failed to load dll

mc 3,906 Reputation points

but when I register it .and

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Internet Information Services
A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.
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  1. Lex Li (Microsoft) 4,987 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    0x80070005 is expected as you are forcing IIS (a Windows service app) to load the files from your personal folder (C:\Users\angellaYu\source\repos, which usually has access restrictions). What I recommend is that,

    1. To just test/debug your IIS module, learn and use IIS Express which runs under your own account. The challenging part to you is how to better incorporate IIS Express executable and config file to your workflow, but this is doable.
    2. Once you get everything work as expected, create a proper installer for IIS, and install the module to a more suitable location (eithe Program Files or system32).

    It's relatively difficult to find simple examples here, as most of IIS extensions/modules are not open sourced, but ASP.NET Core module and HttpPlatformHandler v2 are both available on GitHub, and

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