest-lab-guidance-governance-resources#optimize-for-cost
You'll also see a reference to the common usage scenarios of the DevTest Labs mentioned here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devtest-labs/devtest-lab-overview#common-devtest-labs-scenarios
The reason I'm calling these out pretty explicitly is because you have used the term "standard production environment" in the question that you've posted above. So, if you want to move your existing environment to Azure DevTest Labs VM for development or testing purposes, you can easily leverage Azure Migrate for the same. See the documentation here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-adoption-framework/migrate/azure-best-practices/contoso-migration-devtest-to-labs
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