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I am afraid your statement is misleading when you say "blob storage account reside on the same VNet".
- A storage account cannot reside on a VNET
- Are you talking about Private EndPoint (PE) of the Storage Account residing in the same VNET as the VM?
I shall take it that you are using PE and frame my answer. If my assumption is incorrect, please do let me know.
- If you want remote users to connect to your VM and PE in a VNET, you should consider using a P2S VPN only.
- If you want your OnPrem network to connect to the VNET (VM and PE in the VNET), you should consider using a S2S VPN.
- This means, your OnPrem should be capable of connecting to the Azure VPN gateway using a VPN Device of it's own
- You can get a list of Validated VPN devices and device configuration guides here
- A single VPN Gateway resource in VNET is capable of creating both a P2S Connection and S2S Connection
- See : VPN Gateway SKUs
Since you have a mix of OnPrem network and remote users, you can deploy both.
With S2S and P2S, you should also take care of the DNS part,
For P2S,
- It is mandatory that you use a custom DNS Server located in the Azure VNET or Private DNS Resolver
- In the P2S VPN Client configuration file, you should
- Add DNS suffixes as ".blob.core.windows.net"
- Add custom DNS servers as the IP of the custom DNS server in Azure
- This will make sure all DNS traffic for "blob.core.windows.net" goes to Azure and you will get the correct IP Address resolved (of PE)
For S2S,
- You can have your own DNS server at hardcode the value of the PE IP in the zone "blob.core.windows.net"
- This means no need for a custom DNS Server in the Azure VNET
- Or you can create a Forward lookup zone for "blob.core.windows.net" and send the DNS query to the custom DNS Server in the Azure VNET
This diagram might come in handy,
- Steps 1-6 is DNS resolution
- Step 7 is connecting to PE