Hello @Romanowski, Tomasz , Thanks for using Microsoft Q&A Platform.
Unfortunately, we don't have any ETA regarding availability of the model in the US South region.
As suggested by @Dillon Silzer , please create a resource in the supported regions like EastUS, East US2, France central, and Sweden Central.
The current availability is as below, always check on the model availability page for the latest news :https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/concepts/models#assistants-preview
Please note that,
For Assistants you need a combination of a supported model, and a supported region. Certain tools and capabilities require the latest models. The following table is for pay-as-you-go. For information on Provisioned Throughput Unit (PTU) availability, see provisioned throughput.
I hope this helps.
-Please kindly accept the answer and vote 'yes' if you feel helpful to support the community, thanks.