Replace some characters within an Excel file via ADF v2

Nandan Hegde 31,436 Reputation points MVP

we have a below architecture wherein:

Excel file in blob >>> ADF v2 to convert it into CSV file >>> Azure synapse(polybase)

Now the challenge is ADF v2 supports only single delimiter and in case if that delimiter is already present in any data, we need to use quote char which becomes difficult to read via synapse.

So our plan was to replace that delimiter character within the Excel file and then convert into csv.

So is there any way via which we can have the character replaced within the Excel file?

Note: we already have a copy data activity generic pipeline to convert Excel to CSV.

So we want to add a logic before it to replace the characters

Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
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