Hello KindCompute-6524,
Greetings! Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Platform.
As stated above the egress is charged mainly on the account level and not on the container level but it is possible to track data egress for each user with access to a blob container in Azure, which can help you charge clients based on their download volume.
Please enable Storage Analytics Logging - This will log all read (egress) operations on your blob storage. You can configure it to log data such as the requester’s IP address, which can help identify the user.
Analyze Logs with Azure Monitor: Use Azure Monitor to query and analyze the logs. You can write queries to summarize the amount of data egressed by each user. For example, you can use Kusto Query Language (KQL) to filter and aggregate the logs based on the user or IP address.
Use Access Policies and SAS Tokens: By associating different Shared Access Signatures (SAS) tokens with different access policies, you can track which token (and thus which user) is responsible for each egress operation.
If you partition your customer's data by container, then can monitor how much capacity is used by each customer. You can use Azure Storage blob inventory to take an inventory of blobs with size information. Then, you can aggregate the size and count at the container level. For an example, see Calculate blob count and total size per container using Azure Storage inventory.
You can also evaluate traffic at the container level by querying logs. To learn more about writing Log Analytic queries, see Log Analytics. To learn more about the storage logs schema, see Azure Blob Storage monitoring data reference.
Hope this information helps! please let us know if you have any further queries. I’m happy to assist you further.
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