Hello @Onur Ergin ,
welcome to this moderated Azure community forum.
If you want a conclusive response from Microsoft, you need to get in touch with them eg. using a support ticket.
The public resources (last Ignite event) say that the Azure IoT is feature complete and the main Azure IoT efforts are put on new projects (likely Azure IoT Operations, the MQTT broker support for Azure EventGrid etc.).
Meanwhile many customers are relying on Azure IoT for many devices and there are no signs that Microsoft will pull the plug.
How risky is it to use IoT Hub?
For me, Azure IoT (both the IoT Hub and Azure IoT Edge) are still viable solutions and I would start working with it if it supports your use cases.
The EventGrid MQTT broker is a great solution offering new IoT features like device-to-device communication and vanilla MQTT support (something the IoT Hub could not offer).
Device Provisioning Service for Event Grid with MQTT?
Still, that EventGrid is still maturing (full support for MQTT like the recently added last will and testament) and there is no DPS-like solution yet.
Will IoT Edge work with Event Grid?
Not at this point in time.
To limit the risk if the availability of the IoT Hub changes, I recommend splitting control and data:
- control plane. Keep controlling your device via Azure IoT Hub.
- data plane. Investigate if its possible for you to start sending data towards the new MQTT broker
If this is a simple investment into the future for you, this would be a good start.
Next to that, start investing some time into Azure IoT Operations and build up knowledge about the new Edge promise it offers.
If the response helped, do "Accept Answer". If it doesn't work, please let us know the progress. All community members with similar issues will benefit by doing so. Your contribution is highly appreciated.