From one convo I saw you need to make sure drivers are not getting upgraded.
I have that in place in our GPO. However, you can add lines in MDT to prevent this:
- Run Command Line - Load Registry HKLM
reg.exe load HKLM\MountedHive %OSDisk%\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE
- Run Command Line - Disable Driver Download
regedit /s %ScriptRoot%\disabledriverdownload.reg
disabledriverdownload.reg contents:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
- Run Command Line - Unload Registry HKLM
reg.exe unload HKLM\MountedHive
Additionally, you should ensure you have the correct NIC driver installed and WinPE drivers because Windows is set to search for newer drivers and will replace the correct one with one it thinks is correct.