Hi - Im am trying to use the identityGovernance/privilegedAccess/group/eligibilitySchedules
API as described here:
I am using az rest
like this:
az rest --method "get" `
--url "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/identityGovernance/privilegedAccess/group/eligibilitySchedules?filter=groupid%20eq%20%27$($groupId)%27"
where $groupId
is a guid of a AD group.
This call works fine, but when try with version 1.0 instead of the beta version, like this:
az rest --method "get" `
--url "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/identityGovernance/privilegedAccess/group/eligibilitySchedules?$filter=groupid%20eq%20%27$($groupId)%27"
i get the error message:
ERROR: Bad Request({"error":{"code":"MissingParameters","message":"The required parameters GroupId or PrincipalId is missing.","innerError":{"date":"2024-05-17T12:47:20","request-id":"34a80002-91f0-4429-9abd-6091828259ba","client-request-id":"34a80002-91f0-4429-9abd-6091828259ba"}}})
which is odd because i follow the documentation and the groupId is indeed provided.
Am I doing something wrong? - or is there an error with the API?