I have created a workflow that has to copy in a SP list the information contained in the title of each Excel file that is uploaded in that list.
This list is replacing a tool which will no longer be used so the files used in the past years had to be uploaded also: 6257 Excel files.
The issue is that for the last 1370 files uploaded on the list the workflows weren’t triggered and now if I upload a new file the same result no flow is triggered.
Bellow you may find the error, but I don’t think that is the correct reason “"The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold" because I have the “new experience” and there’s a limit of 20000 items if I’m not mistaken.
I think that there are others limitations involved. How do I repair this bug?
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"message": "The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold.\r\nclientRequestId: 88db0cbc-0d3d-4061-88c8-34c03d64f266\r\nserviceRequestId: 52eecb9f-40ce-2000-f97a-2bb18ed778b9",
"source": "https://nokia.sharepoint.com/sites/iondeploymentdelivery/eur...'",
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see less