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Happy to answer your query.
Dataflow runs behind on spark clusters which are managed by ADF. Clusters are created on demand from scratch and will be destroyed after job is done. Each Dataflow activity runs on separate cluster, so if 2 jobs run on the IR it will be charged for 2 clusters as we spin 2 clusters. Each job is isolated. That's the reason that 5-6 minutes for acquiring compute. Once compute is acquired, the job runs and kill the cluster after the job run is completed.
There is exception though that user can set TimeToLive in Azure IR, and this will keep cluster alive for next job (if the job falls in this time period). Like if you set the TTL for 10 minutes, it will wait if there is any other job for same IR arrives and continue the cycle. If no job arrives in 10 minutes it kills the cluster.
To reuse already created cluster in subsequent jobs look at following blog from Mark Kromer.
Additional info:
Related MSDN thread: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/91d388d9-730f-4d53-93b2-2a8697513511/azure-dataflow-execution-behaviour?forum=AzureDataFactory
Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any further query.