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The C++ Build Insights SDK is compatible with Visual Studio 2017 and later. To see the documentation for these versions, set the Visual Studio Version selector control for this article to Visual Studio 2017 or later. It's found at the top of the table of contents on this page.

The RESULT_CODE enum describes success and failure conditions.


Name Value Description
RESULT_CODE_SUCCESS 0 (0x00000000) The operation was successful.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_ANALYSIS_ERROR 1 (0x00000001) One of your callback functions in ANALYSIS_DESCRIPTOR or RELOG_DESCRIPTOR returned the CALLBACK_CODE_ANALYSIS_FAILURE value. This value is a member of the CALLBACK_CODE enum.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_CANCELLED 2 (0x00000002) One of your callback functions in ANALYSIS_DESCRIPTOR or RELOG_DESCRIPTOR returned the CALLBACK_CODE_ANALYSIS_CANCEL value. This value is a member of the CALLBACK_CODE enum.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_INVALID_INPUT_LOG_FILE 3 (0x00000003) The input Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) trace specified is invalid.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_INVALID_OUTPUT_LOG_FILE 4 (0x00000004) The output ETW trace specified is invalid.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_MISSING_ANALYSIS_CALLBACK 5 (0x00000005) The ANALYSIS_CALLBACKS structure was not initialized correctly.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_MISSING_RELOG_CALLBACK 6 (0x00000006) The RELOG_CALLBACKS structure was not initialized correctly.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_OPEN_INPUT_TRACE 7 (0x00000007) Failed to open the input ETW trace.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_PROCESS_TRACE 8 (0x00000008) An error occurred while processing the input ETW trace.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_START_RELOGGER 9 (0x00000009) An error occurred when trying to start the relogging session.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_DROPPED_EVENTS 10 (0x0000000A) The input ETW trace is missing important events.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_UNSUPPORTED_OS 11 (0x0000000B) You are using C++ Build Insights on an unsupported version of Windows.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_INVALID_TRACING_SESSION_NAME 12 (0x0000000C) The provided session name is invalid.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES 13 (0x0000000D) This operation requires administrator privileges.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_GENERATE_GUID 14 (0x0000000E) An error occurred while generating a GUID.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_OBTAINING_TEMP_DIRECTORY 15 (0x0000000F) An error occurred while trying to determine the temporary directory path.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_CREATE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY 16 (0x00000010) An error occurred while trying to create a temporary directory for the tracing session being started.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_START_SYSTEM_TRACE 17 (0x00000011) An error occurred when trying to start the system trace.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_START_MSVC_TRACE 18 (0x00000012) An error occurred when trying to start the MSVC trace.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_STOP_MSVC_TRACE 19 (0x00000013) An error occurred when trying to stop the MSVC trace.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_STOP_SYSTEM_TRACE 20 (0x00000014) An error occurred when trying to start the system trace.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_SESSION_DIRECTORY_RESOLUTION 21 (0x00000015) A trace was stopped but the tracing session's temporary directory cannot be found.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_MSVC_TRACE_FILE_NOT_FOUND 22 (0x00000016) The trace file for the MSVC trace being stopped cannot be found.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_MERGE_TRACES 23 (0x00000017) An error occurred when merging traces using Kernel Trace Control.
RESULT_CODE_FAILURE_UNKNOWN_ERROR 24 (0x00000018) An unknown error occurred.