Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019
In this article, learn how to open a wiki and create a Git repo for your wiki. Every team project has a wiki. Use the wiki to share information with your team to understand and contribute to your project.
Each team project wiki is powered by a Git repository in the back-end. When you create a team project, a wiki Git repo isn't created by default. Create a Git repository to store your wiki Markdown files, or publish existing Markdown files from a Git repository to a wiki.
Project access
Member of the project where the wiki is located. If you don't have access, request it from your project administrator. Anyone with access to the team project, including Stakeholders, can view the wiki.
- To add or edit wiki pages: Member of the Contributors group. - To publish code as wiki: Create Repository permission. By default, this permission is set for members of the Project Administrators group.
Access levels
At least Basic access.
Open the Wiki
You can open and view a wiki page for your project.
Create a new Git repository that stores all your wiki pages and related artifacts. From the wiki landing page, select Create Project wiki. Even if you use TFVC for source control, you can create a wiki with a Git repository.
If you don't have access to create a wiki Git repository or if you don't have access to any of the existing wikis, the following message appears.
Your administrator can create the wiki Git repository or you can request that they elevate your permissions. Stakeholders can't create a wiki, as they have no permissions to work in Repos or Code.
The wiki Git repo is referred as For example, if your team project is foobar then the wiki repo is labeled
If you want to create more wikis, then you must publish code as a wiki. You can set up multiple wiki repos within a single project.
How can I go to the Git repository?
The doesn't appear in the drop-down menu of repositories from Repos or Code. It also isn't in the list provided from the Project Settings > Repositories or Project Settings > Version Control pages.
However, you can get to it from the following URL:
To create more than one wiki, you must publish code as a wiki. You can set up multiple wiki repos within a single project.
Azure CLI
az devops wiki create [--mapped-path][--name][--org][--project][--repository]
[--type {codewiki, projectwiki}][--version]
mapped-path: (Required for the codewiki type). Mapped path of the new wiki. For example, you can specify / to publish from the root of the repository.
name: (Required for the codewiki type). Name of the new wiki. If you don't specify a name for type projectwiki, then the new wiki gets named
org: Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization using az devops configure -d organization=ORG_URL. Required if not configured as default or picked up using git config. Example: --org
project: Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=NAME_OR_ID. Required if not configured as default or picked up using git config.
repository: (Required for the codewiki type). Name or ID of the repository to publish the wiki from.
type: Type of wiki to create. The accepted values are projectwiki (default) and codewiki.
version: (Required for the codewiki type). Repository branch name to publish the code wiki from.
The following command creates a wiki named "Fabrikam Fiber" and shows the output in table format.
Azure CLI
az devops wiki create --name"Fabrikam Fiber"--output table
ID Name Type
------------------------------------------------------------------7edcc35b-89be-465e-855e-377ba8660af7 Fabrikam projectWiki
Azure DevOps CLI commands aren't supported for Azure DevOps Server.