I am not aware of the reasons that caused this issue, or even the details of the issue but the one quick and effective workaround I implemented was to create and use an additional IR. I used a different region just in case the problem was with regional resources.
So although my ADF is deployed in UK West, I created a new IR in West Europe, and this is the one that works.
Hope this helps.
ADF Error code 133
Kostas Papadopoulos
Reputation points
In ADF, I am trying to debug a pipeline but all the debug runs are throwing the following error:
Error code: 133
Failure type: System error
Details: InternalServerError:An error occurred while executing the activity: '7eb73f5a-3fe2-440a-8084-f8c2a528d8d4'. Please try again later.
My IR is running on UK West.
I tried it with many of my pipelines and still getting the same error.
This is happening since yesterday afternoon.
Accepted answer
Kostas Papadopoulos 101 Reputation points