Thank you @romungi-MSFT :) The default answer I already set. In cases where a user asks a question which is not part of the question answer pair, the bot gives some question recommendations and but for a german bot these texts were in English. I changed this in the code directly and this seems to work now!
How do change the default messages for Azure Bot?
I have created an Azure Bot in German via the Language Studio and the Bot is deployed and the users can access the Bot from a website link. The Bot works well but unfortunately, if the user asks a question differently than the trained question - answer pair, it's good that the Bot asks the user to choose from suggested questions but the 'Do you mean' text and 'None of the above' option and if the user clicks on 'None of the above' option the response is 'Thanks for your feedaback'. The problem is that all the above mentioned text appears in English even if the Bot language is set to German. Is there a way to change these default texts from Azure Bot to the language that the Bot is created in ? In this case, German!