HDInsight on AKS deployment fails when using Azure Policy Add-On
We are in the process of running a PoC to deploy Spark on Azure. For this we are trying out HDInsight on AKS (Spark).
When creating the HDInsight on AKS cluster node pool, we are encountering an issue when Azure Policy is enabled on the underlying AKS Cluster (enforced by CCoE team through a DeployIfNotExists policy).
Deployment: deployment.apps/upgrade-operator
Pod: pod/upgrade-operator-XXX
Container: upgrade-operator-webhook
Caused by: io.kubernetes.client.openapi.ApiException: class V1Status {
apiVersion: v1
code: 400
details: null
kind: Status
message: the API version in the data (networking.k8s.io/v1) does not match the expected API version (crd.projectcalico.org/v1)
metadata: class V1ListMeta {
_continue: null
remainingItemCount: null
resourceVersion: null
selfLink: null
reason: BadRequest
status: Failure
We suspect there is a conflict between the calico CRD's deployed when enabling Azure Policy Add-On for AKS and the resources deployed by the HDInsights cluster node pool.